chapter 11: day 3, night

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Here we go; every remaining tribute! Enjoy!

(dang I just updated 4 parts in one week, that's the most almost EVER for me)



They had gone for hunting, but they ended up with nothing. Actually, they had ended up with less than before.

Amethyst and Zane sat under the long, flat piece of bark hanging from a tree. It wasn't perfect, but it had to work till they found proper shelter. The shelter was big enough to support three people.

"It feels so empty here without him," Zane said, still upset. Amethyst looked at him.

"I know," was all she said.

Zane looked her in the eyes. "How is it that somebody like Cole can be okay with this? How is anyone okay with this?!" His voice was close to breaking. Amethyst was about to answer, but she was interrupted by the sound of the Panem anthem. 

The names appeared on the sky. First, was Diandra from District One. Then, was both Cole and Jess from District Two. Next was Kelvin from District Five, Zeon and Demi from District Seven, Rosaline from District Eleven, and Chancey from District 12.

"Seven left," Amethyst whispered. Zane looked at her cautiously. "One career."

"In the morning," Zane whispered as well. "we need to find somebody. Or something. We're going fishing."

"Someone will spot us," Amethyst responded in a hushed voice. "should we really take that chance?"

"Amethyst, we won't last another day without something to eat. I don't care if it's a big risk we need to do something. And if we happen to find someone along the way we'll deal."

"I just don't think we will be able to get away again if it happens."

"Are you kidding me? You got away from Cole twice."

"He would've killed me one of the times."

"Still, you'll be okay. Plus, we're allies, right? Protect each other till the day we die. We'll be there for each other."

Reluctantly, Amethyst nodded. "Let's just sleep for now."

"I could not agree more." Zane laid down on his jacket he was using as a pillow, and looked straight up at the sky. It was the way he went to sleep, like he did on the first day with Kelvin. Sometimes he looked up and thought about home, and thought about how badly he wanted to win. But at the same time, bad thoughts rushed in about what would have to happen to Amethyst for that to happen, and how he remembered being tortured into watching his own friend's death without being able to even try to help. It was awful, those thoughts, so he tried to think about good things. But his heart had a permanent scar that had been made and had been growing ever since his named was chosen from that awful bowl.

Amethyst turned on her side, facing the tree. She was comfortable that way, especially since she needed as much privacy as she could possibly get. Whenever she turned her head, her ponytail flew in the way of her face, but she left it. It didn't really seem to bother her she was so tired. With every breath, some tragedy came back to her mind. She wasn't one that got sad easily, but she was then. It was scary, knowing that you're living only because somebody else died for you. She didn't want her friend to have given their life for her, and she missed him very much, but the worst part was her guilt. Her guilt that she was happy that she was living at that moment. She wished she didn't feel that way, but she did.

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