chapter 8: day 3, morning

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His legs were snug into the sand near the shore. Joel placed his hand on the markings he had made into the fine, smooth stone. He had found a large rock in the bottom of the ocean where he and his ally were camped, and sanded it enough so that he could write a few words on it. "Remembering Chancey Sprout."

It had attacked them in their sleep.

Even if Chancey had could cry out, even that wouldn't have woken Joel. He was a tight sleeper, and he had to actually be touched to be woken up, especially since he had been sleep deprived since the games started. And she had been very frightened that night, too frightened to move even the slightest bit. It's what she did when she was scared, and Joel knew that. Even then, he wished he could have saved her.

Joel wanted to go back to District Twelve and live with Angel, but then what? Having to be constantly reminded of his lost friend that died before he could even say goodbye? Loosing the token that Angel had given her going into the Hunger Games? What was it even worth?

It was haunting to him, and he didn't even see her body. He saw the blood on the grass, and he knew. Chancey would never leave him. Never abandon him. Even if she had, in a way.

And he felt like destroying something. He looked around the trees, and found one that interested him, then dug his hand in the hole to pull out a tiny speck of a camera. 

"You monsters," He whispered, pulling the last word. "If you think this doesn't affect any of us, then you are wrong." His voice trembled, his eyes bringing tears. His hands were shaking, and most definitely the camera video of him was as well. "She was my one light of home. And you put out that light. And now, it's only darkness." He wasn't just talking to himself. He continued, and stretched the next word that it sounded like a whisper. 


He placed his face into the camera, making sure they had a clear view of his tragic face, and then let more tears fall down his face before he took the little camera and smashed it between his hands, making sure there was no full piece of glass left. It stung, the wires and plastic-like glass cutting his hands, but he didn't care. The more it stung, the more he felt like it was affective. He knew there were more little, hidden cameras scattered at every turn around the arena, but there was no way he could destroy every one of them. One was enough. More was just savage.


"Are you okay?" Amethyst asked, cautiously. "That scorpion stung you pretty bad."

"Don't worry about me," Kelvin answered. "I'll be fine." He was sitting in a flowerbed, petals falling onto his legs. His right eye was so purple you could barely tell if it was open or closed, and his arm had almost gone numb. 

"Dude, that scorpion almost killed you," said Zane. Amethyst stood to the side, pouring liquid into a small leaf she had cleaned with water. They had been able to get back to their original spot where all their supplies was, because they knew that even if someone did know where they were, they couldn't leave that place. It was a sanctuary place for them, and plus, Kelvin couldn't go far. He needed rest.

"I'm seriously fine. We can't just stay here for a long time."

"Why not?" asked Zane. "We have everything we need right here; Amethyst has medicine, we have the arrows and poisonous flower, and even water. We're good!"

"Kelvin's right," said Amethyst. "we can't just stay camped here doing nothing, waiting for everyone else to come and find us. Plus, you forgot about one thing; food."

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