chapter 3: day 2, morning

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The canon boomed.

Diandra shot up from her sleep, along with all of the other careers that happened to be woken up. She rubbed her eyes. "W-what happened?" She stuttered.

Cole stood up quickly, walking over to Jess who had been pointing down. Skya joined them, followed by Diandra, who were all looking down at the petrified body of their fellow career Jacob.

"You heard her, what happened?!" Cole shouted at Jess. 

"Don't ask me! I just woke up when he was taking his shift, and he was just dead!" Jess replied.

"Wait, you left him in charge?! We weren't doing that till tomorrow!" 

"I was about to pass out, Cole!"

"Well then who said you didn't kill him?"

"Why would she kill a fellow career?" Skya jumped in. "We're in a pact."

"Exactly!" Jess said.

While the hovercraft came in to pick up the boy from 1's body, the careers continued fighting, though it was mostly Cole and Jess that did the arguing. Jess pointed out that there was a knife wound in him, and claimed that she didn't have any knifes, and that she wasted them all in the cornucopia, but Cole went out to the outside and proved her wrong.

Skya jumped in on one part and told them that they should just go and hunt the other tributes, even if she didn't agree she wanted to stop the fighting, but then Jess pointed out that their guard was dead. While the three argued even more, Diandra sat down on her bed. She hated the games, and wanted nothing more than to go home with her mother and dog and eat her dinner.

"Okay then, Skya and Diandra can watch the supplies. Cole and I can split up to look for other tributes," Jess said.

"A twelve year old, watching supplies?" Cole asked sarcastically.

"And a fifteen year old," Skya popped in.

"Did you forget? We're careers!" Jess didn't want to acknowledge the fallen boy to her right.

Behind the cornucopia, nobody noticed the boy from eight most know as Alexsandr running away faster than he ever did, holding a bloody, stolen knife in his hand.


She woke up to the sound of a canon. She brushed the hair from out of her face, sitting up in her tree. Rosaline started to wonder who it was who had been killed, then wondered if it was one of the little kids, like Venus, or one of the older ones, like Alexsandr. Sure, she was scared, but also knew a few strategies of her own. Like for starters, to never have allies, for they turn way to easily (as she would know after studying the games for her whole life), and second to let each other fight each other until they end up killing each other of vain. 

Rosaline started to debate whether she should stay put or go towards the sea, it was a tropical island arena, after all. She decided on trying to get food. She moved the leaves she had used to warm herself and started climbing down the tree. She thought as she moved every foot; how was she to make a weapon to catch food, if she didn't even know how to start a fire?

She started to worry. Turns out, she didn't know anything that she could do to survive. Rosaline looked around for some sort of twine or rope, but had no luck.

Fishing, she thought. Food.

She took a large leaf off of the ground, and made up her mind. She was going to improvise, once she was at the sea. 

She started taking off toward the sea, occasionally tripping over leaves and twigs, hoping that she didn't direct attention to her. She wasn't fast, she never was. She tired easily, so often had to stop and take a breath before continuing.

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