chapter 16: day 4, night (part three)

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NOTE: If you have not read Chapter 15 yet, I really really REALLY suggest doing that. If you do not, you will be highly spoiled for what is yet to come, and you won't understand what is happening now. So anyways, make sure you have read it.

So I hope you enjoy the last chapter of "Just A Game" (and I hope it isn't too short). Thank you for reading :)

He was on the ground, his eyes closed and hands bleeding. He felt ash fly on top of him, but that's not what woke him up. It was the quiet canon that his brain had hardly processed, but managed to.

Zane opened his eyes, and found he was staring straight at the edge of the forest. He stood up, and looked to the other side. It was a mess, piles on piles of rubble, and smoke rising from all of it. He obviously hadn't been asleep for that long, because it still looked fresh. 

And he could see how powerful it had been.

"It worked, Amethyst!" That was his first impression, excitement, for their trap had actually worked, even if Skya had set it off, instead of them. His frizzy hair was standing up on it's own, full of dirt and ash, but he didn't mind, even if his face was coated as well. He spun around, looking for the girl from his district, but he didn't find her. "Amethyst?" He asked curiously, his smile turning to a straight, confused look. He didn't know where she was. She was right beside him when the bomb went off.

Another canon boomed. 

"AMETHYST!" He repeated, screaming it at the top of his lungs, spit flying from his mouth. It was a real scream, something he hadn't done since he say Kelvin get stabbed right in front of him. And it had shocked him when he heard the sound of the canon, enough to make him send a cry through his throat that was as genuine as he could make it.

There were three left when they fired the bomb. Two canons went off.

The voice came like it was poured directly into his ears. "Ladies and Gentlemen, let me present the victor of the 54th Hunger Games; Zane Lucai!"

He couldn't believe what just happened. As the celebration canons and music started playing, even when the helicopter came to pick him up, he fell to his knees. She had been killed with their own attack, and it was his fault she was dead. He suggested the bomb.

His hands started shaking, and he was starting to get weak on his feet. Sure, he didn't know her for long, but they were friends. They really were. And now, she was dead. He had lost both of his friends, and he got to live. It was unfair in his mind, and he just wanted it all to go away. 

His eyes shed a few tears, and he couldn't shake them off. He started to sob, wiping his face with his hands and whimpering into them, not caring about the blood that transferred to his face. He was crying in front of all of Panem, but he didn't care. He was upset, and any decent person would know that. 

Then, Zane felt a breeze brush against his shoulder. It started out small, but then got bigger, and moved all the way to his head. He looked up from his hands, feeling his face wet from the tears and eyes puffy, and saw the hovercraft, stopping above him. He was scared, but looked at it, trying not to look terrified, and more confident than he had before. He could almost see the small cameras scattered on the bottom of the hovercraft, capturing his expression, but it was so windy it was hard to see anything

But he could see other things in his mind; the interviews, asking how he survived, the tours, having to face the dead tributes' homes and families. Going to District Five, and being reminded of his friend that he missed so much. Going back to District Four, without his ally.

Having a long life with his family, away from all of the violence that he would never have to face again. It was what he wanted more than anything, for the games to be over and to live life better than he had before.

When the hovercraft's claw started to drop down, he tried to push all of his thoughts away, and accept it. He was going home. He had won the Hunger Games.

The End


How is it OVER?!?!


Anyways, I really do hope you liked this book, and I also hope that you will stay around for my next chatroom, coming up in just a little bit :)

-Puffin <3


I destroyed myself writing this book, you don't even know. Seriously.


There ya go iMeowmeow654 and TheThestralWriter

You seriously wouldn't stop bugging me until I finished it lol

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