chapter 10: day 3, afternoon (part two)

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Sorry for the one freakishly long part, I would much rather write the rest in the next chapter (you'll see why). Especially since EVERYBODY WILL BE IN IT!

So yeah, please don't hate me that there is only one part (technically 4 people) so just wait till the next chapter...

Honestly I was scared to post this in the first place...


"Zane!" Amethyst screamed. Zane gasped and Amethyst shuffled through her stuff to look for something she could use to free Zane. She found an arrow and took off the petal. She rubbed it against the ropes but they wouldn't snap. "Ugh, it's not working!"

"Amethyst, hurry!" Zane urged her to go on but she couldn't go any faster. He himself tried to break the ropes but it wasn't working.

"Wait," Amethyst said. She stepped back from Zane and started to run off.

"Amethyst!" Zane called. "Don't just leave!" She didn't answer. He huffed, and started to go to the ends of the knots. He tried desperately to undo the knots, and doing it as quickly as possible. If Amethyst wasn't going to help, he was going to have to do it on his own.

Then, he heard footsteps. Loud footsteps. Footsteps that he knew weren't Amethyst's. He needed to hurry.

Come on, come on, he thought. But the footsteps were getting too close.

Zane let go of the knots. He sighed a frightened sigh, and sat back in the net. He was scared, and summoned those few tears that were forming from a minute earlier with Amethyst, when every thing was at least peaceful. Now she left, and he was trapped in a net when his murderer was walking right towards him.

God please don't let this be the end, he whispered.

"Zane?" The voice called. It was coming from the footsteps, and Zane couldn't be more relieved.

"Kelvin! Kelvin!" Zane pleaded. He screamed it as loud as he could.

As soon as Kelvin heard his reply, he broke into full sprint. He didn't care if he was limping, he didn't care is he could hardly see, he ran anyways. That was the reason he left, to make sure they were safe. He kept calling his friend's name, so loud his voice started cracking. Then, he saw him. Zane, pulled up into a net, trying to escape.

When Zane saw Kelvin, he gasped. "Kelvin!" He was grabbing hold of the nets, trying to shake his way loose. Kelvin ran toward him and held the other ropes. He yanked on them to get loose but they wouldn't.

"Kelvin?" Amethyst's voice asked. Zane looked up and saw her standing there, holding her jacket in one hand and sawgrass in the other.

"Yeah, yeah introductions another time," Kelvin said sarcastically. Amethyst got the message and, without question, ran towards the group. She got held of the ropes and started moving them back and forward, snapping a few of them.

"Yes!" Zane exclaimed.

As Amethyst cut a few more slots loose, they heard something. "Well well, I've caught a fish!"

The two tributes turned around to face the boy from District 2. "Or did I catch three?" Right then, Cole whipped out his spear. He looked directly at Amethyst.
"I'll cook you first, Stringharp."

"No!" Zane shouted, but he couldn't do anything about it. Cole threw his spear right at Amethyst, who was lucky to be smart enough to dodge it. She dug threw her jacket and grabbed a few arrows, dividing it between her and Kelvin.

They should have died right away.

Cole ran back to the spear he had thrown and got it back in his clutches again. As Amethyst and Kelvin ran into battle with Cole, Zane struggled to get out of his net. He wanted to help them!

Amethyst took her first arrow and threw it at Cole, who easily dodged it. Amethyst knew she was smart, but she also knew she needed to work on her aim. Cole swung it at her chest but it glided right across it about three inches away. Then, Cole bundled up his fist and punched her in the face.

She was flung backward but somehow stayed on her feet. At that moment Zane knew it he didn't get out there, his friends were going to loose.

Kelvin charged toward him, arrow in hand, and stabbed it in Cole's shoulder. Cole, used to pain, merely winced. He pulled out the arrow, only to realize that there was no petal on it at all. He smiled.

Cole reached around Kelvin and grabbed the hood to his jacker, keeping him from getting out. Amethyst, who was choking up blood, was grabbed by the collar as well. They struggled, but couldn't get out of Cole's grasp. He turned to Zane, who was sweating in his net.

"As for you, four, enjoy the front row seat to your friends' demise."

Zane didn't know what to do besides scream out in denial. With every scream, Cole's smile widened. He looked at Amethyst, then dropping her. He made sure she stayed down, blood trickling down her mouth and nose, then down to her neck. She was scared, and grabbed hold of the grass as Cole raised his spear.

"Goodbye, Stringharp," He said. His spear went down, and Zane screamed. Amethyst yelled. Kelvin cried.

And Cole held the empty jacket of the boy from 5.

"No!" Zane stretched the ropes, finding some way to get out of the net. His eyes were like waterfalls, his legs shaking that he couldn't find the strength to escape.

Kelvin was lying on Amethyst's lap, spear sticking out of his stomach. Amethyst's eyes turned sour as they met with Cole's.

"You. Stabbed. KELVIN!" Right then, Cole still smiling, she took an arrow and threw it right into his stomach. Cole's face turned blank, and he fell backwards. This time, the poison reached him quickly, and a canon boomed.

Suddenly, Zane knew what to do. He reached up to the top of the small net and undid the top. It instantly fell and he ran out from it to beside Amethyst. They were both crying looking at their friend. His black hair was arranged in a messy way, but yet somehow, it looked perfect. His face was painful to look at.

"Kelvin," Amethyst started, her voice cracking. "you should have let him get me. And now-"

But Kelvin stopped her. His mouth curled into a smile, his voice small but definitely true. "I would never forgive myself, Amethyst." It wasn't a fake smile, it was real. He was happy to see his friends alright and alive, even if he was dying. Zane moved to his stomach and took the spear from Kelvin's stomach. He threw it to the side, a tear from his face fell into the wound.

"Promise me you'll be okay," Kelvin whispered.

They knew they wouldn't, but they painfully nodded anyways.

Kevin's smile brightened. "Good."

He wanted to see their faces, even if they weren't happy. They didn't want their friend to die, they had wanted him to live. Their job as allies was to protect each other.

They didn't speak at all. Only cried as Kevin's eyes closed, the last little bit of sunlight that reflected off them escaping into the sky. They held his hands as time seemed to stop and the only sound was the ringing sound of the canon that echoed in their ears.

"He's gone," Amethyst whispered. "He's really gone."

Zane couldn't speak. He was too heartbroken and scared to say or do anything besides cry. His hands were weak as he hugged Kevin's body, trying to search for any sign of light left. He could feel his spirit, even if it had escaped his body. He could feel his laugh, he could feel his friend that he missed so badly already.

They didn't say anything when the hovercraft came and were forced to let go. They didn't say anything when they saw Kelvin being stored into the hovercraft. After that, they knew. Kelvin would've wanted them to win. And they couldn't win by going back to the flowerbed and camping out till the games were almost over.

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