One Last Normal Day

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Hey Guys!!!! This is Chapter 4,One Last Normal Day.....

I want to say thanks to my fans ZOZOAislyneZOZO & xDrkFallenAngelx, you guys are the best!!!!

Now on to the story..........(I will bore you to death with all this extra information later MWAHAHAHA)

Luv Always (except when im sugar deprived),

~Tonie :D



I was running down the street in a drab and boring black dress, carrying a basket half-full of things from the market; bread, meat and cheese were among them. The streets were littered with dead animal carcasses and remains of food that were so tiny a mouse couldnt eat them. I reached a almost falling apart shack, opened the door and walked inside. The smell of mildew greeted me along with the sent of rotting meat. I set the basket on the ground, walked over to a near by closet and pulled out a thick, musty book. Due to the lack of light I stepped outside and sat in front of the door. I set "The Book Of Enochian" on my lap, and was about to open it when Mr. Rutherby, the blacksmith came running across the dirt path and sat down next to me. He whispered in my ear "One Last Normal Day" and then everything went black.


I opened my eyes, my face was covered in sweat and I was gasping for air. The last couple days were plain weird, but this almost topped everything. I had a dream of somebody in the past-creepy, the person in the dream was me-ultra creepy, and right before this scary vision was burned into my eyelids, that chick Levaneal said "this is your past"- WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Is it possible to want answers and not want them at the same time? -HELL YA!

I finally drifted into a light, uneasy sleep but not before I heard the voice say "One last day"

                                                                  10 AM SATURDAY

"Girly, get your mother fuckin ass down here in 25 minutes or else we are leaving without you!" Aunt Stephanie yelled from downstairs. What a great way to wake up on a Saturday, and the last day your 16. I crawled out of bed, and walked out my door and to the end of the hallway and stood at the top of the stairs looking at everybody running around like ants down below. Ava looked up and smiled at me "Get dressed! We are going to Chicago today!" then she went over and started helping my mom with the dishes. I went back into my room to freak out! We were going to Chicago today, and I had to look at least half normal, not like a sleeping zombie. Finally after 20 minutes I shoved my ass into a pair of skiny jeans, put on a white tank top, put a neon green crop top over it. I ran into the bathroom, curled my hair slightly and was just finishing my make up when I heard my mom yell at me to get my ass downstairs if I wanted to come. I shoved my feet into some sandels, grabbed my purse and FLEW down the stairs. Determine to make my last day as a 16 year old great.

As soon as we walked out of the door, I knew I was crazy for thinking this day would be great. Im going on a trip to Chicago with 10 people, 2 siblings, 4 cousins, 1 aunt, 1 uncle and my parents. Something would end up screwed up. We all walked down the front walk to the driveway and split up there. Me, Ava, Ryan, Blake, Aunt Stephenie and Mom were in the Mini Van. Dad, Uncle Carl, Karoline, Nate and Madison in the SUV. We made plans to meet Giordano"s (YUM!) before going to some place the adults called "You Know Where". Well guess what! I dont know where this "You Know Where is".  The car ride was acully really fun though. We blasted up the radio and were singing all the way there. All was fine until I turned around to see what was behind us at a red light and behind our car, but in front of the Camero behind us was that girl/angel named Levaneal, standing there with tears pouring down her cheeks and I could hear her crying out "One last normal day, then  they will visit you tonight". My blood ran cold but I knew I couldnt let that bother me. I was probably just hullucinating. But for the rest of the car ride, my singing was only half hearted. But all my worries vanished as soon as I saw the Chicago Skyline. The car was silent, and my mom turned off the radio. But always one to speak her mind, my spunky, determined cousin Ava shouted "CHICAGO HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and all our chatter returned. As soon as we reached the heart of the city I was itching to go out of the car and explore. Finally my mom stoped the car in this indoor parking garage and we all leaped out. But before me and Ava could run off, Aunt Stephanie told us all that we were to go to a fancy store and buy ourselves a fancy dress or suit for dinner tonight. She handed us each $200. Before she could say anything else Ava grabed my hand and started running away.By the time we were at the bottom the the parking garage, I was out of breath, but Ava was just smiling. "Damn, you run pretty fast for a 17 year old" I said to her but all she said was "Come on Aavna, lets go explore Chicago! We havent been here in like 2 years!". She pulled me onto the sidewalk, ran into a 7-eleven, bought me a Pepsi and handed it to me. No sooner then I had gulped down the bottle, she dragged me down the street into the nearest mall, and our adventure began. 2 hours later we walked out of the mall, fought our way into a subway(the resteraunt not the subway you ride) and ordered two large Cokes with a Turkey Breast and Black Forest Ham Sub for me and a Subway Club for Ava. We sat down with our food with our food and began to eat. No acully we shoved my 2 PacSun bags, 1 Aeropostale Bag, 3 American Eagle Bags, 1 Hollister Bag,1 Hot Topic bag and 1 Ambercombie and Fitch bag and Ava's  1 PacSun Bag, 3 Aeropotale Bags, 1 Hollister Bag, 2 American Eagle Bags, 1 Forever 21 bag and 1 Claires Bag into one side of the booth and we sat down on the other side. When we were finally done eating we walked out of Subway with our bags. I was exasuted and Ava was beging to look a little bit tired so we went to the Navy Pier and walked around for a little bit. We ran into Blake and Ryan while we were there, they were on their way to Wrigly Field. It was already 3:00  and at 5 we had to be back at the parking garage, and we hadnt bought our dinner clothes yet, so guess where we went too? A wonderful mall! We were looking for my dress because as soon as we walked into the mall, Ava Victorias Secret Ava somehow managed to find this really cute, non-slutty dress that was dark blue, went down to her mid-upper leg and hugged her body tightly (but not too tightly) and had a black clasp on it around her waist. And with her left over money she ran over to Nordstroms and bought herself a pair of low, strappy black heels and a deep purple clutch. If only my shopping was so easily acomplished. By the time it was 4:15 I still had not found a thing. Not a dress, shoes or purse! Right as I was about to freak out (for the second time today) I walked into Juicy Corture and I found it. There, hanging on the rack in front of me was the perfect dress. It ran all the way down to my ankles and was hot pink and strapless. Sitting right next to it was a dark pink clutch and high black heels. It was like a match made in heavan . You would think the combination may clash, but it sure as hell didnt. We dashed out of the mall and ran to the parking garage, just in time. We were only 3 minutes late. By 5:10, we were all in the car and were on our way to a Holiday Inn. Turns out we were spending the night in Chicago! By 6 oclock we were all in our rooms, getting ready to go. Accoriding to my mom and Aunt Stephenie Ava looked "Gorgeous, Cute and So grown up" and I looked "Like I belonged on the red carpet" :P. But my mom and Aunt Steph. didnt look too bad them selves. While Blake and Ryan looked wellll... like themselves in suits :)

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