The Second Sign: The Voices

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The figures were reaching for me. A scream was caught in my throat, and I grabbed around my bed trying to pick up something to wack these things with. But then I blinked and... they were gone?!?!?! I turned on my lamp by my bed, and all was normal. Their was no sign of any figures, no proof, no evidence, NOTHING! Did I really see two figures reaching for me? Or was that just my imagination? Then, I saw it. My door which had been shut tightly, was now open a crack. A chill ran down my spine. Was somebody, somebody unknown lurking around my house? Was I being stalked? I wanted to peek outside my door but I feared of what may be standing there. Then just like a little kid, I buried my whole body under the covers. Waiting for the sun to come up, and to see that,that was all just a dream.....

My eyes shot open. Somebody was watching me. I could feel it in every inch of my body. I wanted to scream, but then I saw the red eyes appear, from above my bed. At that second my scream let loose and I felt my mom shaking me? "Aavna?!? What's going on?" My mom whispered "Was it a bad dream?". My heartbeat began to slow down, " A dream... yes it was just a dream" I mumbled and fell back asleep.


A few hours later I awoke to sunlight steaming through my curtains. A new day had come. The sun was out and all the demons of the past had hopefully vanished. Or so I thought. As I was leaving for school, I heard some voice whispering "its your turn".  Dont ask me, Im  not the voice. At least I hope I'm not..... Breakfast was not much of a distraction from the voice. Blake and Dad had the whole room full of tension.  Not liking the atmosphere in the kitchen and also the fact that the voice was driving me insane I picked up my bag and left for school. Well guess what? The voice started driving me even more crazy after I left the house, starting to say things like "Your time is near" and "things are going to change". The voices went especially crazy when I passed this park about 10min away from my house. I couldnt wait to get to school, maybe then the voices would finally stop....

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(History Class)

I walked into the classroom right as the bell rang. As I slipped into my seat the teacher gave me the stony stare and the "popular" girls- Claudia, Kristi and Jen started to snicker at my shirt. No-the shirt wasnt ugly its just that on my way from lunch some retard kid spilled milk ALL OVER my shirt and I had a huge stain right in the middle of it. Trying to ignore them I opened up my notebook to take noted when right in the middle of the page in crimson red ink the words AAVNA=A MINOR ANGEL, in swirly dainty handwriting that was totally not mine. My blood ran cold, and i wanted to scream out  but it took all my willpower not to. I gently ripped the paper out and pocketed it. It was either going to be burnt or investigated when I got home. Wasn't sure which one yet.


As soon as school let out I raced home. The voice was back, and the note in my notebook freaked me out. The house was empty, and silent when I entered. "Great- now if I'm murdered there's no witness" I thought aloud. "What's this about murder I hear?" a voice said behind me. I turned around and whacked this person straight in the face. After 1000 apologies, 2 ice packs and a promise to dust for a week my father finally let me escape to my room. I pulled out the slip of paper and typed in a minor angel. Nothing of importance showed up. Then I typed in my name. The only word of significance was enochian. So surprise, surprise I searched up enochian. Turns out its a type of an angel. And my name is an angel name. Ok so this was no big deal someone just searched up my name and to freak me out wrote that note. Right? I means that's the only logical answer.  

Then all of a sudden I felt a hand land on my shoulder. I froze, and stopped breathing. Someone was behind me....

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