More Friends, More Eneimes.

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Hey Guys!

Im sorry about the cliffhanger I left you guys on earlier, in chapter 7 :( Please dont kill me

Okay so Im gonna be adding alot more characters, so try to hang on..

And I need your help to fins some actresses to play Liz, and Emma and Sophie (Who you will meet in this chappy)

Liz: Shortish, dirty blonde hair

Emma: Light brown/blonde hair, slightly wavy

Sophie: Dark brown hair, shoulder length


So enjoy Chapter 7  More Friends, More Enemies....


I saw the door fall down and standing there were 2 girls. I fell of the bed laughing, until I realized that somebody vicious was in the Kitchen and bathroom. My laughing stopped suddenly. When Rosie and Tonie came back, they looked almost fine. Rosie was out of breath and had a scratch along her cheek, and Tonie had a bruise on her upper arm. They sat down onto the recliners. The room was now full. Me and Liz were on the bed, The 2 strange girls were on the couch, Rosie and Tonie were on recliners and Aislyne and Hunter were on the floor. 7 people, 6 girls, 1 guy. I coughed and looked around the room. My eyes fell on one of the new girls. She had enormous eyes, short wavy light brown/blonde hair, and was holding... a box of nerds?

I coughed again, and everyone looked up at me. "Um.. Im really confused. Who broke the two windows, who are you two, and whos going to pay for the window damage?" Everyone laughed at the last part. The girl with the nerds, put the nerds down and said "I'm Emma, and sitting next to me is Sophie. We are angels too", then she glanced at Tonie, Rosie, Aislyne and Liz. "We would have been ihere earlier but-" "Wait. How did you get called from us if we didnt call you" I cut in. The girl named Sophie replied  "We can talk telepathically". Awesome! I said to myself. "Well, we should be going now" Liz said. "Yea" Aislyne said. "We have that meeting to go too" her voice trailed off. I blinked and the room was empty. Everyone was gone. I walked into the bathroom, and shattered glass was everywhere. I walked into the kitchen and it was the same story.

I walked back into the living room/bedroom and crawled into the bed. I let the fluffy yellow blanket cover me, and I driffted off into a deep sleep....


I woke up to the sounds of birds chirping and the sunlight streaming through my only not broken window. I shifted over and I saw the clock which said "9:24 AM" in HUGEMONGOUS purple letters. I leaned forward, and laying on the foot of the bed was a big white envelope. I streached to the end of the bed, and opened the envelope. Out fell a letter. It read:

Hey Aavna!

Its all of us (Aislyne, Liz, Rosie, emma, Sophie, Tonie and Hunter!)

Ok first things first. Look in the envelope again. There is a silver key and 200 dollars.I looked in the envelope and found the key and money Get up, and go to room #111, thats your new room. The 200 dollars is for you to buy your self some clothes. The mall is on the 8th level. Your room is on the 17th level by the way. Yesterday, 2 demons tried to attack you. You see Aavna, you are a very important and powerful angel, and the demons want you to help them. The meeting we had to leave to yesterday was about you. And how we can protect you. More on that later. Heres a quick bio for each of us:

Aislyne: Angel, Age: 17, Girl, Brunnete, Likes the color purple, normal hieght ( on tallish side though)

Tonie: Angel, Age 17, Girl, Blonde, Like Navy Blue, Crazy and Spunky

Rosie: Angel, Age 17, Girl, Asian, Likes pink and red, possiblely vampire

Liz: Angel, Age 17, Girl, Dirty Blonde, Likes blue, Loves Nial (from One Direction)

Emma: Angel, Age 17, Girl, Light Brown hair, likes green, Has many identitys: Dr. Pepper, Jewbacca, Jewnicorn...

Sophie: Angel, Age 17, Girl, Dark brown hair, likes red and loves the hunger games

Hunter: Angel, Age 18, Boy, brunnete, likes blue, lookalike celebrity- Josh Hutcherson

Ok, more angel friends will be coming soon! Now, go buy yourself some clothes, and check out your new room. O, and remeber. For every friend there are 2 eniemes. So 7 friends, 14 eniemes...

Kay, Gotta Go!








& Tonie

I stuffed the letter back into the envelope, grabbed my crutches and hobbled out of the room,  and into the elevator. I pressed the button that said level 17, and in half a second I went from level 2 to level 17. I walked down the hallway, until I saw room #111. I opened the door and I was amazed. It was HUGE! iIt had 4 rooms, from what I could see and maybe even more! But the exploring could wait until later. I had some shopping todo!

I ran into the elevator, clicked on the level 8 button and began my shopping. Right when I walked into my first store (which was american eagle btw) there was a lady who i guess was a greeter standing there. "Why hello Aavna" she said to me. Her mouth opened, and two perfectly white and shiny fangs gleamed. And in her eyes, she showed hunger....


Okay, hate me all you want. I left you on ANOTHER cliffhanger........

I was thinking to make different POV'S, so you  could see this story from 8 different POV'S, so tell me what you think. Should I make this story from different point of views?

Please comment and vote! I love to read your comments (some are soooooo funny), and they keep me encouraged to keep writing.

Luv Always,

Tonie :D

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