CHAPTER ONE (Edited 03/07/2013)

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Ever’s pov.

I guess it’s about time I introduce myself to you, my name is Everleigh Louise Knightly. I have dark brown hair, I suppose you could say it falls down my back in loose waves, but that’s only due to the fact that I am far too lazy to do anything fancy with my hair. My mother loves my eyes, she told me they remind her of my father, but back when he was a loving husband and an amazing father. They are a very pale blue, they are constantly shining like the summer sky, or so I am told. I used to have a normal body, one where I was confident to wear fitting clothes and not afraid to show it off, but now, it’s a whole different story.

I am 16 years old, and pregnant.

I can tell what you are probably thinking about me, you’re probably thinking I’m a slag, a whore, someone who can’t keep her legs closed! But I promise I’m none of those things, I know the father, knew the father. He was my boyfriend, I loved him, but not anymore.

I didn’t plan on getting pregnant, I was saving myself for my mate, we were supposed to share that special moment with each other, final becoming one. He raped me hence the reason we are no longer together.

I want to hate him, every fibre in my body is begging me to hate every part of him, but I can’t. He was drunk when it happened, I know that isn’t an excuse, but why should I blame him for something he didn’t do willingly? Besides, I have thought of the best punishment imaginable for him, he will never ever see our child, I don’t even plan on telling him I am pregnant.

This child will be mine, my baby.

I haven’t quite wrapped my head around being a mum yet, I am only about 5 weeks pregnant so I’m not showing yet.

Which is good because the only person who knows is my mum. She knew I was in pain when I came home that night, my mum asked me three simple words; ‘What’s wrong Everleigh?’ That was all it took to break me, three simple words; one of which was my own name! I felt so weak that night, so vulnerable, and I absolutely hated it.

I had allowed a human to violate me; I should have fought him off. I’m a werewolf for heaven’s sake, I should have been able to stop him, but I didn’t I was weak and I let him do this to me.

But I was too late; before I even realized what he was doing it was too late.

I hated it, I hated letting people walk all over me, and I’m not one to be walked over. It's in my blood to be in charge, to rule.

I have Alpha blood; my father was the Alpha of our pack. My older brother, Emanuel, was the next in line for Alpha.

We never called him Emanuel, we all call him Em for short, and it was so much easier. The only time he gets called Emanuel is if anyone is mad with him.

Em couldn't wait to be in charge, it was everything to him. To finally be able to sit with his mate and rule the pack, to be the head. Having Alpha blood in your body tends to make you competitive and slightly big headed, but Em wasn’t a bad person, he would never have used this as an excuse.

That was until Georgia died; Georgia was his mate. His one true love.

She was killed by a rogue, he was wild, unstoppable. Emanuel blames himself every day; he lost the will to live seconds after she died.

My mother didn’t think it was a good idea for him to run a pack in his condition, and Em quickly agreed, he didn’t want the title anymore, not without Georgia.

So the Alpha position was passed on to me, I didn't want it at first. I wanted to be free, to be able to do as I wish. An Alpha is tied down, they have to stay with the pack, a lot of people rely on them! I didn’t want that, I wanted to be free and to explore the world, live my life. But after a day or two, I grew to the idea. I liked the idea of people listening to me all the time. I liked the idea of being the best. So I accepted.

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