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Ever's pov.

He agreed to be my baby's dad?

Did I honestly hear him right? He is willing to take on a baby, at seventeen.

I know I am only sixteen, but I can't exactly just walk away. The baby is in me, Carter could have just run for the hills but he said he would stay.

He promised he would never leave me. And I believe him, one hundred percent.


(still Ever's pov)

Every day of the past three months had been amazing, Carter and I have gotten really close.

I learnt a lot about him, he had always wanted a family. I was so happy I was giving him one, even if it wasn't technically his.

He also marked me, it was the night after he found out I was pregnant. He said he wanted to be fully mated before the baby was born. I agree with him, I just didn't want to sleep with him so soon. Especially just after he learnt I was raped.

We get on really well, we spend almost every hour of the day together.

We know everything about each other... Well almost everything, I haven't told him about my dad yet. But he hasn't asked, I will tell him when he asks me.


I looked over at my bedroom door, Carter was leaning on the post.

We were going for my first scan today, Melanie had been away for the past two months. So today was the first time we could see her.

“Yeah?” I said, even though I knew what he wanted.

“You ready Ver?” Ver is what Carter calls me, the same as I call him Ter, they were nick names we came up with about 3 weeks ago.

“Totally Ter.” We both smiled at our nick names, I tried to get off of the floor, but I couldn't.

I was quite big for just over 5 months. My mum said Em was a big baby, she also said it wasn't unusual for an Alpha to be big during her pregnancy.

Carter came to help me get off of the floor, he must have seen me struggling.

“You are really getting big.”

I fake gasped and put my hands over my heart,

“Are you trying to tell me I am fat Carter?”

He just laughed and pulled me out of the room. We haven't had one single argument, which is impressive considering I am an Alpha and pregnant.

We knocked on the door to Melanie's doctor’s room.

“Come in Alpha.” she called through the door.

Carter linked his finger with mine and opened the door, I wasn't nervous or scared.

I was excited to be honest, I couldn't wait to find out if I was having a boy or a girl; I was certain it was a boy.

“Hey Melanie, how was your trip?” She went to visit her dad.

He lives a little over an hour away, she use to live with him but when she found out her mate was one of our fighters, she joined out pack.

Her and Olly; her mate, were incredibly happy. They don't have any children but they are so in love. I don't think Melanie wants any children, not yet anyway. She is always scared something is going to happen to Olly.

“It was good, I really miss my dad. But he is getting on really well. He goes out twice a week now.” She smiled at me.

“Now take a seat.” She put on her professional voice, pointing to the chair/bed thing in the corner of the room.

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