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Carter’s pov.

Ever and I mated fully last night, and I have to admit, I have never been so happy in my life.

I finally had a pack again, I was finally needed someone.

She did things to me, and made me feels things that I never knew I could.

We were in bed now, Ever was snuggling into my chest. I was just lying here watching her sleep, watching her chest rise and fall.

She was so peaceful, so perfect.

“Carter I love you and all, but please stop staring at me.”

“Oh... Uh... Sorry.” I mumbled, Ever kissed my chest.

Memories of last night flooded my mind; I could feel myself getting excited. Ever’s body was completely covering mine, so she would be able to feel my little friend.

“Carter?” she asked, I didn’t want her to think I was trying to force her, so I tried to move away.

It didn’t work because she grabbed hold of my waist.

“Round two?” She asked. Even though it was a question, but she didn’t give me time to react.

“Mhmmmm” I moaned.

We spent the rest of the morning in bed; it was an amazing morning, the start of many I hope.

I am not a sex-crazed guy, I just enjoy being with my mate in every way. I also hope to one day be a dad, and we all know what needs to happen to become a dad.

“Carter, you know you love me?” Ever asked

I smiled; I knew she was going to ask me to get her some food.

“You know I do Ever, what you craving for?” I asked.

She raised her head and looked at me, smiling, she kissed me.

“Chocolate.” She laughed and lay back down. I got off of the bed and went to the kitchen.

I could hear voices in the kitchen; I think it was Em and Jamie.

“Hey guys.” I said walking into the room.

They both looked at me, and then at each other. Okay? What is going on here?

“Carter, we need to talk to you.” Em said, he seemed mad but I don't think it was directed to me.

“Okay?” I said, sitting down at the table.

“Kane is getting close; we need you to take Ever away. We don't need her or the babies getting hurt.” I smiled at the thought of Ever and I being alone, but then I thought of something else.

“I would love too, but you guys know as well as I do, that there is no way Ever will agree to go away with me when he is nearly here.” I frowned, I love my mate but I wish she wasn’t so stubborn.

“We know, that’s why you aren't going to tell her.” Jamie said to me.

I started to laugh.

They were both looking at me with confused expressions.

“You’re joking right?” I just about managed to say.

The look on their faces told me everything I needed to know.

They were NOT joking.

They wanted me to lie to my mate?

“You want me to lie to my mate?” I asked, I would never ever do that.

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