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Ever’s pov.

2 years later...

I was sitting in the garden with Carter besides me.

We had moved into our own little house 6 months after the triplets were born.

Summer, Maison and Isaac had just turned two. They were all little heart breakers.

Summer is a daddy’s girl, which was expected.

Maison and Isaac are like her own little body guards, which I am thankful for. I don’t want anyone hurting my little girl.

They were both heart breakers too,

Maison’s hair had stayed dark, it was slightly long right now, but it looked cute on him. It stopped just about his dark blue eyes, yeah they stayed dark too.

Isaac’s blonde hair is shorter than Maison’s, he likes having his cut, and he goes with Carter every time. His eyes are still light blue, baby blue.

They are complete opposites in looks, one dark, and one light but in personalities they are the same.

They both are playful, energetic, always happy and they polite. They put family first, they treat Summer and I like royalty. They never hurt anyone, they are proper little gentlemen.

“Ever?” Carter broke me out of my thoughts, I looked up at him.

Over the past two years Carter has really grown up. He hasn’t changed much; he just looks a lot older. He is still my Carter though.

“Yeah Ter?” I asked, using the nick name I haven’t in a while.

He smiled at me and sat beside me.

“Ter? I haven’t heard that in years.” He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around me.

I have something I need to tell Carter, but I'm not sure how he is going to react.

Okay, I do know how he is going to react. He is going to be over the moon, but that doesn’t make me any less nervous about telling him.

“Are you okay Ever? You are really out of it?”

“Just thinking.” I reply, when should I tell him?

“I’ve been thinking too Ever, and we need to talk.” My eyes grew wide; I could feel my body starting to panic again.

That was the one thing I didn’t like about what I had to tell Carter, my panic attacks were coming back.

“We have been dating for over two years now, and you know I love you Ever?” He asked, I could tell that he was nervous. Why is he nervous?

I didn’t trust my voice, so I just nodded.

“Everleigh Louise Knightly, I have loved you since the moment I met you. Even though you were pregnant, and they weren’t mine. I have loved you, Summer, Maison and Isaac since the day I laid eyes on you all.”

Carter removed his arm from my back and got down on one knee.

“Ever, will you marry me?” Carter asked, looking into my eyes.

Staring into his I could see that he was still nervous, he was afraid I would say no, how could i?

“YES!” I screamed! Jumping up from the floor I threw myself at Carter. I kissed his cheek, and then his other cheek, his nose and then finally his lips.

“Yes, Yes, a thousand times yes!” I said before kissing him again.

I pulled away and looked into his eyes, now was the time to tell him.

“Carter?” I asked, smiling like a child.

“Yeah?” he questioned.

I went on my tip toes and whispered in his ear,

“I'm pregnant.” I slowly pulled back, looking into his eyes.

I could see pure happiness and content.

“FINALLY!” he screamed, smashing his lips to mine.

I could hear a little girls giggle; I broke away from Carter to see my three children standing in front of me.

Summer in the middle, Maison on her left and Isaac on her right. They each had an arm around their baby sister.

Summer was smiling just as much as I was.

This was it, this was finally my happily ever after.

All those bad times when I was young, all the pain I went through. I could have let it change me; I could have let what my father did change who I am.

But I didn’t, I stayed true to myself and in the end, I was the one won. Not my father and not Lewis.

It was me.

I finally got my mate, gripping Carter’s hand in mine I went on my tip toes to whisper in his ear again,

“I love you Carter!”

“I love you too, future Mrs Falls.” He whispered back, placing his lips on my forehead.

Future Mrs Falls, I like it.

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