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 …Flash back…

(Nine year old Ever’s pov.)

“Everleigh, get up here now!” My daddy screamed from upstairs.

My daddy never called me Everleigh, unless I was in trouble. I tried to think of what I could have done to make him use my full name.

I ate all my vegetables last night.

I tidied my room.

And haven’t been anywhere I wasn’t allowed to go.

So what could I have possibly done to make him this mad?

“Daddy?” I said, walking into my parent’s room. He was standing behind the bed; just looking out of the window.

“How could you?” was all he said to me, I had no idea what he was talking about. How could I of what?

“I don't know what you are talking about daddy?”

“Yes you do.” His voice was so hard; it wasn’t like it used to be.

My daddy used to love me, but right now it sounded like he hated me.

“I don't daddy, what did I do?” I cried I could feel tears rolling down my cheek. I didn’t want my daddy to hate me.

“You were born, that’s what you did!” He shouted at me, his Alpha voice breaking through. I had no choice but to listen, he was Alpha.

I heard a sob come from the corner of the room and that was when I noticed my mummy was in the room.

“Mummy?” I asked, she wouldn’t look at me, she just continued to cry.

“Don't talk to her.” My daddy spat at me, he was furious.

“Why not?” I asked back, any other werewolf wouldn’t be able to talk back to an Alpha, but I could, as I had twice as much Alpha blood in me.

“Because I said so!” And with that he slapped me across the face.

I fell to the floor, I landed on my bum, so it wasn’t that bad but it still hurt.

“Why daddy?” I asked, tears pouring out of my eyes.

My face stung from how hard he had hit me.

“Don’t call me that!” He roared.

He started walking towards me, I tried to get up but I couldn't. I didn’t have the strength or the energy.

My daddy grabbed my arm and pulled me off of the floor.

He wrapped his arms around me like he normally did when I was crying, I thought my real daddy was back, but I was wrong.

His grip kept getting tighter and tighter. I could feel the air rushing out of my lungs.

“Daddy, you’re hurting me.” I just about managed to force out.

“Good.” Was he only reply.

He wanted to hurt me? Why?

His grip kept getting tighter, he was crushing me.

My eyes were closing, my head was getting heavier. It would all be over soon, my life would be over soon.

I could hear my mother crying hard, and then everything was black.

I thought I was dead, I thought my daddy had killed me.

That was until I was shaken.

“Wake up, you stupid girl!” I knew that voice, it belonged to my daddy.

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