final chapter

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Doyoung and Jaehyun were at their schedules, while the rest of what was known now as the most lit rookie of the year, NCT, went to plan a surprise for the two of them. it was their 3rd year anniversary together, and obviously no public body, including the SM company itself, knew about it.

" wow~~ 3 years eh? 3 years ever since we entered SSS and became best buddies. how would you like to try hitting a girl up instead, Haechan? " Jaemin slung his arms around Jeno and Haechan. he was currently in a relationship with Jeno too, but theyre not as extreme as DoJae. Haechan stared at the boy, and smacked his head.

" you're not getting my love details anywhere, any time man, " Jaeno burst out laughing as they walked into the dimly lit practice room.

" ok guys. Doyoung and Jaehyun are coming up in 5 mins. remember your positions and dont act blur. Ten and Johnny, at the lift doors. Hansol, at this door. the dongsaengs and Winwin, every corner of the room. Mark, me, Yuta, Taeil hyung will bring out the cake. dont laugh or do anything stupid or else ure going to cook for us the entire week. y'all got that? " everyone nodded at Taeyong's instructions. it was 2nd June, a Sunday, 3 years after Doyoung and Jaehyun got together for real and officially announced themselves a couple (i didnt include this in chap 33 or like any of the past chaps but lets take it as that aites :-]). Taeyong was the main and #1 supporter of their relationship, other than Doyoung's family and Ryeowook, both sides initially reluctant but finally gave in after agreeing on certain terms.

now, the original squad of 8 boys from Seoul Sports School were put into a rookies group called SM Rookies with other boys, all ranging from different years, the oldest, Moon Taeil of '94, to the youngest, Park Jisung of '02. everyone became family after a while, especially to Jaehyun. after having lost his real mother, his beloved grandfather and a hyung so close and dear to him, he started to confide in this group of boisterous and never-ending lovable friends. he didnt care about Sungmin, who was still enraged with all that was going on. he only trusted Ryeowook, and that was the way for 3 years without a doubt.

Doyoung and Jaehyun were both too tired to talk after hours of MC-ing a special music broadcast, so they silently headed into the lift and slumped their bodies against each other. luckily for Doyoung, his calf regained strength and he was able to walk, dance, anything that involved his leg, so he was in better condition to debut. Jaehyun's shoulder was still recovering after three years because obviously, one uses the shoulder more than the legs to be honest, so he went for usual check ups at the nearby clinic to get his speedy recovery in process for debut.

the two boys were about to head out of the lift, when Ten and Johnny suddenly pulled them out. Ten snapped his fingers loudly to alert Hansol they were on their way, so Hansol went into the room and hushed everyone.

" oh damn sorry about the shoulder, Jae. but like, we both need the two of you to do something for us, " Johnny started off. he could not screw this up, not even in one shitty second. his heart was beating against his ears like dynamite.

" yeah i know right Johnny. shame that we have to involve y'all despite the busy MC schedule. we'll explain in detail along the way, so keep your ears intact, " Ten said and winked. Doyoung was getting a bit suspicious, considering the number of times the music broadcast staff camera-pranked him, but nonetheless he decided to play along. Jaehyun noticed this, but didnt say anything to not cause any extra drama.

" ok, what y'all are gonna need to do is firstly turn on the lights when we get into the prac room. Jaehyun, you'll have to walk into the room like a ninja, you know the ones that silently tip toe? yeah, just do your shit ass feet thing that you always do during rehearsals. Doyoung, you're gonna have to hog over Jaehyun like a spider catching an insect on the web. you'll have to work on your feet too, but you needa tip toe a bit more to seem taller than Jaehyun. spread your arms out too! thats the element of it all. also, gimme your bags. Hansol will take care of them, " Johnny said as the two naively handed him their belongings.

" oh, and one last thing Doyoung. if you feel anyone disturbing you or anything, immediately grab that person. dont pounce on him. your element wont work that way, " Ten said as they reached the room. Hansol almost jolted back from the shock when he saw them, but recovered and took their bags.

" you know it all. just follow the plan. we'll treat you later, " Doyoung and Jaehyun looked at each other, eyes speaking everything. Doyoung was still suspicious and tried to grasp the unknown situation, but nonetheless he nodded his head and Hansol opened the door. Jaehyun was already tiptoeing and his fingers were like a mouse's. meanwhile, Doyoung hogged over him as he bent lower, trying his best not to crack his knees.

suddenly, just as Doyoung was about to turn on the lights, a hand slapped his away and did so, and everyone surprised the shit out of the two of them.

" chukhahaeyo~~~ " everyone went as Taeyong and the other three came out with three lit candles on a chocolate cake. from all that shock, Doyoung pulled Jaehyun up, unconsciously hugging him. Johnny, Ten and Hansol burst out laughing at the sudden reaction as they crowded around the couple.

" now wish your shit and blow the candles, you two, " Yuta said. Doyoung, still in a daze, was shaken aware by Jaehyun.

" pabo ya, lets do this alright, " he whispered, although everyone knew what he was doing. it cracked all the hyungs up as the dongsaengs waited patiently. with hope, they closed their eyes and wished silently, before blowing out the candles. the both of them had totally forgotten it was their third anniversary together ever since they were busied away, but just by all of this, the two were at a loss for words.

Doyoung and Jaehyun excused themselves from the 'chaos' from a while, and went out to the car park basement.

" hyung, of all places hyung, are you serious... " Jaehyun asked monotonously, his eyes dead like a zombie's. Doyoung laughed, and embraced him.

" im sorry i forgot about today, " he apologised, and Jaehyun felt bad. he pushed Doyoung away a little, and placed his hands on the latter's shoulders.

" you know, what would i ever do

without you "


annyeong readers !! yes i jumped to final chap bc i didnt want any more emo shit HAHA BUT ITS SO CUTE THE TWO OF THEM :"")))) im rlly sorry if it seemed rushed but like i cringed halfway writing this oh god i thought of this final plot on the spot, especially when johnny had to explain their roles in the prank HAHA so

i do hope y'all really liked this fanfic !! thank you so so so much for alw supporting it :> i really look forward to more reads, votes and comments when i publish more stories in the future hehe~

as i end off this fanfic, do support my new one ! its Pentagon's JinHongseok titled 'Killer' and i alr have a new NCT fanfic in mind :-))

kamsahamnida again and i'll see y'all soon !! saranghae ~

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