chapter 41

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as the weeks dragged on, all those going for the second round were busy preparing their performances and trainings for the upcoming competitions.

Jaehyun and Doyoung always met up daily, even during the weekends as they both prepared a ballad sung by SM the Ballad (dont kill me for this i miss jinho being part of SM :(( ). the two boys worked so hard and so regularly that no one dared to disturb them.

meanwhile, Donghae, Sungmin and their senior squad captain, Changmin (DBSK'S MAX IM) were having hell of their lives. the two youngsters were forced to follow every word and action of their sunbae at their own will, which was unusual since Changmin always saw the two doing shit on their own.

it was in the middle of July, the 16th on a Sunday. unfortunately, Jaehyun and Doyoung didnt meet up that day (so many notifs about these two alw tgt in pics and #DoJae everywhere how i love one is my bias and the other is a wrecker along w Taeil and Donghyuck).

however, the other three pairs TaeTen, HaeWin and Jaeno all met up at the nearby cafe across the school to discuss their plans.

" what y'all doing? we're preparing a dance, " Taeyong started off.

" we're doing a song, and these two are preparing both a dance and singing, " Jeno looked at Haechan and Winwin, who both smiled and winked at the same time. Jaemin sat in his seat, quietly observing everyone else. since he was new to Taeyong and Ten, this was the first time he met the two face to face and it was all plain awkwardness since he wasnt properly introduced to them.

" lets battle it off shall we? if the six of us plus the two lovebirds get in, we'll ask that asshole Hansol in year 3 to treat us eh? if any of us isnt successful, those people have to pay for our lunch or dinner the next time we meet after the results of the second round are released, " Ten rested his elbow on the table and smirked. he loved challenges, and he wasnt afraid to bring on one although he was always that person to bear the consequences.

" yes on! lets see who's the first to drop out, " Haechan slammed his elbow onto the table, but he hit it so hard he winced in pain and stood up, looking at the spot so closely. everyone burst out laughing, except for Jaemin who silently giggled. Jeno noticed this, but he didnt want to say anything. he wanted to tell Jaemin to be comfortable, but he wasnt easy to convince until he really knew you well enough to punch around and piggyback.

the afternoon passed by in a flash, leaving the boys astounded when they realised the sun was going to set.

" shit theres school tomorrow. i gotta run guys. see y'all at school. bye! " Ten ran off, not even giving the rest a chance to bid farewell. Taeyong decided to send Winwin off since he felt it was a bit dangerous for the younger to go around quite late at such a time, so Haechan made a choice to wait for his sister, who worked at the store next door, to get off her shift so that the two could go home together.

it was down to Jaemin and Jeno, both awkwardly sitting across each other, their faces turned away. they both lived on the same street, so they could take the bus together but considering how the situation was in that moment, it was slightly uncomfortable.

" umm.. do you wanna go home together? we could take the bus, " Jaemin spurted out. his eyes widened, and he was about to close his mouth. he didnt realise what he had done, bringing himself more heat since it was someone whom he knew from sprints seven months ago yet only got slightly closer over June and still didnt talk to informally.

Jeno was a bit stunned, but nodded his head. he didnt say anything else after that, but the two boys silently took the bus and dared not look at each other in the eye.

as soon as the bus reached their stop, they both got off and walked side by side to their houses in the same direction. it wasnt long before Jeno arrived in front of his home first, and Jaemin stopped in his tracks.

" so i suppose i'll see you tomorrow then? " he asked quietly. the other nodded his head, but there was a burning sensation in him.

" Jaemin, look... i- " he got cut off as the latter pulled him in and crashed their lips together.


annyeong readers !! JAENO FEELS OMF + please note i will not sexualise them. theyre both 17 and underage still so #jaenoprotectionsquad but theyre my faves aft dojae :DDD

so do continue to support this fanfic !! kamsahamnida~~

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