chapter 48

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the clock rang 3.45pm, an announcement was made over the PA system at the same time.

" all students auditioning for SM's 2nd round, please head over to the auditorium. i repeat, all students auditioning for SM's 2nd round, please head over to the auditorium now. thank you~ " ending off in a singsong voice, the PA system beeped. for the past 3 hours straight, no one said a word about anything else except for the books in front of them. quite a rare sight to see coming from a large group of boisterous people heh?

Ten and Winwin aroused from their slumber, while Jaemin helped Jeno and Haechan pack their things as they went off to buy drinks. Doyoung, Jaehyun and Taeyong followed suit, ensuring that nothing was left behind.

the auditorium was packed to the brim when they arrived. the teachers interested all took the middle column, while those who were auditioning took the sides, and the rest of the busybody students sat the back or on the aisle towards the stairs. the school had to legit assign seats such that those who attended the talk had a chance to either be seated or to watch their friends receive their details in public. Seoul Sports School was one of those schools that made every smal detail so publicy it was such an embarrassment, what more with the monthly issues of the newsletter. it was not like as if everything must be broadcasted at the speed of light right?

" ok students and teachers, please settle down. today and soon, we'll be revealing your audition details. those who are not taking part in the second round, keep your mouth shut until after the talk. as for the rest, excluding teachers, please pay close attention because the details are released class by class. even if you're a solo from your class no matter your duo or trio, its still a school-class matter, so please tone it down and keep your cool levels high until im done with it, " the discipline mistress instructed, ending off sternly as she eagle-eyed each and every person in every single row and column. what more to expect as the discipline mistress of a sports school.

surprisingly, the upper years' were revealed first, so breathing a sigh of relief, Jaehyun slumped into his seat.

" i get to make fun of those bastards haha. something they deserve in a long while~ " Doyoung turned to Jaehyun, who was leaning his head against his arm and smirking as he texted Ryeowook. obviously, only a group of special people knew about their relationship still, and it hasnt (and shouldnt) be exposed to their parents. i mean, Jaehyun's parents couldnt care less about him, while Doyoung's were too strict and didnt let him date until 21 so whats the point of kicking the bucket when you can zip your lips and train your secret skills?

" youre really savage huh my dear boyfie! " Doyoung ruffled the younger's hair. suddenly, two hands smacked his thighs, and Doyoung's eyes became fiery hot in an instant. how rude that was, he turned to his right and noticed Donghae and Sungmin seated there. Sungmin looked at his palms, and wiped them disgustingly on Doyoung's shirt.

" eew its him and that asshole~ why are we next to them huh? Donghae? " Jaehyun immediately sat up and glared at Sungmin, whose mouth instantly whistled the most irritating tune anyone could have possibly heard of. Donghae tugged on his sleeve, and Sungmin rolled his eyes.

just then, Changmin's class list appeared, and realising how the trio were the first to audition, their faces changed.

immediately, they left the auditorium, everyone laughing at them and pointing fingers as Changmin stared daggers which pierced through their backs. what a perfect time to be screwed up with the termly tests starting the following week.

" oh yeah. hows your test preparation going? geography and sciences next monday right? " Jaehyun asked.

" yeah... both are doing good. im so screwed for like, math and english next tuesday. thank god theres no test on wednesday. history, literature, social studies and the basketball school team thingy next thursday. then friday theres only training and a day of rest, so dont worry about me. im doing super fine at the moment, " Doyoung smiled as he hugged the younger. placing his arm on his shoulder, he rested his head on Jaehyun's as the year 2's schedule was shown on the screen.


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