chapter 25

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as soon as Haechan, Jeno and Winwin reached the destination, they ran down the stairs of the not-so-abandoned pub. the place was entirely deserted, which was weird because they all speculated that Jaehyun would be there with whoever they talked to on the phone earlier on.

just as they were about to leave, Jaehyun's scream came from one of the rooms. cautious, Winwin led the three of them to it.

" are you sure you wanna do this? i mean, who knows what harm these people can bring us. and what if Jaehyun- " Haechan started.

" no Jaehyun hyung wouldnt do such a thing. positive, " Jeno stated, placing his hand on the younger's shoulder. he sighed and motioned for Winwin to knock on the door.

as soon as he did that, regret filled the three. the door opened, revealing a bloody sight. the room was no ordinary pub room - it was a large space empty of things and the air was still as the dongsaengs stepped in. Donghae's friends all stood by the sides, glares shooting through their souls as they slowly approached the hyung.

Jaehyun was tied up and taped on the mouth, with a cut across his cheek and a knife stabbed through his leg. sweat dripped from his hair, which was tousled over to his left. his shirt was ripped. blood was everywhere around hi. he bled so badly Haechan was going to puke.

wild thoughts ran through his head. he knew Jaehyun for nearly five months, but he didnt know his feelings for the boy were... fake.

he realised he wasnt all serious about Jaehyun just by looking at his state, and crushing on him for five months straight was all just a case of infatuation. useless infatuation. the way he looked at Jaehyun was like how a normal friend would. his feelings didnt explode out of him like he thought it would. he could have crushed on a girl, asked her out, start proper dating, but no he chose a different path (im so mainstream i repeat bare w me).

that time was no time to panic and go through his life from those five months. Haechan shook his head and looked up.

" surprise you bastards~~ " Donghae chuckled. Jeno and Winwin, on the other hand, could not believe what they just saw. Jung Ryeowook and Jung Donghae. the famous super hot topic of the school, bullying their dongsaeng. now this was a scoop no one wanted to miss out on.

" took ya long enough eh? well we had a little fun you see, and now with you three, lets have even more fun shall we? " Ryeowook burst out laughing, weirdly. the dongsaengs looked at each other, worry and fear running through their veins.

Jaehyun shifted in the chair, his eyes finding their way to his hoobaes.

" let them go, " he muttered, blood drooling from his mouth. Donghae kicked his head as Ryeowook punched his gut. more blood spurted out from his leg. the chair creaked under Jaehyun's weight as he tried to move.

the three dongsaengs had no choice but to tackle these gangsters. what they saw, what they heard, was no ordinary thing coming from the Jung family. and it was a first for everyone. Winwin sighed, and got into his Chinese martial arts mode.

" go! " he shouted as he ran at full combat speed to Donghae's friends.

" i'll take care of them. you go help hyung, " Haechan blurted out, immediately regretting his choice although bloody Jaehyun was his weak spot. he shot off to Winwin, and poor Jeno was left standing in his spot. Ryeowook suspiciously eyed the boy, and cackled. he ran to him and tried to throw punches, but Jeno dove under his arm and twisted it.

Ryeowook was amazed at the youngster's ability, and so was the twister himself. taking full advantage of the situation, Jeno spun Ryeowook around and kicked his face, before punching his gut over and over. adrenaline rushed through all three boys, putting their limits to the test in reality.

meanwhile, Doyoung was getting worried. he tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. why was Jaehyun on his mind? why was a hoobae whom he just met and considered an acquaintance bothering him in the middle of the night? a tingling feeling of worry crept up his veins.

aniyo~ i shouldnt be thinking about him. just go to sleep Doyoung!

he scolded himself as he flipped over onto his side and faced Taeyong. the sleeping boy aroused, his eyes slowly opening as light from the hallway filled them. Doyoung panicked a little and shut his eyes, pretending to be asleep. however, his mind was still on Jaehyun.

he heard Taeyong sigh and place himself in a sitting position, before continuing his studying. how he wished he could be like that. the school called his parents to tell them he wasnt advised to sit for the examinations because he joined late although he was capable of cramming everything into his head. thanks to such blabbermouths, Doyoung was free for a whole week. he didnt need to attend classes though he would need to catch up for the end-year tests.

Jaehyun's face continued to play in his mind. Doyoung felt strange. a feeling of strangeness he never felt before. it was more of something everyone desired, but he couldnt fathom it and understand why he felt as such...


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kamsahamnida and saranghae~~

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