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DISCLAIMER:  as my long term and loyal readers are aware, I have a straightforward-no bullshit policy. I don't have the time nor patience to deal with attitude from readers who think it's their civic duty to piss on my parade. So without dropping an essay on y'all let me just point out that if there is a comment button, there's also a block button— which I'm not shy about using.

On that pleasant note, if you're not comfortable with course language and sexual references please don't continue, because there's a shit load! If you're a minor, beat it— I don't need to be responsible for scarring any younglings for life. Finally, beware of minor grammatical errors this is the EDITED version but still may require a final edit. on at your own risk!

Aaron Tyler Quinn, CEO of Quinn Industries Inc. is talented in many aspects of life especially sex he's had a lot of practise. Like most playboy bastards, our sexy as hell Mr. Arrogant detests the word relationship. The suit-clad billionaire is as ruthless with his sex-life as he is with his business empire— emotions are weakness and Arron Tyler Quinn is not weak.

He believes to his very core that sex is just a requirement, a physical necessity and getting some has never really been a problem for our egotistical billionaire...that is until he finds himself helping his new, feisty neighbour up off the ground. O oh Mr. Arrogant, looks like you've met your match. Charlie Reed is a five-foot walking spitfire, the lioness that just won't bow.

It all starts with a challenge, to get her into his bed without those messy emotions women cling to, or so he thought.

She drove him crazy with all sorts of frustration as he became obsessed with all things Miss Reed...

Copyright © 2021- All rights reserved by Cynthia. S. R.


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