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Interrupting the air of tension, that suddenly filled the hallway, with an extremely ungraceful clearing of my throat, I drew my new neighbour's attention— the subtlety of it all left a lot to be desired. Meeting my gaze in a fleeting glance, Mr Arrogant released his death-grip around Blake's hand. "We should get going." Hooking my arm with Blake's, I rushed out the sentence in a breath. Sounding surprisingly arrogant to my own ears, I yanked Blake in the direction of the elevator.

Walking a mere two steps in the direction of complete escape, I stiffened. A large warm hand settled against my lower back. The strong grip prompted me towards the large metal cart, despite the resistance my body was attempting to put up. Simplifying actions as they catalogued themselves within my mind, I concentrated on simply breathing. The man wasn't that irresistible. Really, without proximity, the arrogant asshole had nothing over me— he was powerless without it.

Shuddering when his long, thick fingers began to caress my bare skin erotically, I dug my nails deeper into my thigh. Suppressing a moan, I licked my lips. Feeling his burning gaze on me, I foolishly quickened my steps. Digging the tips of his fingers against my soft skin, he met my every stride effortlessly. A layer of pure heat rose over my skin, his handprint branding my flesh; promising to indulge me with the most pleasurable sins he knew. Determine to break the contact and in turn the power he had over my body, I took wider steps.

That coupled with my ridiculous pace ensured my far from elegant collapse to the floor. Tripping over fucking-thin air, my ankle buckled under the sudden redistribution of my weight. Crying out I braced for what I was sure would be both a painful and mortifying impact. Before I could face plant and rub what what remained of my dignity into the ground in a sobbing heap, a large muscular arm banded around my narrow waist— hauling me into a rock hard body in one swift manoeuvre.

Gripping his boulder like biceps, I sucked in a sharp breath. Glaring down at me, my arrogant neighbour fastened his hold around my much smaller body. Praising gravity for its intervention, my body purred at the gesture. Leaning into his masculine embrace, I subconsciously drew closer to him. 

Restraint...what fucking restraint?

Watching his haunting irises travel over my head, I released a shaky breath. His deadly gaze cut over me, seething with pure hate. Digging my nails into his strong arms, I reluctantly pushed away. Internally, my body flailed in protest, demanding to be close again. "You alright?" He questioned through his teeth, the muscles along his prominent jawline working furiously. Nodding in response, I prayed my knees wouldn't give out in front of him— my self-esteem would never survive the shame.

Peeling his long arm away from my waist, I took a healthy step back and allowed the delirious rush of arousal he'd awakened between my legs to simmer down, marginally. Pressing a hand to my stomach, I turned to face Blake. My big brown eyes narrowed into slits as they took in Blake's humiliating attempt to contain his laughter. Bastard.

Pressing his fisted hand to his mouth, he shook with amusement— cheeks turning crimson from lack of oxygen. Good, hope the fucker passes out. My subconscious blushed furiously, scowling in his direction. "Change your shoes." Mr Arrogant's shadow fell over us and I was yet again stricken by the way he could command my body to obey him. It took every molecule I possessed to remain rooted.

Gripping Blake's hand I marched him the remaining distance to the elevator—my obsessed neighbour remained hot on our heels. Ensuring I lent special attention to my footsteps, I prayed the relentless brute behind me would take the hint. Jabbing at the call button, I blew a strand of hair away from my eyes. My mouth dried as his unique scent mingled with the air around me. Eyeing the numbers above the cart, as they rolled by excruciatingly slowly, I muttered a silent chant— imploring the damn contraption to kindly hurry the fuck up.

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