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'I found you, beautiful...I will always find you, bunny.'

Chills, every word sent a chill coursing through my body— right down to the bone. Ripping the card to shreds, I tossed the pieces into a nearby trash can— shivers carving down my spine. The feeling was a familiar one, like being watched by a shadow. I'd felt it my entire life; no matter where I am or where I go, the feeling always follows. Ripping the envelope up, I disposed of it along with the card.

My entire life it had only been a feeling, and feelings cannot pick up a pen and write you a letter.

Bursting into my room, munching on a protein bar, Blake torpedoed himself onto my bed. Tucking an arm beneath his neck, he smirked in my direction. Glancing at the trash can, I hugged my arms around my body— as though the action shielded me in some protective manner.  "Secret admirer, baby Bean?" Winking, he polished off the remainder of his bar before reaching his free arm to join the other beneath his neck.

"Wasn't for me." I managed the words without cringing and swiftly returned to unpacking my bags. Unpacking the boxes first, I listened to Blake as he filled me in on his plan to organise an exhibition.

Pushing off the bed, he swung his legs over the edge, proceeding to plant his elbows on his knees. "So...we're in New York, the city that never sleeps..." Raising his eyebrows excitedly, he brushed his jawline with a hand. "Wanna hit up some clubs?" It took only a brief glance to discern the familiar itch for getting hammered and laid glimmer across his charming features.

Rolling my eyes I let out a small laugh, amused by his boyish anticipation to get better acquainted with New York's night life. "Why not, lets see how many we can hit up before we pass out!" Beaming, I collapsed an emptied out box and cast it through the air like a frisbee.

Catching the flattened cardboard between his palms he jumped up, simultaneously fist pumping the air to demonstrate his enthusiasm. Blake had the whole refined, boyish good looks going for him— handsome and charmingly irresistible. Women didn't stand a chance when Blake pulled out all that Campbell charisma.

His dirt brown hair gave off a boy band vibe, when paired with that surfer's lean, muscular body; he was basically cat nip to chicks. His entire wardrobe consisted of leather jackets and denim jeans, the guy was practically James Dean re-incarnate. "Unpack your shit later, it's seven already." Kicking one of my boxes aside, he headed towards the door. "At this rate we won't make it to more than five." He added, over his shoulder, pulling the door shut.

Sitting cross legged I slid closer to one of the larger suitcases, rummaging through the heavily packed mess of clothes; I did my best to determine what was clubbing worthy or not. Blake returned fifteen minutes later, setting his damp hair as he made his way back to my bed. Settling onto the edge he scanned me from head to toe, shrugging he checked his watch. Dropping my head back into his knees, I looked up at him.

Clad in a BZL t-shirt, perfect slim jeans and another sexy leather jacket; giving him that bad boy with a motorbike sex appeal. "Good enough, lets go." He commented. Glaring up at him, I gripped the pressure point behind his knee. Groaning out, he slapped my hand away. Pouting, I toyed with the laces on his fancy blue Adidas sneakers. Covering my eyes with a hand, he nudged my back until I straightened from his knees.

Reaching my arms out in front of me, I blindly searched through the pool of clothes until my fingers caressed something short and cotton. Blake's hand left my eyes and flew to his mouth. My eyes widened when I took in the outfit I'd selected. The echo of a wolf whistle filled the room. "Shit Bean, and here I thought my little innocent Bean didn't partake in the fine art of seduction." Slapping the side of his leg, I shot up off the floor. "Looks like I'm not the only one getting laid tonight-" Before my clenched fist could shatter his jawline, he fell back into the mattress clutching his stomach and screaming with laughter.

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