Good Old/New friends

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We get a seat and we start talking. When someone calls us.

"Daisy! Jake!"

_ _ _ _ _ _

We looked in the direction of the sound of our names. It was a long blonde haired girl... with... blue... You gotta be kidding...

"Hey Scar!" Jake said happily.

"Oh mah fucking god. You gotta be kiddind the HELL OUT ME!" I yelled making Jake laugh as fuck

"It's nice to see you too Daisy" Scarlet said

"FUCK my FUCKIN' LIFE!" Jake just couldn't stop laughing at my drama.

"Calm down sis" He stopped to laugh a little more "It's all from the past" he continued laughing low.

"Yeah. You heard him. Past is past. Try to get over it girl!" Scarlet teased

"Well I'm tryin to get over you but you always pop in front of the my beautiful view!" I said annoyed.

"Bitch please. I am the View!" She said tryin to make things funny.

"No Scarlet. No you aren't. Just get the fuck out!" I said irritaded.

"Chill girl! This is public!" Scarlet continued to annoy me.

"Yeah but my personal space is not!"

"Calm down D. She just wants to talk." Jake tried to calm me down successfully.

"Okay alright! I'll let her talk." I said against what I wanted.

"Oh! I didn't came to say sorry if that whatcha think!" Scarlet was putting me reeeaaaally mad...

"Are you fucking serious Girl? And this is why I don't like girls." Jake replied.


"A MIRACLE JUST CAME TRUE!" I shouted right before the bell ring.

Finally that hell of break finished!

"YOU INSANE GIRL!" A random guy yelled at me from far away. Maybe he though I liked lessons! LOOOL!

Jake and I went to our lockers again and grab our things for the next lesson.

"What you gonna have now sis?"

"I'm gonna haavee....." I search on my schedule for the next lesson. "Oh! It's a free block!"

"Lucky you. I'm gonna have a block of Maths right now."

"Well. Good luck there bro!" I said waving him goodbye and going in the direction of the exit door.

I was looking at my phone when I bumped at someone.

"Ouch! Sorry man." I said kneeling to pick up my phone.

"Is it broke?"

I paralised. Again really?

"It's the fucking THIRD TIME that SOMEONE that I FUCKING KNOW appears and I just don't realized it! Like WHAT THE FUCK DAISY!? THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YA?!?!"

"Calm the F down girl" Said Ron smirking.

"No really! It's annoying A F!"

He hugged me and whispered "I missed you..."

"wh-what? Why? You never really needed me..."

"To be honest... you're the person I need the most" When he said this I felt him tighten my shirt.

"You can't be serious."

"It's okay. I never made it clear..." He said looking at the ground with a disapointed face.

Did this mean he fucking loves me? Other one? Really?

"Does that mean you are in love with me?" I asked.

He didn't anwser. He just brooke the hug and walked away. I don't want to hurt another one but... I can't love... I just... I mean... its better not...

"Wait!" I shouted at him "Don't go!"
"I'm late for maths lesson girl!"
"Well. Looks like you'll have company. Jake is there too." I informed
"It's normal. We're at the same year shortie." He said teasing me
"Hey! I'm really tall for my age!" He smirked a little bit and waved goodbye.
I waved back and took out my phone of the pocket. It had a scratch from the fall. I ignored it and search on my contacts names of my old friends. Angela, Drake, Fran, Jake, Joanna, Mittas, Ron, Sellina...
"Oh Sellina... I miss that girl... I really need to solve the this between us..." I said to myself.
I was about to make a move when I bumped into someone again. Acctualy I'm sick of being so distracted and get bumped every single time. This needs to stop! And the worst part is that I always bump into someone I know!
"Ar-are you ok?" The boy asked
I was so focused on my thoughts that he felt forced to be the one asking that.
"Sorry sorry! I am I am! It was me. Sorry." I said coming back from my thoughts.
"No no! It was me!" The blonde Boy said.
"No really. It's not the first time today that I bump into someone cuz of my clumsiness" I said explaining myself " So I'm pretty sure it was me."
Luckily this time it wasn't someone I knew. It was a blonde Boy with blue sea eyes and retangular glasses. He was shorter than me and had a shy face. He was hearing a black sweatshirt with a red icon of Elemental and black thigh jeans. He was using black Vans and short dark blue socks.

"Anyways I didn't catch up your name." I stoped examining him. "Even tho you didn't throw it but fuck it..." I said softly. Remembering of the reply of one of the persons that made me suffer the most. Scarlet.

"I'm Oliver Broody Connor"

"You came alone?"I asked

"No. My twin came with me."

"Oh. You have a twin? What's his name?" I said curious.

"His name is Thomaz. He was Brown eyes with a blue strip. The opposite as mines. And has rond glasses." He replied.

"Oh cool but... Where is he?" I was making so many questions that I can say that he's feeling uncomfortable.

"He said he was going to check what lesson we would have now."

"You know that everyone has diferents schedules"

He looked at me suprised. He had no clue of what the hell I was sayin. I put my hand on his shoulder and told him to follow me. As we reached his locker I helped him finding the secretary to get his shedule. He realised that his schedule was really similar to mines.

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