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I was so scared that I just wanted to get out of school. I ran away and Mittas followed me. When I decided to stop, I hugged him and started to cry. When someone yelled at me.
"Hey you girl!"

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My heart was beating fast and I started getting sweaty. Even tho I was sweaty I was shacking from a estrange cold. It was so hot minutes ago and now I'm almost getting frozen. I started getting dizzy and I panicked. I grabbed Mittas shirt and started crying for help. In just a few seconds a crowd of people started to get near. They were all staring at me and I saw Mittas looking at me completely disoriented. I was getting the feeling that I was turning into a unknowed creature. I was so scared that I ended up faithing.

I woke up at the ambulance. I was so confused that I threw up. What the hell was going on. They put a calming mask on my face. It didn't help. I was now screaming and trying to get free from their hands. The steam that the mask was making me breath was making me weaker. I tried not to breath it even tho the medics kept telling me too. I ended up faithing once again this time cuz of the steam. When I woke up I was in my room. My older Sister, Crystal, asked me a few random questions. Such as "How are you?", "What did you felt?", "What happened in school?", that kind of stuff. I think I could say she was worried. Or maybe someone made her ask me that.

It was almost three in the morning when I recived a message from Ron quite usual. It said:

"Meet me at the Central Forest. Right Now!"

I asked him why but the answer never came. So the only think left to do was go to the forest. When I got there no one was there. The street light was weak and it was creepy as fuck. I was going to wait at least five minutes for him but that shit was too damn creep I didn't even wait half a minute. I was getting out when the same voice who yelled at me at school called me.

"Where are you going to soon girl? The night is still young!" I was freakin out. The day just couldn't get worse....

"Wh-what you want...?" I started shaking and my voice was weak. Just like the lights. That soon turned off.

"What the hell man?" Another voice said. It was a new one. I didn't have any clue who this guy could be.

"Fuck the lights bro! We're here for the girl!" The voice of the boy you yelled at me said.

"W-who are you? And what do you want?! Please just let me go..." I just wanted to get the hell outta of there when everything went clear.

"So now you wanna run away bitch? You are wicked enough to make a new inofensive boy cry and then you ask for mercy?! Ah! You ain't get no mercy girl. You gonna pay for what you did to Oliver!" It couldn't... Why would they do this just because of a random boy crying! I didn't really mean to do that!

"Please I can't do this... I want to get out... let me go..."

"Do what bitch? Are you gonna put us cryin too? I'd like to see you try!" It wasn't that. It wasn't at all.

I could feel my tears forming in the eyes. But when they started to go down in my face... I started laughin. And as they went down and new ones formed.... My laugher started getting higher and uncontrollable. I felt my eyes burning like fire and the laugher started to go from akward to really creepy. I looked at them and two strong white lights lit on them. I could see their faces completely frightened. I felt something on my back. Like it wanted to get out. It wanted to rip my back. It was hurting so much that I couldn't even scream. And then in my shoulders and head. Finally I screamed so loudly that the street lights started functioning again and then the glass broke. In the exact same instant, I felt my back and clothes getting completely ripped and the my shoulders and head too. and in the next second I had both of the boy in my arms and I felt like I was in the air. I wasn't walking and I was moving. We actually were in the air. I was carrying them and then I threw them of the cliff. And then I looked to my shadow... I had horns... in my head and shoulders... I had wings...I thouched them and yes... they had feathers... Black Feathers... I looked at my body and it was grey... I was made by stone... I realized that I couldn't control myself till that moment... Everything I made before it was someone else controling... It started raining suddenly... a storm was forming... but just to feel the rain drops falling in my body now made by stone relaxed me. The payne was getting away and then a lightning appeard in the sky... The lightning formed the word KIRA... and I remembered Oliver... and I... I don't remember... and then my mom woke me up... it was 8am... time to school...

When I was having breakfast I asked myself was it true or just a dream? In normal sitiations I would say it was a dream. But I had the message and I still felt a little payne but there were no marks in my body. Which doesn't make any sense! If something ripped my back, shoulders and head I would have mark right?!?! But still I felt that something was in there.

When I got to school the evidence that what had happen was true increased. Two boys from our school were in a coma due to a suicide attempt. They say they jumped of the cliff. The reason is still unknowed. And Ron told me that Someone hacked into his phone and contacted me. He showed me the messages and my reply wasn't there. We was super worried asking me if I went there. Because he suspects that this "Hacker" contacted the two other boys to make' em go to the forest. Later pushing them off the cliff. He refused showing that text message to the police. He said that he didn't wanted me to be on the case. I was actually really greatful. It could make them suspect that it wasn't a suicide attempt but a murder performed by me. Which techinally was but... I couldn't stop it...
"Sis? What's wrong?" Jake asked. He knowed me for a long time know. It's not all that it takes to get to know me well enough to understand what I'm feeling. But he listened to 78% of my dramas. Two per week. So he knows when I'm not okay. Or when I'm faking. "Did it got out of you too?" Too? What did he meant with too? "Yeah, I know whatcha feeling. He knows?! Of course! I mean. I'm not that different from you." He smiled at me and my first reaction was hug him. Did he really mean that?
"Are you sure you're saying the same think I'm thinking?"
"Yes. Oh and btw my demoniac name is William." He winked
"So does that word that the lighting formed is my demoniac name?"
"Lighting? Mine appeared cutted in my arm." He said. That gave me chills. Like auch! I thought at loud and Jake giggled with my reaction.
"It wasn't nothing I wasn't used too" he broke the hug and waved goodbye. Still making a cute smile that was trying to distract me from what he said. Did he cutted himself? That would explain with his never shirtless on the beach. Which is really awkward to see actually.
I saw Oliver and I pretended that I didn't saw him and walked away. He was with some new boys. I think they were friends with the other of last night. He was looking at me with his mouth slightly open like he wanted say something. I was walking to the my next lesson room door when someone pinned me against the lockers. He hugged me and I heard his breathing in my ear. I could understand by the way he breathed that he was a boy, that he was nervous or scared. He whispered in my ear that he was worried. In this moment I realized that it was Ron. When he broke the hug, he looked at me and I made a confused look.
"I thought it you were Ron! Gosh you scared me!" It took me a few seconds to realize that it wasn't Ron but Mittas.
"Why would I be Ron?" He asked jealous. I don't why he was jealous but his voice expressed jealousy.
"Because yesterday he hugged me and he whispered in my ear too. It wasn't as violent as you were but still!" I giggled and he didn't giggled back. He continued staring at me with a jealous face.
"What did he say? That he was worried, just like me? Or he just said that he loved you?" Wait, does he know if Ron loves me or not? After what happen yesterday I'm not sure of anything....
"What do you mean? Does Ron love me?"
"I don't know." He looked away annoyed this time. I was pretty sure that he knew it. They're were really close friends. I never heard him talk about Ron like this. "You didn't answer me." When I looked back at him, he was staring again but impatient.
"I think he does..."
"I think he does like me."
"Did he told ya?" Now I was sure that he knew.
"I don't know" I teased
"Really?" He looked annoyed again.
"Aww come on! That bad mood is annoying! Smile bro!" I faked a little smile to make him smile too. He replied with a even faker one followed by a really fake and annoying laugh. "Come on! What's wrong?!"
"Well I don't know! Maybe the fact that you faithed in my arms, that you didn't reply my messages and maybe the fact that YOU ASKED ME FOR HELP!! I'm the one who should be asking WHAT'S FUCKING WRONG?!?!" He yelled mad at me. I took a step back with his reaction. He quickly apologized and looked into my eyes and continued. "I'm really worried with you... I have no idea why you reacted that way. You freaked out pretty bad... Did you know what the boy wanted?"
"I didn't know. But know I do... fun fact! That boy that called me that one is the one who's in a coma!" I made a innocent smile and waved goodbye. While I was walking away I looked back to Mittas. He was with a confused face. I wonder what he was thinking...


Author note:

From now on the history will have POV's.
There is a new main character beyond Daisy. (Mittas)

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