Meaning of Acts

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We stayed like that, lost in silence, for a long period of time. When we got to the restaurant, we let go our hands and we entered the building.

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We looked around as we decided were to sit. Cookie pointed to a table for two right next to the Window at the caffe zone. The extremely hot weather that was felt outside was now replaced by a calm and refreshing environment. We sat down and Cookie put his arm on the table. A move that meant that he wanted to hold hands. I made the same move holding the back of his hand. Some minutes of our time was spent that way. Holding hands and looking to the people in the other side of the glass. Someone who would look at us would think that we were a couple. But that wasn't a "I love you" type of holding hands. We just met each other!  It was more like a "You're the type of friend that's gonna stay".
That four or five silenced and calmed minutes ended when the waitress got to our table. Weirdly he was a guy with our age. And I think I already saw him at our school too tho...
"Good evening. Are you ready to order?"
"Hum... Not really. Can you tell us what's available? Tra..." Cookie got closer to the Waitress chest trying to read the name written on his shirt.
"Trayan. My name's Trayan. The son of the Manager." A smile formed in his lips. Something that meant he was proud of it. He told us what choices we had as he looked at both of us with his light green eyes. While that, me and Cookie looked at each other whenever something that sounded tasty was told by the Waitress.
When we finally decided, I couldn't hold myself to keep the question.
"Hey! Um... Trayan. Don't mind me ask you this but... where do you study?" Cookie looked at me surprised. He must have thought that I was interested in the new guy. Which I totally wasn't. No, seriously. I'm NOT interested in him. He doesn't look like to be my kind.
"The same as yours."
"What?!" Cookie and I said at the same time. And both confused.
"I know who you guys are. You're the girl who made him cry." He said while looking at me and then switching his eye contact to Cookie.
"Wait what? Wait... No, no, no, no. This is his twin! Thomaz!" I pointed to Cookie.
"Sup." Cookie replied.
"But... How do you know that?" I looked at him surprised.
I start getting nervous whenever I talk about this subject. But... HOW THE FUCK DID HE EVEN KNEW?!?!
"Oh, I saw the all scene. I gotta admit, that was savage as Fuck!" Trayan laughed at his own comment and Cookie giggled with him. Such a cutie smile...
"Well, let me just start making your orders. Excuse me." Trayan said leaving our table.
"And don't come back..." Cookie whispered. Not quietly enough to stop me from laughing at it.
As I laugh, Cookie looked at me quite shocked and then looked away smiling and slightly blushing. I put my hand on Cookie's cheek and softly pulled his face making him look at me while I was still giggling. He touched my hand and we both blushed more. We let go our hands and started chatting about how was strange, for me, was the live having a twin. Meanwhile, the food arrived but our conversation didn't end.
The time passed and our conversation subject changed as we notice some dark clouds in the Sky. Which was pretty weird since it was summer and when we got in the Restaurant we were both sweating cuz of the heat.
When we finished eating we both looked outside and hold hands again. It was starting to rain. Once again, not normal. We laughed at ourselves as we created a comic situation for those people who ran in the rain.
I stopped laughing as I saw Ron entering the caffe. Cookie was still giggling. Is smile shown happiness. An emotion that stopped when I quickly let go Cookie's hand. Maybe a little too sudden...? Cookie looked at me right after my sudden move. He was confused, shocked and also upset... I felt guilty after that... he probably didn't notice Ron. I mean of course he didn't! The door was behind him!
Ron got to our table and I hope Cookie had now realised why I did that. It wasn't cuz I was embarrassed or something! It's just... Ron could have thought that we were dating... And that wouldn't be good... To NONE of us. None of us THREE.
"Sup guys? What are you doing here?" Ron said while pulling a chair from other table and sitting on it with the chair's back on his chest.
"Can't you see? We're doing a motha fuckin concert!" Cookie said while pointing to our empty plates. We laugh and end up talking about Random Shit. And some minutes after, Ron and Cookie started getting along like best friends that knew each other for years. It was like it was meant to be... They were meant to be.
I got up and went to the balcony to pay for the meal. And ended up chatting with Trayan. Especially about what he saw. The more I know about him, more secure that shit stays...

Cookie's POV

Daisy took her hand back. What did that mean...? Was is too much? Was she uncomfortable? But... that doesn't make sense... Why would she only took it out now? And why so out of a sudden? Her expression shown sadness. Maybe she didn't want to take it out...? Maybe she was forced to do it...? If so, how then? This is the kind of thoughts that consume my soul... I shouldn't care so much about little details... Ron appeared and pulled a chair. A little random but ok. Wait... did she... cuz of Ron? Wait! Are they dating?! Also, I think I never really had a conversation with him... I mean, he is two years older. So I don't think is that weird to never had actually chat with him.
We started talking about the different difficulties of our grades. I ended up discovering that Ron is only a year above us even tho he is two years older.
Daisy got up. I'm guessing that she is going to pay.
Yap. I gotta give her my part... how much was it? Fuck I don't have a clue... Great. What a great friend I am! Making the others pay for my food!
Now that I think... Maybe she didn't want Ron to think that WE were dating. Makes sense.

*Time Skip*

Ron and I have been talking for a good time now. But Daisy hasn't came back yet. I tried to look for her in the middle of the numerous people but I could see shit. I knew it! Ok, I didn't knew it but... I guessed it! I guessed that the restaurant was going to get full. We got silenced. Both of us were trying to find Daisy. But there was no sign of her. Ron got up and started to penetrate through everyone. I did the same. I looked at Trayan and I walked to him. I asked him about Daisy. He said she just had left. I grabbed Ron's wrist and pulled him to the entrance. We got out and now it was him pulling me. Making us both run. We went to the park, to her house and finally to the school. She was nowhere. I was getting nervous. And Ron looked like it too. I started freaking out. And I suddenly hugged him. And my tears started to fall.
"It's alright. Everything is going to be alright." Ron said comforting me.
We started walking again. And I want to hold his hand so bad... But he might thought is too gay... better not risk... We went to talk to a Ron's Friend. His name was Mittas. He said he saw her on one of the school buildings. Building D. We went around the school till we got to the building D. There was no one nearby. Neither behind it. But when we were about to leave, Mittas called us. He was right next to a bush where the fence was open. Someone had cut it. We got trough it. And now we were in a forest. Out of the school. When we heard a shot that made us all freeze.

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