You don't choose Who You Love (One shot)

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In a school where the light of perfection didn't reach, there was a girl named Daisy. She was a fifth gradder and an average student.

Daisy was often bullied by a group of guys. Their ring master was Ron. A brutal boy who was never sorry for his actions nor his thoughts.

The boys would mock her whenever she was in the hallways or with her friends. But most of the time she was by herself, they would grab her and start pushing her around. This would only happen if the group was united. Because when one of the boys walked through her alone, they wouldn't even say a word. Except for Ron. That would always threaten her and mess up her stuff.

One day, Daisy's best friend Joanna, saw Ron saying mean things to Daisy and throwing her things to the ground. She was too scared to confront him so she filmed the scene.

Later, when Daisy got home, her parents went to talk to her about the video that Joanna sent them. When she saw the video she started to cry.

"Please... don't tell anyone." She begged.

"It's okay Sweetheart. We will solve this with your principal and Ron will never hurt you again." Her parents said trying to help her feel safe.

"No, please don't! Don't do that!" She kept crying but her parents had made a decison. They would talk to the principal and make go expelled.

The next day, when the parents were at the principal's office, they asked if they could talk with Ron. Daisy didn't stay inside when he came. She waited outside and when he left the office, he threatened her again.

"You'll get what you deserve for making me go expelled. I'll leave marks this time, just you wait."

"It wasn't me! I even tried to stop them from talking to the principal's! But they didn't care! I didn't want them to know you were hurting m!I... I... I like you! and the only time I was with you was when you were hurting me. So I never really minded..." When she said that, the boy got shocked, but didn't want to show it. So he stayed without reaction. And then answered with no tone or emotion.

"Why would you like me?"

"I don't know... I didn't choose to love you. Who does?" She tried to smile. But it quickly disappeared. He remained emotionless. And after a few seconds left.

A week passed and he came back. But this time, he wouldn't even look at her. His friends, confused for his acts, asked him.

"Aren't you going to take revenge? She made you go expelled for a whole week! That's not the Ron I know! You'd be by now planning the worst day of the girl's life!"

"She loves me. And she liked every moment I was with her even if I was being mean. The best revenge I can get, is to never ever again get any type contact with her." He said looking from the connor of his eye to her.

Each day that passed Daisy would feel sadder and sadder. To the point that she stopped having any type of emotions.

The school year ended and both Ron and Daisy moved schools. After some months, Ron was transfered to Daisy's school. He had been bullied in his last school.

When Ron saw Daisy, he immediatly went to talk to her. He wanted to slove things up. They both had changed. And grown as well. After sometime they even became best friends. And that was when Daisy's Parents died...

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