Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

I have been in an unknown room for like a week now, I still have no idea what is going on.

I'm blind folded therefore I cannot know where I am, but someone has been giving me food and water every day.

Today I heard someone freaking out from far away, I couldn't quite recall what was wrong, what I heard was:

"Oh my God we're going to jail."

And someone else said.

"I told you we shouldn't have kidnapped him."

And the other one replied.

"But this is the way we're going to manage to get some money, I did it for your sister's sake you know."

"What!! What did you do ?"

Another voice said. And than there was only silence.

After what seemed to be an hour I heard a door open, and someone took off the blind fold and I could finally see.

In front of me was a beautiful girl.

Before I could say anything she spoke up

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Before I could say anything she spoke up.

"Please, don't freak out and don't call the police."

She said as she handed me my phone.

I unlocked it and found over 30 missed calls, so I just messaged them that I was fine and I locked my phone.

"Would you mind explain what happened and where am I please?"

I asked politely, because if she wasn't going to give a valid explanation, I was going to call the police.

"You see my sister and her friend decided to kidnap you."

She said looking at the door where I guess her sister and friend where standing.

"Care to explain why?"

I said looking at them, but all they did was look down, and I could see that they where sorry for what they've done.

"We're really sorry, we shouldn't have." One of them said.

"Yeah we were only trying to help my big sister."

The other one said with tears in her eyes.

"I don't get it." I said confused.

"You see, if they kidnapped you and you're on the missing list those who find you get a huge amount of money since you're famous and all."

The one in front of me said and than looking angry at her sister and friend.

"May I speak with your sister alone please." I asked.

"Yeah sure." She said looking surprised.

The other went and I was alone with her.

"Hi, what's your name and if you don't mind please I would like an explanation of where am I and why I'm here."

I said trying to keep calm, because all this was getting on my nerves, I mean why would someone kidnap someone else for money.

"I'm really sorry,  I just freaked out and didn't know what to do. My name is Harmony, that night my sister could barely breath cause she has lung cancer, and I'm trying to find a way how to get the money so we can pay for the operation and medicine and my friend suggested the kidnapping thing."

She said really fast almost losing breath herself.

"Okay first of all calm down, second I'm sorry to hear about your sister, and third that's your parents job to take care of not yours."

She looked down and spoke again.

"My father left when I was born and my mother died 6 years ago, my big sister is all I have and I'll do anything to try and save her, she was diagnosed 4 years ago, but latly its getting worse and I can already see her dying although she always tells me that's she's fine."

I could see tears building up in her eyes, I myself was feeling tears, I understand why they kidnapped me now, and I'll do anything to help them.

"Look, Harmony, what you did was very bad and you should have never done it, but I understand how miserable you are, and maybe if you didn't leave me here for a week, lost and not knowing where I am, it could have been handled earlier, I will help you don't worry, if you want."

"Are you serious?" She said surprised.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know, because we kidnapped you."

"I am highly aware of that, but we all make mistakes and the fact that you did this for your loved one, I mean if I was in this position I would have done the same, all of us will do anything to save the once we love the most."

She just stared at me with tears in her eyes, and then hugged me with a jump.

She just stared at me with tears in her eyes, and then hugged me with a jump

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"Okay, now can I go, because my friends are probably worried sick about me."

"Yes if course, and again I'm really sorry for what I did, and thank you for helping us."

"No problem, I still have to think about what I'm going to tell them, cause its going to have to be good since I left for a week."

"Look, Harry, if you want tell them the truth, I don't care if I get busted, I deserve it, and as long as it helps my sister I don't care."

"Your not going to get busted, don't worry. Come with me so we can explain the truth to them, I'm sure they'll understand."

She nodded and we went outside the room, as I got out I saw Harmony's sister, she was recording herself singing. She is so talent and has a really beautiful voice.

We let her finsh and then she looked over to us, Harmony went near her to tell her that she'll be coming with me to tell the others the truth about what happened, she didn't mention that I was going to help them.

We headed outside and caught a taxi, as we got in I got curious and asked her.

"Why didn't you tell her, that I was still going to help her?"

"She doesn't want any help, she keeps saying she's fine."

She said looking down and avoid making eye contact.

We arrived in front of our penthouse, and all I could see where the flickering lights coming from 5 police cars and an ambulance.

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