Imagine #1 Truth or dare ~ Aris Jones

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Word count: 1489 words

• Y/N -> your name
• Y/E/N -> your enemies name (or just someone you         don’t like)

“C'mon Y/N, please admit it. I know it! Admit it! Admit it! Admit it!”
I shook my head. Sonya could be so annoying!
“Nope, I don’t admit anything, because there is nothing to admit. I don’t have a crush on Aris!”
My best friend stopped hopping around me and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
She raised her left eyebrow and said: “Do you really think I don’t see it? That <i>all of us </i> don’t see it?”
“See what?”
“The way you look at Aris when he doesn’t see it. And how Aris looks at you when he thinks nobody is watching. I mean it’s soo obvious that you like each other, please stop denying it!”
I was shocked. Was it really so obvious? I mean… i had a little crush on Aris. Maybe a big one. But i was sure that he didn’t like me in this way. We were just best friends.
Sonya waved her hand in front of my face and broke me out of my thoughts.
“Y/N, i know it, and you better admit itright now, or otherwise i’ll go to Aris and tell him that you love him.”
Sonya raised her other eyebrow.
“Ok ok, i have a crush on Aris. Are you happy now?”
She squealed loudly and hugged me.
“I knew it! That’s fantastic! You have to tell him!”
“No. I won’t do that. Forget it!”
“But -” “Sonya, I already told you that I have a crush on Aris. Please stop asking me if i would tell <i>him </i>, because i won’t.”
After this words, i turned around and continued to dig the weed between the tomatos.

To my big surprise Sonya didn’t say another word about Aris, and so i were able to work in the garden for about an hour, until the alarm of the upcoming box roused all of us from our work. I had almost forgotten that it was the day of the arriving of the new greenie and so i almost let my shovel fall to the ground when i heard the loud alarm started but then hurried to the box, together with all the others. When the box opened, i was standing next to Aris and Sonya, and Harriet helped the new greenie out of the box. It was a girl with bright blonde locks and big blue eyes, she was really pretty but i didn’t like her. I couldn’t put a finger on it, but i found her somehow disagreeable, even if i didn’t know her.
Harriet asked the girl: “Do you remember your name?” The girl answered confused,  but without any signs of fear: “My name is Y/E/N. Why shouldn’t i remember my name? Who are you?” “Because nobody of us remembered his name at the beginning. But it’s great that you already know yours. I’m Harriet, this is Sonya, this is Y/N and this is Aris, the only boy here.”
Y/E/N looked at Aris and smiled flirtatious, while she twirled one of her locks between her fingers. “Hey Aris, nice to meet you.          
I’m Y/E/N.” She ignored Sonya and me deliberately. I felt anger in my stomach, as she smiled at Aris, and he smiled back. It seemed like Y/E/N wanted to say something, but Harriet interrupted her. “Beth, please show her around. And you others, didn’t you have work to do?!”
While Beth started to show Y/E/N the glade, i went back to my work. I didn’t want to see how Aris watched the pretty new girl.

*magical time skip to the bonfire*

I leaned against a tree near to the fire with some of Beth’s special drink. It tasted terrible, but i drank it anyway, because you feel a lot happier after a few glasses. And i was kinda depressed, because at the other side of the fire, Y/E/N sat with Beth and Aris, they talked and laughed and had a great time. Y/E/N was pretty close to Aris, she almost sat on his lap, but it didn’t seem to disturb him.

I took a few other sips of the drink, when Sonya came to me. She already appeared to be drunk, because she staggered a little bit and her breath smelled of alcohol as she said happily: “Heyyyyy, Y/NNN! Play Truth or Dare with us! Don’t sit around and look like somebody just died!” She didn’t waited for an answer, she just grabbed my hand and pulled me to the place where Beth, Y/E/N, Aris and a few others already sat. We sat down and Sonya started to turn the empty bottle, which laid in the middle of our circle. The bottle rotated and the slowly stopped at Harriet. She giggled, also little bit drunk, and Sonya asked: “Truth or Dare, Harriet?”, and than laughed as if she just had told the funniest joke ever. Harriert giggled again and answered: “Truth.” Sonya pouted and complained: “Oh Harriet, you’re so lame! But ok…with whom would you spend a night in the maze and why?”
Harriet thought a few seconds, than replied: “I think with you, because you’re sooo slow, i could feed you to the grievers and survive.” Than both of them, Harriet and Sonya, started laughing like there were no tomorrow.

After a few minutes of playing it was Beth’s turn. She let the bottle rotate, and it pointed to Aris. “Truth or Dare, Aris?”, she asked. “Dare”, he replied. Beth smirked at me. What was she going to do? I knew that she had hated me since i came up with the box, even if i had never done anything to her. And i knew that she had always thought i had a crush on Aris. “Ok Aris… kiss Y/E/N. On the lips.”
Her words felt like a punch in the stomach. Sonya drew a sharp breathe, i stand up abruptly and turn around to walk away. I knew that it was now clear for anybody that i liked Aris, but at this moment, i couldn’t care less. I just didn’t want to see Aris and Y/E/N kissing. Sonya shouted: “Y/N! Where are you going?” I mumbled: “I’m tired. I’ll go to bed.” Then i walked in the direction of the homestead, but instead of lying down in my hammock, i went into the forest. I wanted to be alone.

I stumbled through the forest,tears filled my eyes. I should stop thinking about Aris.   Y/E/N was so much better than i, so much prettier, why should Aris like <i>me</i>, when he could have someone like Y/E/N? Suddenly, i heard footsteps behind me. I started running, i didn’t want to talk to anybody.  

“Y/N! Wait! Please!”, i heard Aris voice. I didn’t stop. He shouldn’t see me crying. But he runned faster and grabbed me by my sleeve, forcing me to stop. He turned me around and asked with concern in his voice: “Y/N? Why are you crying?” I looked down and avoided his glance. “I’m not crying. I’m ok. You can go back to Y/E/N.” “Why should i go back to Y/E/N?” “I don’t know? Maybe to kiss her.”
“I didn’t kissed her.” “What?” “I said, i didn’t kissed her. I couldn’t, because… i… i have feelings for an other girl.” I felt like he had slapped me right in the face. Silent tears begun to stream down my cheeks. With a tearful voice i whispered: “You don’t get it, aren’t you? I love you. I have loved you since you came up with this bloody box and the last thing i want to hear is that you like someone else. Leave me alone.” With this words i shooked his hands off and runned away. Why did i say all that things? I would never be able to talk to Aris again or even look at him!

I wanted to run as far as possible away from Aris, but after a few metres i felt his warm hands on my shoulders. He turned my around again and before i could say anything, he pressed his soft lips firmly on mine. At first i froze, but soon i wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing back. He laid his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him. The kiss got passionate, our lips moved in sync and i felt butterflies in my whole body. After a few minutes he stopped the kiss and we both looked breathless into each others eyes. “Y/N… you are the girl i have feelings for. I didn’t kiss Y/E/N because of you. I… i love you", he said timidly. I smiled. “I love you too.” And then we kissed again.

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