Imagine #4 The second girl ~ Newt

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I stood next to my two best friends Thomas and Newt right in front of the box hole, the other boys gathering behind us. Today was the arrival day of the new greenie and the box should be here at any moment. After a few minutes the metal covering of the box hole opened with a loud screech and revealed the box full with new supplies and in the middle laid a motionless person. Newt jumped down and hissed painfully as he landed on his bad leg. He bent down and tried to wake the person. It was a girl. He turned around and smiled up to me. "Y/N, could you come down? I guess she'll be bloody frightened when she wakes up and maybe you could calm her down." I nodded in agreement. I could remember very well how it was to wake up at the glade, with a completely empty mind and sourrounded by fifty boys, it would had been so much easier with another girl. I jumped down and landed without problems, but i could see Newt reaching his arms out to hold me and quickly pulled back when he saw me standing safe. I could feel my cheeks heating up and kneeled down, lightly shaking the girl at her shoulders. She had beautiful black hair and her fine features seemed oddly familiar to me, but i really couldn't put a finger on it. Suddenly she gasped and her eyes fluttered open. She had bright blue eyes and stared directly at me. "Y/N" Her voice was barely audible and she sat up, clearing her throat. "Y/N" she repeated louder "where are we here?" I was utterly confused. Why did she knew my name? "Who are you?" i asked carefully. The girl was still looking at me, and her eyes widened slowly. "Don't you remember? I'm Teresa! Your best friend?" I stared at her, trying to understand what she just said. My best friend? Teresa? I didn't remember her. Desperately i tried to find a hint of her in my head, but there was nothing. I just wanted to give up, when suddenly memories flooded my head and i drew a sharp breath, pressing my hands at my temples. I remembered her! I ignored Newts concerned look and pulled Teresa into a tight hug. "I remember you" i wisphered, "and i'm so happy you're here" I could feel her relaxing and hugging me back, until a very confused Newt tapped lightly on my shoulder. "I really don't want to disturb you two, but it would be great to know what you're bloody doing?" We parted and i helped Teresa to stand up. "This is Teresa, she's my best friend and i remember her!" i said enthusiastically. Newt gave Teresa a smile and shook her hand. "Name's Newt" he said friendly and turned to me. "Did you remember anything else?" "No, there are just some memories of me and Teresa, nothing that could help us" i replied and shrugged. "But i'll tell you when i remember something, ok? I'll just gibe Teresa the tour." He agreed, climbed out of the box and then bent down to help Teresa and me. I ignored the staring boys and dragged her through the croud. "So this is the glade, over there is the homestead, and..."


The next days i barely spoke to Newt. He was always working together in the garden with Teresa, laughing and making jokes with her. Teresa seemed to enjoy Newts company pretty much, a little bit too much in my opinion. Every evening, when we were sitting together at the campfire, she told me how funny Newt was, how much she liked him and that he was her best friend beside me in the glade. Every evening, i listened to her and pretended to be utterly happy for her making new friends so fast, even if i actually didn't wanted to hear anything about it because it made me just sad. One evening, she asked me: "Do you think Newt likes me?" "Of course, i mean you're always hanging out together, i'm sure he likes you" i said and tried to sound normal. "No, i mean, do you think he likes me?" My stomach twisted, but i pretended to think. Teresa didn't seemed to realize something is wrong, and just gave me a questioning look. "I don't know. But could be, i guess. He's always laughing when you're around and seems happy." Teresa nodded thoughtfully and stared into the flickering flames. I cleared my throat. "I'm going to sleep now. I'm tired." I forced a smile on my face, even if it felt more like a grimace, quickly got up and walked to the little room i shared with Teresa. I could felt her bewildered gaze at my back but ignored it.

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As i layed in my hammock, eyes open, staring at the wooden ceiling, i suddenly felt the urge to cry. It's terrible if your crush likes another person, but it's even worse if this person is your best friend. I was sure if i'd tell Teresa that i liked Newt, she wouldn't want to hurt me and would stay away from him. But i wouldn't do that. They are both my best friends, and if they are happy together, i would't destroy that. I wasn't that selfish. Besides, i knew

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