Imagine #7 Don't you remember ~Newt

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Word count: 2000 words

I woke up from the beeping of my little watch and supressed a tired yawn. Don't get me wrong, i loved being a runner, the rush of adrenaline and the feeling of actually doing something that might get us out of this hell, but getting up this early every day wasn't really fun. I carefully tried to removed Newt's arm, that held me tightly, from around my stomach without waking him up.

I was just about slipping my shoes on, when Newt groaned and turned around on his stomach. "Are you leaving, love?", he asked sleepily, his eyes still closed. "Yes, but you don't have to get up. I'll see you in the afternoon when i'm back. I love you", i answered softly. "Love you too"

I left the hut and walked over to the homestead, where Frypan already prepeared the runner's sandwiches. "Hey Frypan, do you need any help?", i greeted him when i arrived at the kitchen. The cook looked up from his work and smiled at me. "Hey Y/N. Thanks for the offer, but i'm ready, here's your food." He handed me a food package and i jogged over to the maze doors. They were still closed, and Minho wasn't there yet.

I started to strech my legs and arms, jumping up and down on the spot to prepare myself for a day full of running. Soon after, Minho arrived and started to strech himself. We didn't talk much, and right before the doors opened, i saw that Newt left our hut and walked over to us.

With a loud screech the walls of the door moved aside and revealed the dark and ivy-covered way into the maze. Minho gave me a smile and left the glade.

I waited for Newt and when he arrived he hugged me tightly and wispered in my ear: "I love you. Please be careful." "I promise. I love you too." We seperated and i turned around and jogged off into the maze. Before the first turn i looked back and saw Newt standing there, smiling at me. I smiled back and started running again, not knowing that this was the last i would see of my boyfriend for a very long time.

▪ ▪ ▪

third person P.o.V

After Y/N disappeared in the dark corridors of the maze, Newt went to work. As always, i thought about his girlfriend the whole day, always fearing that she wouldn't make it before the doors would close in the evening. Until now she made it every time and Newt knew that she was a great runner, maybe the best they had beside Minho, but he loved her and he was worried, even if he should know better.

In the evening, when he finished his work in the garden, he walked over to the maze door and sat down, leaning at the wall as usual to wait for Y/N to come back. He sat there and waited and waited, but nobody came back. He got more worried with every passing minute, knowing that the doors would close soon. Finally he heard someone running towards the glade, but i was only Minho. He nodded at Newt and jogged over to the map room, not bothering to talk to him.

Newt started to pace up and down, repeatedly glancing at the watch on his wrist. Meanwhile, all the runners had reached the save glade, except of Y/N. The doors would close in five minutes and Newt was more worried than ever before. Usually, Y/N would come back at least half an hour before the doors closed but today she still wasn't there, and it was only a matter of minutes before the doors would close and leave everyone who was still in the maze to the grievers for the night.

It was only two minutes left, and now there were also other gladers gathering at the doors, waiting impatiently and worried for the girl to come back. Then the doors started rumbling, the huge stone walls started moving, slowly but steady closing the gap between them.

Finally, Y/N turned around the corner, panting heavily, but sprinting towards the faster and faster closing doors, desperate to reach the safety of the glade. The boys started to cheer, tried to encourage her, but it was to late. There was only a gap of half a meter between the doors and Y/N was too far away. Newt tried to squeeze himself through them, into the maze, to Y/N, but he got hold by some of the gladers. The last thing Y/N saw before the doors closed, was a screaming Newt with tears in his eyes, desperately trying to get to her. Then the doors closed with a loud thud.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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