Imagine #5 It never worked ~ Newt

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Y/F/N ->your friends name

I panted hard when i turned the corner and saw the the glade. Finally. My legs felt heavy and my hole body ached, i could felt every single muscle, even those i didn't even knew existed. When i reached the glade, i stopped and and leaned at wall, totally exhausted and gasping for air. After my heartbeat and breathing slowed down a bit, i made my way over to the map room.

I finished mapping down my todays run, left the little wodden hut and walked through the glade towards the bathrooms. I really needed a shower right now. When i came across the gardens, i saw Newt and Y/F/N standing there, laughing at something. Y/F/N spotted me and waved me over to them. "Hey, Y/N, how was running today? I would hug you, but..." I smiled. "Like everyday. The same pattern as always, no changes, no grievers, nothing new." I looked at Newt, hoping he would say something. At least a hi. But he just gave me a short nod and avoided eyecontact. Y/F/N opened her mouth to say something, but Newt interrupted her. "What did i want to tell you about, love?" She looked confused, but answered: "About Frypan and the little pig." "Right. So, after the pig escaped, it ran all over the place, and in the end it found Frypan's supplies. You should have seen him! He was..."

I was pretty shocked that Newt just ignored me. Yes, he was very distant lately, and yes, we didn't really talked in the last few weeks, but at least he never just ignored me, until now.

I wanted to say something, but changed my mind and closed my mouth again. Instead, i squeezed myself through Newt and Y/F/N, muttered: "Have fun you two" and escaped to the bathrooms. I tried to walk as slow and acting as normal as possible, knowing the whole glade could see me, but when i reached the showers, i slipped inside, closed the door and buried my head in my hands.

What was wrong with Newt? We were always best friends, but in the last few weeks he barely talked to me, spent his whole day with Y/F/N and just seemed to ignore my general presence.

And the worst part was, instead of spending time with me, he always hung out with Y/F/N. Sure, they were friends too, but not as close as Newt and i were. Or at least used to be.

I had feelings for Newt for a quite long time now, but i didn't tell anybody about it, in fear Newt would hear about it. And for a short time i thought that maybe, just maybe, Newt would like me too. But then he started to seperate himself from me and spent a lot of time with Y/F/N and now i was almost 100% sure he was in love with Y/F/N.

Sure, i would understand him, she was gorgeous. But i wasn't so bad myself, at least i thought so.

▪ ▪ ▪

With damp hair and fresh clothes i left the bathroom and made my way over to the homestead to get something to eat. When i entered the homestead, i saw Newt and Y/F/N sitting together at one of the tables, talking, and Thomas, sitting alone at the other end of the homestead, seemingly deep in thoughts and picking in his food.

I took a plate and two sandwiches and walked over two Thomas. He didn't recognized me until i sat directly opposite of him and waved my hand in front of his face. "Is everything alright, Thomas?", i asked. "Yeah.. everything ok...i guess", he replied. "What's the matter? You can tell me." He hesitated. I could practically see how he thought about wether he should tell me or not. Finally, he spoke again. "Ok, i tell you, but you must promise not tell anyone else." I nodded and he continued: "It's about Y/F/N. I like her, you know, like really like her, but she's is always around Newt and i don't think she likes me back." "Oh, that's terrible. Newt's is acting strange lately, too. I don't understand him. But honestly, i don't know why Y/F/N shouldn't like you. You're great, always nice to everyone, your not so bad looking and you're a runner!" i tried to cheer him up. He smiled weakly. "If you say so...but anyway, thank you."

▪ ▪ ▪

Tonight i wasn't really in the mood for the usual little campfire we held when no new greenie arrived this day, so i just left after dinner and went to the little room in the homestead Y/F/N and i shared. I closed the door behind me and slipped out of my boots before i flopped myself on my bed and buried my head in the pillow. I didn't understand Newt, and i really wanted to think of something different, but my thoughts kept flying back to him.

With a groan i levered myself up and pulled out a little wooden box from under my bed. I opened it and took out one of the books, then i put the box back, made myself comfortable on the bed and opened the book.

I've already read it and all the other books a thousand times, but the creators wouldn't sent any new ones up, even if i asked for it several times, so i had to reread the books.

I was able to read until chapter 9, then the door flung open and revealed Y/F/N. She stumbled more into the room than walking and her eyes were kinda glassy, so i assumed she had a bit too much of gally's drink. My best friend dropped herself on the edge of my bed and looked at me. Than she asked in a rather sad tone: "Why are you here? Newt and i missed you." I scoffed. "Sure you missed me. Didn't seemed like this the last days so why now?" She stared at me, then her eyes widened and she smiled smugly. "Oooh, is little Y/N jelly? I knew you like Newt! Why didn't you say anything?" I felt myself blushing. "I do not like Newt. Not like that at least." "Then why don't you like it when we hang out together?", she asked with one eyebrow raised. "I- i don't know what you mean. It's great if you two get along well." "You know very well what i mean, Y/N. You like Newt."

Right in this moment Newt wanted to knock at the door to ask where Y/F/N was, when he heard his name and his hand stopped in the middle of the movement and he just stood there, with one hand raised, and listened.

"No, i don't. And besides, he likes you. Everyone could see that. And i don't think you realize how lucky you are. Newt is such a wonderful person, he's always caring and being there for everyone who needs him, he always tries to do the right thing, his character is literally gold. And did you look at him? Because if you did, you would know that he is perfect. Inside and out. Everything on him his just perfect. And you could have that. You, and not me." Towards the end my voice got quieter and the last sentence i only wispered because i had to fight back the tears. I meant what i said. Newt was perfect. And to know that he lieks my best friend shattered my heart into a million pieces. "If you ask me, this doesn't sound like you don't like him. You should tell him", smirked Y/F/N. I wasn't in the mood for a discussion with a drunken Y/F/N about wether to tell my crush that i like him or not even when he clearly likes her, so i just gestured towards the door. "Could you please just go. I'm tired, i want to sleep." She shrugged and got up. "Ok, if you say so. Then i'm going to find Thomas now. " With this words she stumbled back to the door and opened it, only to reveal Newt, who still stood there with a raised hand, dumbfounded by what he just heard.

"Oh Newt, great you are here! Go in there and talk to Y/N!", she said and shoved him towards my bed. "Y/N, loverboy is here, just tell him!", she said to me, then she left.

Newt stood awkwardly in front of my bed and fiddled with his hands. "Did you mean what you just said?", he asked finally after an uncomfortable silence. I blushed a dark shade of red. "I ..guess yes, but i know you like Y/F/N, so we could just forget it and pretend it never happened?" Without looking at me, he sat down at the edge of my bed. "Y/N...i don't like Y/F/N. I like you. Always have. But i thought you didn't liked me back so i tried to forget you and concentrated on Y/F/N. But... it never worked." "Really?" "Really." He finally looked me in the eyes, and a warm, tingly feeling spread in my stomach. Hesitantly, Newt wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. I instantly hugged him back and he planted a soft kiss on my hair and wispered:" You have no idea how happy i am right now."

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