Imagine #2 Medjack ~ Newt

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I stood on tiptoes and streched my arm as high as possible, but i couldn't reach the medicine. I were too small. With a heavy sigh, i grabbed a chair and used it to fetch the small brown bottle. Right when i stood on the floor again, the door got opened and Jeff sticked his head around the door with a smile. "Y/N? Lunch is ready in a few minutes. You can take a break." Then he closed the door again.

After finishing my work, i left the med-jack hut walking towards the homestead. Frypan gave me a plate full of food and i made my way to the table where i were sitting with Newt, Thomas, Minho and Chuck. Today the runners had a day free, so they could join the lunch, even if they were usually in the maze at this time of the day. I placed myself next to Thomas and started eating. The boys had an animated disscusion about different possibilitys to kill a griever. Even if the ideas were utterly ridiculous, it was funny to listen to them.

While eating, i couldn't help staring at Newt. He looked just so good, with his light brown hair and his brown eyes, which were looking at me...oh shit, they were looking at me! I cleared my throat, embarressed at the fact he just caught me staring at him and looked down at my plate. He chuckled and i quickly stood up, mumbled: "I go back to work." and made my way back to the med-jack hut.

I closed the door behind me, plumbed down on a chair and buried my face in my hands. Why? Why did i always embarressed myself infront of Newt? I mean, we were just friends. Well, just friends for him . I wished i could stop thinking about him, but he was always so sweet and caring, every time he talked to me, i just fell more and more for him, even if i were sure he meant it just in a friendly way.

Suddenly, the door bursted open and Thomas came in. He placed himself on the chair next to me and looked at me. "You like him." "W-what do you mean?" i asked and felt my cheeks heating up. "Newt. You like him." he repeated. I stared at him, completely shocked. "But - that's not true!" He raised his eyebrows. "Oh please, Y/N, don't deny it. It's more than obvious. You have to tell him!" I shook my head. "Nope, i won't do that. It would just ruin our friendship and make things terrible awkward, because he doesn't feel the same way" i answered categorically. Thomas pouted. "You'll never know until you tell him! Besides, i think he likes you too. You should see how he stare at you sometimes. And you two would be such a cute couple!" I smiled slightly at Thomas words but then stood up and gestured towards the door. "However, i would love to continue talking about my non-existing lovelife with you, but i have plenty of work to do. So... maybe you could help somebody, too." Thomas shrugged and left the hut. But then turned around again and winked: "Think about what i just told you. He likes you." I groaned, pushed him out of the room and closed the door behind him. Then i continued sorting the little medicine bottles.

After a few minutes of working, the door opened again and i turned around stressed, expecting Thomas standing there, but it was Newt. I gasped at the sight of him, he was deathly pale, his hoodie was ripped and bloody at the right side under his chest and he leaned against Zart, not able to walk alone. "Oh shuck, Newt! What happened?! Lie down here!" I hurried through the room and prepared one of the beds for him. Zart helped him to walk slowly to the bed and lie down. Then he asked: "Do you need help, Y/N? 'Cause i have work to do, but i could send you Clint or Jeff." I smiled at him. "No thank you. It'll work." He nodded and left the hut.

Newt P.o.V

My side hurted so bloody much, it felt like a thousand knives had been stabbed into my body. Y/N looked at me with a worried expression on her face and asked me softly: "What happend?" I tried to ignore the penetrating pain and replied through clenched teeth: "I was trimming some vines and then the knife slipped down and cut me." She nodded and reached hesitantly for my sweater, but then stopped. "You - ehm, you have to take it off" She blushed slightly and avoided my glance. I had to hold back a chuckle. She was just too cute. "Ok, but you have to help me." Y/N blushed a little bit more, but grabbed my hoodie and tried carefully to remove it. Where her soft hands brushed my bare skin, i could felt a tingle, and now i felt my cheeks heating up. She put the hoodie down next to the bed and turned to my again. I could see her gaze briefly wander about my body, until she saw to wound. Her eyes widened and she mumbled: "Oh shuck." Then she quickly walked towards one of the shelves and took a bottle and a little towel. She bent down next to me. "This will hurt" she warned me, but i simply nodded. It hurted so much now, i doubted more would be possible. But when she carefully touched the cut with the towel, i could barely hold back my tears and drew a sharp breath. Y/N looked up with a weakly smile. "I really try my best being carefully. I'm sorry." I forced me to smile back and she continued cleaning the wound with a concentrate expression. I couldn't help staring at her, she looks absolutely gorgeous when she bite her lips and narrow her eyes in concentration.

After she finished, she raised her head and when she met my intense glance and realized i had been staring at her the whole time she blushed hard and quickly turned around to clear away the towel and the bottle. Then she took some bandages and came back. " have to raise your back a little bit so that i can dress the wound" she explained, still with red cheeks.

I carefully tried to sit up and Y/N started to wrap the bandage around my torso and even if it hurted bloody much, i enyoid it because she had to embrace me every time the bandage was at my back. The whole time she said nothing, and when she finished, she stepped quickly away.

When she turned around i quickly tried to stand up, because even if it hurted, i had work to do. When Y/N saw what i'm trying to do, her eyes widened and with a few steps she was next to me and pushed me back at the bed, her hands laying on my shoulders. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing? You have to rest! At least two days!" I just stared at her. When she noticed my glance, she stopped talking and her cheeks reddened once more. " everthing alright?" I just nodded and then - i didn't even myself know where i got the courage for that from - i just kissed her. And she immediately kissed me back.

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