Imagine #6 Thunderstorms ~ Aris Jones

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I finally managed to post another imagine! *throws confetti*
this was requested by Ninja-of-Cookies
tbh, i had like no inspiration and couldn’t think of anything good:/ so i just took one of my tumblr imagines which i thought would also work good with Aris and just rewrote it a bit.
i still hope this is something you like:)

(word count: around 2000 words)


I sat on a rock a bit secludedly the camp of the right arm, staring in the distance. Since we escaped WICKED three days ago, i had a lot to think about.

I had barely spoke to my boyfriend Aris, he was always with this Thomas and his friends from the other maze to discuss plans against WICKED.

I missed him. I  missed the time in the glade, when it had been only the two of us, i missed talking to him and i especially missed sleeping next to him.

Back in the glade we slept together in a secluded room, and now i wasn’t really used to sleep alone and without him. We still shared a tent, but he woke up long before me and in the evenings he stayed up late, so that i usually was long asleep before he layed down next to me.

“Hey, Y/N! Come down for dinner!”

This was Sonya, and because she obviously was to lazy to just climb up to me, she yelled so loud that probably the whole camp had heard her and i got up and slowly walked down to get my dinner.

I sat down next to Sonya, who were with Newt and Minho, two boys from the other glade, and  Aris was nowhere to be seen.

Since Thomas and Aris mostly talked about the memories they had about being little kids at  WICKED and nobody shared this memories, Newt and Minho had started to sit with us during the meals.

We all had soon discovered that Sonya were Newt's sister so they spent a lot of time together, and Minho mostly talked with me.

We had become good friends in the last few days since we both had been runners back in the glade and i also enjoyed his sarcastic comments on everyone and anything, so we got along great.

I wasn’t really hungry today, so i just shoved my food from one side of the plate to the other, without paying attention to my surroundings.

“I’m surprised at how calm you are, Y/N” i heard Newt suddenly say and i looked up and tilted my head.

“What do you mean? Why shouldn’t i be calm?”

He shrugged and pointed over his shoulder while he stuffed his face with food.  

"Isn't Aris your boyfriend? Because this girl over there has been flirting with him during the whole meal. I don’t know, just a question.“

I followed his finger with my gaze and saw Aris sitting at a table next to who i assumed was Thomas. On is other side i spotted a girl. I couldn’t see her face since they sat with their back to us, but what i could clearly see was that she sat way too close to him. Way too close. She had a hand on his shoulder and pressed her whole side at his while she talked animatedly to him. Also she laughed a tad too loud and much and  sometimes casually twirled a strand of her hair with her finger.

And the worst thing: Aris didn’t seemed to be bothered a bit by her attitude and much rather enjoyed it and laughed a long with her.

Back in the glade this wasn't a problem: The girls respected my and Aris' relationship and would never dare to flirt with him.

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