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When we got to the airport, my grandparents hugged me so tight that my heart stopped for a minute ( nahh im just joking)

So my mum and I rushed to get into the plane. After a long flight, we finally got to our howntown. North Minnesota. We had to call my aunt because my mum has forgotten the way to my Dad's house. (Obviously it's been 9 years)

My heart was racing as fast as ever. 
"I coudnt believe that Im finally going home but what if Dad doesnt want to welcome us or just ignore us for what Mum has done to him?!Oh God! Please..Mum coudnt handle this anymore.." I whispered to myself while sitting in at the backseat of my Aunt's car, staring out of the window.

My Aunt is the best aunt you can ever get in the entire world. She speaks gently, handles stuff greatly even when shes in a stressful condition. She treats my Mum like her own sister.

"Are you sure you can do this Jane?" asked my Aunt, Karen. "I hope it goes well", said my mum raising her nicely-drawn eyebrows.

Out of nowhere, the memories from 9 years ago came back into my mind. My heart was pounding , beating faster. My palms were sweating. I could barely breathe but I had to stay calm not to make it obvious.

"Oh man! Not again", I screamed internally.

Even though I was only 5 years at that moment when everything was complicated which made my Mum to work in Malaysia, the words that were spelled and spoken by my parents are still clear in my mind.             

That scene keep on playing and repeating in my mind. This always gives me anxiety and made me feel depressed. It gave a huge impact in my life.

Raising up without a father's love is so difficult. I miss both my dad and my elder brother.

My tears started rolling down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them off before anyone notices me crying. I hate it when people watch me crying. Even if its my mum. It makes me feel weak and stupid.

"Last turn.." said Aunt Karen while making a last turn and was driving in a street that seemed to be familiar.

My childhood. With my brother. The street. Words coudnt describe how happy I was at that moment.

" Karen. Thank you so much" my mum said grabbing Aunt Karen's hand. My mum was crying. I know everything was unpredictable.

And who would believe that my parents are reuniting after 9 years. The siblings who last met each other was when they were small kiddos that coudnt even speak clearly.


The car stopped. Which shows that we have reached our destination.

The Taste of Loneliness  a wdw fanficWhere stories live. Discover now