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We both were laughing so hard that at  one moment , my stomach felt like bursting.

So I decided to torture him. I went into his room n sat on the chair beside the bed.

"Hey, what are u doing?" He said.

"Just chillin'.." I said.

"Yeah right. Chillin' at your brother's room at 12 midnight."said Jonah with a smirk.

I laughed. We both talked non-stop and ended up talking for hours.

The next day, I woke up realising that Im actually at my home. I still coudnt believe that Im right here.

I realised that I slept at my brother's room because my room needs to be cleaned.

Jonah was sleeping on a mattress in the floor. I tiptoed out of the room and went downstairs to find for my toothbrush.

My mum was cooking breakfast at the kitchen with apron tied around her neck and at the back of her waist.

"Ooo..I smell chocolate chip pancakes!" I said excitedly.

Chocolate chip pancakes were always my fav.

I brushed my teeth and ate the pancakes. Then came Jonah to join us at the table. Dad stared at me for a while and said, "Jessica?".

"Yes, Dad?" Said swallowing my food.

"So, are you ready?"

"Ready for?" I said feeling curious.

"Well you know, you still have to go to school.." said Dad.

Oh. I almost forgot about that. My mind was blank for a moment and I coudnt think of a respond to that.

"Just tell me if you are ready, honey" said Dad.

It's like, things were changing rapidly.

Later, at living room, Jonah was trying to get the channel to watch on the TV.

I sat right next to him and asked, "Jonah, how is school?".

"Umm what?" He said.

"You know, the question Dad asked just now. Im just, ughh". I was so confused. I didnt know what decision to make.

"Jessica, listen. You can take your time okay? Just tell us when youre ready" he answered.

I felt so relieved.

I felt so safe.

The feelings were so good.


I was at Jonah's room, stalking my friends on Instagram. Some commented on my picture that I posted saying that they miss me so much.

I miss them too.

I was so bored, so i started watching Youtube.

I watched some makeup tutorials.

"Jonah!!!" Shouted someone really loud that I dropped my phone on the floor.

It was a guy, with curly standing infront of door, which is now opened wide, staring at me with confused face.

"Oh my god. I am so sorry. I thought Jonah supposed to be in here. Soory if I scared u." Said the guy.

I was still staring at him.

"I know this is rude but who are you?" He said.

I laughed.

"Umm..I'm Jess-Jessica. Jessica Marais." I said.

"Oh.Jonah's sister huh?"

"Um, yeah.." I said awkwardly.

Then, came Jonah to join the awkward conversation.

"Hey, Jack. What are doin here?" Said Jonah.

Jack. That's his name, I thought.

"Jack,meet my sister. Jessica." Said Jonah.

"Yeah, I know. We talked a little just now." Said Jack.

Jonah just nodded.

The Taste of Loneliness  a wdw fanficWhere stories live. Discover now