"Fake" Date

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring Shawn Mendes. I rubbed my eyes to adjust them to the bright morning sunlight peering through the crack of my closed curtains. I eventually rolled over to quickly grab my phone so I could cut the sound off. I stood up from my bed and opened my curtains to let the light in. Then, I walked into my bathroom to start my morning routine of getting ready for school.

I walked back out of my bathroom and over to my desk to apply some light makeup. I finally was pleased with my appearance so I walked over to my closet and picked out my outfit. I threw on a baggy sweatshirt and some leggings. After that I grabbed my bag from off of the hook on the back of my door then slipped on my white vans and walked downstairs.

I grabbed a piece of bacon off the counter that my Mom had made before she left for work early this morning. Then I walked outside. I looked down the street and saw Calum getting into his car. He looked over into my direction and waved at me. I shook my head and smiled. I eventually got to their house and jumped into the backseat of the car.

"MORNING!!!" Calum screamed as I opened the door.

"Wtf!! CALUM!!" I screamed and jumped while almost throwing my book bag into the air.

"Your awake now!!"

"Noooooooo Duhhhh!!!" I sarcastically replied back.

Calum started laughing very loudly even though it wasn't even that funny. Mckeznie walked out and look confused as she heard the sound of Calums uncontrollable laughter.

"What's so funny?" Mk asked as she hopped in the car.

"Your brother decided it was a good idea to scream as I open the door, and scare the hell out of me."

"Oh haha," She seemed confused. probably because Calum isn't the jokester type. Why is he acting so different?

I just shrugged it off and turned my attention back to the short ride to school. The ride was just the usual listening to music and talking. Calum pulled into the same parking spot and turned the car off. Mckenzie opened the door and got her bag, and started walking toward the school. She stopped to turn back to talk to me.

"Hey Jess aren't you coming in?"

"Yeah one sec!" I called out to her then looked at Calum through the window.

"Bye Calum" I smiled at him.

"Bye Love, See you at third," He winked. Oh not again.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at him. He smiled back. Then I grabbed my bag from the back and caught up to Mk so we could walk in together.

"Are you ok? Because you're acting pretty strange and what's up with you and Calum? Yall never usually talk to each other, and now y'all are like best friends?" she questioned me as she looked at me with her eyebrow raised.

"I don't know. I guess we just started talking more and found out we had a lot more in common," I shrugged as I told her. We reached the entrance to the school. I grabbed the door then held it open to let her in. She followed then we walked up the steps to get to our locker. She went down the hall to hers and I went to mine.  I grabbed my books out and put my lunch inside. I met back up with her and we walked down the hall and into our class.

*3rd period*

I stood up as soon as the bell rung and walked to my locker keeping my focus locked on my phone. When I looked up I saw Calum leaning up against the side of the lockers looking down at his phone.

"Whatcha looking at?" I said as I walked up to him and nudged him on the arm. He glanced up and smiled.

"Nothing just texting Luke about Friday. Oh! and by the way are you going?" He asked me while placing his phone back into his pocket.

"I don't know, but I don't really have anything else better to do. I guess I'll think about it," I said shutting my locker and looking up at him.

"Good, just text me because I really don't want to go by myself," he rubbed the side of his arm then began talking again. "And, I might have already told Luke you were going," He added as he was walking beside me to on the way 3rd.

"Wow, Calum I guess I have to go now," I rolled my eyes. "Is Lexi gonna be there?" I asked.

"Yay! and yes she is. You should get to know her you would like her."

"Ugh alright what time? Just text me when you get to my house," I replied back to him, but paused in the middle of the hall "Wait...what am I gonna tell my mom?" I continued talking. I mean my mom liked Calum, but I can't just tell her I'm going to the movies alone with him. Calum and I barely talk so she would be very confused as to why I'm going to the movies with him without Mckenzie.

"Just ask her if u can go to the movies with Mckeznie. I'm sure she will say yes."

"Yeah ok, I guess so. I'll see you later then," I waved bye to him and walked into my next class.


I was sitting in my last class of the day waiting for the bell to ring. The teacher kept blabbing random stuff that had nothing to do with are lesson. I had my head rested on my arm, and I was trying so hard not to fall alseep. The bell finally rang so I got up grabbed my bag and walked down to my locker. I put in my combination and opened it. Once I retrieved all by things I needed. I shut the door to reveal a happy Calum staring back at me.

"Calum what the heck!" I jumped he scared me very badly. I turned my head and gave him an annoyed look. He just laughed at me and followed me around like a lost puppy. I tried to escape his presence, but it didn't work.

"Calum look I know that we are "fake dating", but i don't think it means we are friends," I jokingly said to him.

"Aww come on I know you actually enjoy my presence," he nudged my arm in a playful tone. I felt my cheeks heat up, but I quickly turned to the side so he couldn't see me blushing. I have a crush on him, and yes I actually love having him around. No one can know that though.

"Eh not really," I said back to him.

We continued to walk together all the way out the school doors and to the parking lot. Calum fiddled his keys around his fingers while he waited for Mckeznie to get into the car.

Calum pulled into my drive way and put the car into stop. Calum looked up at me from the mirror and mouthed "see ya later" then followed up with a wink. Mckenzie didn't see she was in a daze watching snapchat stories on her phone. I hopped out the car. I then walked over to her window and talked on it. She looked back up at me and rolled it down slightly.

"Byyyyeeee see you later luv ya!" I yell to her through the tiny crack of the barely rolled down window. She just glared back at me. She was clearly not happy that I disturbed her.

"Love you to you Jessica!" I pretended that she responded, and laughed at her as she just shook her head at me and smiled. I eventually walked up the driveway and went into my house. I greeted my mom then I plopped myself down on the couch. I sat there trying to contemplate how I was going to ask my mom about going tonight.

"What are you thinking about? it looks like you are in very deep thought" She asked. Her comment came out of nowhere and scared me causing me to jump.

"Oh nothing...um do you think it would be ok for me to go to the movies with Mk tonight? Calum could take us. He offered."

"Yeah, I don't care you go have fun. You probably need to get out anyways. You're always staying in all the time."

"Wow ok...well thanks mom. Im gonna go get ready now. I love you!" I Laughed and told her as I began to walk upstairs.

"Fake" Love | C.H. |Where stories live. Discover now