Things Have Changed.

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Calum P.O.V

She was lying. Sara was lying about what she was doing. I could tell. When she wasn't ok she would always say that she was fine. When she did her eyes would shift from a blue to gray hue. This wasn't a small lie. Her eyes were gray as soon as she looked up into mine.

After we finished practicing I drove her home.

"What were you actually doing at the mall... I know you're lying," I asked while still keeping my eyes focused on the road. Not wanting to know what she was going to say, but needed to know.

"What do mean? I went to the mall...with a friend from school," She replied back. I looked into her eyes. Gray

"Sara stop."

"Stop what Calum? I haven't done anything," She flung her hands sound and raised her voice in frustration.

"Your Lying."

"Why do you keep asking me? You don't need to know everything I do...What so did Jessica tell you? Huh? what so you have a thing for her now...Because I see the way you look at her. You used to look at me that way, but now you don't. You barely even smile anymore when we spend time together...So why does it even matter what I do anymore?" She took a long pause, and let out the breath she was holding in.

"Calum, I went to the mall with Trevor and you know what I actually had a great time. I felt happy. I haven't seen you or talked to you for 2 weeks when I was in South Africa. Now I'm back...but you and me are different there's not that spark there anymore. I feel like I hardly know you anymore. We...We aren't happy together. I feel like when we kiss or just touch each other we are just faking to make ourselves feel better. That's not how a relationship should be. Ok? so I think we just need to end whatever this is," Her eyes shifted back to blue. She was right. I haven't felt that spark. I felt like a was pretending to be in a relationship. It didn't feel real. She isn't what I need.

"Sara... I'm sorry, but yeah I do know what you talking about. You and me don't feel real anymore. To be honest I don't know what love is anymore. I can't keep faking this. Let's just end this." She nodded and got out the car.

"Bye Calum," She said then walked away.

Those words kept replaying in my head. I can't keep faking this. What am I doing? Pretending to date Jessica? Are we even pretending? Because honestly I love being around her. I love when she smiles. I love her. What is she doing to me? Whatever it is I don't want it to stop. I need this. I need her.

Jess P.O.V

That Bitch

How can you do that to someone. Someone you love then just lock lips with another person. Calum would never have done that to her.


Did I ruin their relationship? Calum and I have kissed. Not just once. Is that cheating? That's cheating. Oh my god I caused him to cheat on his girlfriend. But he kissed me first? Ugh I just can't seem to let him go. I love being around him. I love just spending time with him. I just can't get the feeling of his lips pressed against mine out of my mind. But what am I doing? This isn't something real. I want it to be. I need it to be, but that's never going to happen. This is a fake relationship and that's all it's ever going to be. I hate it, but I need it. I need him in my life more than just a friend. I can't keep doing this. I can't keep pretending. All these thoughts kept flooding my head. Making it pound. I tried to stop thinking. I tried meditating. I just can't get this out of my head. My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. I jumped and turned around. When I did I saw Calum standing in the doorway with tear stained cheeks.

"Can I take you home?" He gently croaked out. Not wanting to upset him. Clearly observing he was not ok. I just nodded my head in response, and followed him out the door. He silently drove me home. No music. Just the sound of our breaths, and the city.

He pulled in my driveway and stopped the car. I glanced over at him.

"Do you want to come inside?" I looked over and asked him. He nodded, and followed me into my house. I knew he wasn't ok, and by the story Mckenzie told me. I didn't want him to be alone. He looked so hurt. You could just see it in his eyes. I sat on my bed and patted a spot next to me. He gently sat down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I softly asked him. Not expecting a response back.

"I don't blame her for cheating on me...I mean I really don't, I'm such a fuck up..."

"No your not Calum you..." He cut me off by smashing his lips into mine. I didn't stop him. I just kissed him back. Allowing our lips in move in sync. I needed this. I need him. I rested my hands under his shirt signaling for him to remove it. He followed my request and slid the shirt of over his head. Then smashed his lips back onto mine. This felt right. This is what I needed right now. But this was wrong he's upset. He's not thinking straight this needs to stop. I don't want him to regret this.

"Fake" Love | C.H. |Where stories live. Discover now