Secret Heartbreaks

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Mckenzie and I decided it was best to have a girls day since all of the stress from exams were over. I met her at her house and we walked to the mall together. The mall was only a block away so we wouldn't be walking too far.

" are you and Ashton doing? isn't your 1 year anniversary next week? Oooh Incould help you pick out a gift!" I said to her as I grabbed the door to the mall entrance to let her in. She walked inside and I followed .

"That sounds like a great idea but I have no idea what to get him," she replied back.

"Ashton's a great boyfriend so I'm sure he would be happy with any thing you get him," I reassured her.

"But, it's our 1 year I really want to get him something really special."

"I mean you always could get a gift card..." I said as I ran my fingers across the rows of cards sitting on the counter of the store.

"Wait I have an idea!" She said as she snatched my wrist and drug me into the store across from the one we were in.


Mckenzie and I were finishing our shopping by going into Aeropostale. We walked inside and immediately scanned through the racks of clothing. Something caught my eye when I looked toward the dressing rooms. I saw Sara talking to some guy. All I could see was the back of some guys head. I'm assuming it was Calum. I guess I just can't escape this torcher. I was about to turn away until I noticed when the boy turned around. It was not Calum. Mk walked over to me and noticed me looking towards the dressing room. She did the same and saw what I was landing my eyes on.

"Wait is that Sara?" She asked.

"Yep and that's not Calum" I relied back pointing to the situation. The boy leaned toward Sara and kissed her.

"And he's not just a friend either," I said as I watched the horror escalate infront of me.

"Calum is going to be torn apart if he finds out about this...his last girlfriend he had cheated on him. It broke him so badly. He didn't come out of the house for months, and he told himself that he would never date anybody else. He found Sara and it took him a while but he trusted her..." MK explained as her face sunk thinking about how heartbroken Calum would be.

How could someone do that to him?


Calum P.O.V

Jess and Mckenzie where coming over to Ashton's today after they left the mall to watch us practice.
They walked in with bags hanging off of their arms, and starbucks in hand. Basic I said in my head then got up to help them with the bags. Jess paused when I tried to help her.

"Wow you girls looked like y'all had fun," I said to them as I set the pile of bags on the couch.

"Ew Calum, you sound like a dad," Mckenzie responded back to me and fair gagged. Jess let out a small laugh, and sat down beside the pile of bags on the couch.

"Um have y'all heard anything from Sara? She hasn't texted me back yet," I asked them. They looked at each other for a second. Then Jess spoke up.

"We saw her at the mall she wa....."

"Um...yeah she was just hanging out with a few friends from school!" Mckenzie blurted out interrupting Jess. "A little more than friends" Jessica said mumbled under her breath. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"K...well we are going to get some water! We'll be right back!" She said while grabbing Jess arm and dragging her with her into the kitchen.

"uh ok?" I said back to how odd they were acting.

Sara was supposed to be at her grandparents? What was she doing at the mall?? And why wasn't she answering my text?


Jess P.O.V

Mckenzie grabbed my arm and dragged me into the kitchen with her. She made sure the swinging door closed completely behind her before she began to speak.

"What was that!?" She whispered screamed. I'm assuming she didn't want Calum involved with this conversation.

"What was what?" I replied back pretending like I had no idea what she was talking about.

"You can NOT tell him about the situation we witnessed at the mall! He's at a great place right now...and I don't want to ruin it."

I mean this feels wrong hiding this secret. He deserves to know, but Sara is the one that needs to tell him. I just don't want him to be hurt. I feel like this can break him even more if we keep hiding this.

"Ok! but he deserved to know... I'm not going to say anything to him, but this feels wrong," I told her back.

This feels so wrong.

I shook my head at the conversation that just took place, and walked back into the living room pushing the door open and letting it swing back closed behind me. As I walked in the living room I saw Sara sitting on the couch resting her head in the crook of Calum's neck. They were talking so I decided to listen in for a second and not interrupt.

"Hey the girls said they saw you at the mall...I thought you were at your grandparents, and why haven't you answered your phone? I texted you like 20 times." He said looking down into her eyes.

I silently gagged. Ew that fake bitc...

"Oh babe, I'm so sorry. My phone died this morning, and my grandparents left today for the beach. I called my friend back to reschedule the day we had planned. I was going to text you, but my phone died and I didn't have a charger!...Ugh I feel so bad... forgive me??" She said looking up to him and giving him puppy dog eyes.

Lies. Lies. Lies

"Aww that's fine don't worrry about it ok? Just call me next time though. I was worried." He replied and planted a kiss on her lips.

Ugh he wouldn't not be doing that, if he knew what I just witnessed her doing just a little bit ago.

I decided I had listened enough. I reopened the door and closed it so they could be aware of my presence.

"Oh hey Sara! Nice you see you..." I said as a walked up and gave her a hug. She pulled me closer and whispered something harshly in my ear during the hug.

"Whatever you saw...forget it...that never happened" My eyes went wide. She fakely smiled and I did it back.

"Nice to see you to Jessica!"

That Bitch

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