Carry Me Home

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~ Next Friday

Lately, Calum and I have gotten really close. We always meet before third period every day at school and walk together. So i'm assuming the "fake" relationship plan is starting to work? I mean I don't even know why Calum cares about getting back at Mckenzie. I could honestly care less though because I'm really enjoying spending time with him. Even if it's not real.

~At School

I was walking to my locker after 3rd period, and I bumped into Calum on the way.

"Hey love," He said to me as he embraced me into a side hug. We continued to walk to my locker getting a few usual glares.

" how was your day so far?"  I asked him as we finished the short walk to my locker.

"Pretty good...Oh! and hey are so you going to the party tonight? it's the first big one of the year," He asked me as I was retrieving my books. I paused midway and looked back at him to reply.

"Calum I don't really know about that parties aren't my thing," I replied back to him while putting my books in my bag and shutting my locker back closed.

"Aww come on, you have to loosen up a little bit it would be so much fun!" He complained to me turning his head then leaning his shoulder up against the row of lockers.

"Ugh I don't know...let me think about it," replied back to him while I also leaned against the lockers to face him. I turned back down the hall only to see Mckenzie coming my way. She walked over to me, and pulled my arm dragging me off of the lockers and away from Calum. He still followed and waited behind me while Mckenzie spoke.

"Hey! are you going tonight because i'm going and I'm not going without youuuuu!" She said singing out the you, and bopping me in the nose with her index finger. I backed my head up then began replying to her.

"Oh my...ok yeah fine why not," " I said while grabbing her hand and slapping it off of my face.

"Yes!" Calum and Mckenzie yelled out in unison. She made a confused face and leaned over to look behind me to reveal a giddy Calum smiling widely.

"Are you going too?" She asked him.

"Uh's the first party of the year, and don't you need a ride?"  he replied back. Then he walked from behind to so he could join the conversation.

"No i'm fine, I think I️m riding with Ashton," She said back to him.

"Um I might need a ride," I said looking over at Calum and giving a small wink.

"K great! I'll pick u up at 8," Calum said to me and gave me a short hug. Then he walked off to his next class.

"Are you two a thing now? cause that sounded like he was going to pick you up on a date," She said watching him walk back to class then looking over back to me.

"Um...I don't know," I quietly said to her and began walking off.

"Well ok...then i'll see you tonight!" She yelled back. I laughed at her then continued to my class.

*{ After School }*

I was catching up on my unwatched season of Pretty Little Liars when the front door swung open. I glanced over to see my mom walking in with bags of groceries, and placing them on the counter. I quickly paused my show and jumped off the couch to help her.

"Oh hey mom! can I go to a party tonight? Mckenzie will be there and I can just go home with her since it'll be late," I asked while I was placing various fruits in the fridge drawer.

"Fake" Love | C.H. |Where stories live. Discover now