Tour Diary ( Epilouge )

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It's been a month since the guys have been on tour with One Direction. McKenzie and I have started homeschooling so we would be able to go on tour with the boys. I might have also been enjoying it a little too much. I mean how could you not? I mean Harry Styles am I right?

"Hey good luck you'll do great" I said to Calum smiling and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. He grabbed his bass and swung it over his shoulder. He hugged me back and smiled.

"5Sos be ready your going on in 5" One of the stage crew called out walking past us and using his hand pointing out the number 5 Calum nodded in response. He turned back to me and returned my response with a quick peck on the lips.

"Aww thanks love! I love you" He replied side hugging me. The rest of the guys popped out from behind the corner and grabbed their guitars. Ashton grabbed his drumsticks and twisted them around his fingers.

"Good luck guys!" I told them giving them all high fives.

They got ready and ran onto the stage.

"What's up LA!!" Luke said into the mic causing the crowd of screaming girls to only scream more in response.

I started to hear Calum's bass echoing in and bounced my head at the attractive music being played.

Mckenzie and I stood backstage watching them and cheering them on. They played 3 songs and ran back off stage. Calum ran up to hug me but I stopped him by placing my hand on his chest.

"Nuh uh you are sweaty" I said to him. He just chuckled.

"Ok i'll shower then can I get my hug?" He replied giving those adorable puppy dog eyes.

"Of course you did great by the way" I smiled at him walking back to the dressing room with him.

"Thanks" He said back to me as we intertwined our fingers.

I looked up and saw Harry heading our direction.

"Well...if it isn't my favorite couple!" He yelled down the hallway causing Calum and I to smile in response.

"Hey man you did great!" He told Calum and gave him a high five.

"Thanks man" He replied back.

"Hey goodluck! you got an amazing crowd out there" I told him.

"Thanks Jess i'll see y'all after the show" He replied smiling and I gave him a quick hug.

Calum and I continued our walk to the dressing room.

I honestly am so proud of the guys. I can't believe how far they have come opening up for 1D in these giant arenas. I'm just so happy I could be apart of their journey. They are actually working on there first album right now. It probably won't get released until next year.

Calum and I finished our short walk to the dressing room. We walked in hand in hand. The rest of the guys were inside half of them shirtless and the other half on top of each other on the small couch. Fighting over the keek I presume.

"Luke give me the damn phone!" Michael yelled at Luke while he was on top of him struggling to get the phone.

"NEVER!" Luke yelled back somehow managing to get released from Michaels grip. He took off then locked himself in the bathroom.  I just laughed at their childishness and sat beside Mikey and Lexi on the couch.

"Hey! Jess" Michael said to me and pulled me into a hug. I quickly pulled away and jumped off of the couch.

"Ewwww Mikey your sweaty" I complained.

"Don't feel bad she wouldn't even let me hug her... but not for long!!" Calum said running up behind me picking me up and slinging me over my shoulder.

"CALUM!! Put me down!" I managed to speak out through the uncontrollable laughter.

"GO CALUM GET HER!" Michael yelled back as Calum proceeded and ran with me out of the room.

"Calum where are u going!" I yelled at him hitting his back. He only continued his path. I could just feel his body shake because of his uncontrollable laughter. I managed to look up and saw he was heading toward the stage. I figured that out quickly considering the sound of "What Makes You Beautiful" only increasing making with the screams from the crowd.

I just stopped and gave in to his mischief. He ran out of the side of the curtain behind the stage. He stopped and gently set me down. I was going to run away but he stopped me. By grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him.

"Nope! ok now get on my back" He said while he let go.

I just followed his orders because I was very interested in what he had planned. I jumped onto his back and he began to run on stage. I watched as the 1D guys stopped singing for a second and the crowd of screaming girls only screamed louder.

"Hey don't stop singing!" Calum said as he ran with me over to Harry. Harry just laughed and continued the song while Calum danced around the stage with me on his back.

I eventually got off Calums back and we kept mouthing and dancing around to the song. A few seconds later Ashton, Mckenzie, Luke, and Michael ran onto the stage. We all just danced around and sung.

This was amazing. I can't believe this is my life now. Hanging out with my favorite people. Nonstop smiles. Happy. I'm so happy.

(Authors Note)
Thank you so much for reading.... As I said in the first chapter this story basically sets the stage for the book I'm currently writing " Don't Forget About Me" Anyways thank you so much for reading!!
- Josie

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