Kiss Me

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I walked into my room and shut the door behind me. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket, and laid down on my bed. I decided to text Calum so I would know what time he is coming to pick me up.

Hey what time are you coming to pick me up? - J

I laid down across my bed and went onto instagram to browse my feed while I waited for a response.

Um.. Movie is at 8 so i'll be there at 7:30 - C

Ight see you in little :) - J

Alright love, see you then - C

What did I get myself into? It literally kills me inside when he calls me Love. Especially with his accent. Ughhh Australian guys are just so damn hot. I eventually got off of my bed then walked into my closet to find what to wear. I looked for about 15 minutes until I finally found something decent. Throwing many unpicked outfits on the floor in the process. I picked out floral yellow romper, and them tried it on. I looked in the mirror. It really hugged my curves so decided it was decent enough. After that I went into my bathroom to finished my makeup and hair.

I curled the ends of my hair, and then moved onto my makeup. I did some natural eyeshadow, filled in my eyebrows, and applied a tad more mascara. Then topped the look off with a nude lip. It wasn't that much makeup, but it was a little more than I usually do.  I looked in the mirror and was satisfied with my appearance so I walked over to the bed to grab my phone and check the time. It was 7:20 so Calum should be here soon. I put on some sandals and walked downstairs. On the way down the stairs and my phone went off.


Hey love I'm outside - C

Ok, I'm otw out - J

I found my mom cleaning in the kitchen.

"Bye Mom, love you see you later!"

"Bye honey have fun"

I said my goodbyes, hugged her, and walked out the door. Calum was parked in the front of my house. I walked over the the passenger side of his car. He leaned over and opened the door for me. I thanked him then and situated myself in the seat.

"Hey" He looked at me.

"Hey," I looked back and smiled. He started the car and began to drive off.

"Umm so what movie are we going to watch?" I asked him.

"I think Luke wanted to see Hush. Is that fine with you?" He looked over at me and asked back.

"Yeah, that's sounds fun." I replied back as I turned and watched out the window. He reached his hand over and turned the dial to turn up the Greenday song playing from the radio. He glanced back at me as it played our favorite song. I laughed and smiled back at him as he began singing the words to American Idiot. I joined in and we continued the drive to movies.

We arrived and Calum pulled into the parking spot closet to the door. I saw Luke standing against the brick wall talking to Lexi. We got out and walked up to the ticket booth. Calum walked over to Luke and did the weird guy hand shake they always do. I greeted Lexi while Calum got the tickets. We already fought about who's paying. Calum is such a gentleman so he would never take my money. We walked in and sat down on the top row. Lexi sat beside Luke, Calum sat next to Luke, and I sat next to him.

The lights began to dim as the movie started.
Luke and Lexi cuddle up next to each other. I mean I would love to cuddle up next to Calum, but that would be awkward considering we aren't dating. I've really always have admired Luke and Lexi's relationship its so adorable. She goes to all of his games, and always sits on the front row of the bleachers cheering for him. I realized I was staring a little to long so I turned my attention back to the movie. It was pretty good, but I don't like watching horror movies in a movie theater. I love them but the loud noises scare me.

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