Chapter 4

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Richard's/Robin's POV

"Have you told them I was the one on the case yet?" I asked Batman.  Our plan was falling into place.  Now, I would work with the team to take down the enemy, Red X, who also happened to be me.

"No.  They are just expecting someone to come and debrief them this afternoon on the case," Batman, or currently, Bruce said.  I was in my Robin costume while Bruce was dressed in everyday clothing, and we were sitting in the office of Bruce Wayne.

"Does the League know?"

"Only Black Canary, Green Arrow, and Martian Manhunter."

I nodded.  I knew the other Leaguers would not approve of this, but Bruce  had managed to convince them not to get involved in what we had planned.  It took Batman two weeks to make that happen.  

"Don't do anything to compromise the plan," Bruce told me for about the millionth time since he got back from the cave.  

"How long do you want me to keep this charade going?" I asked.

"However long you feel it needs to go," Bruce said after a few moments.  "You better get going.  I will see you tonight.  I will inform you if my meeting at Wayne Enterprises lasts longer than expected."

"I will keep them whelmed as long as possible."


I stepped out of the Zeta tube into the cave.  I had only been there a couple of times before, and had never spent much time exploring.  I was currently in the large room used for combat practice.  I looked around for a couple of seconds, waiting to see if anyone would show up.  As I waited, I walked to the middle of the room and produced a holo computer screen, typing away to prepare stuff for my debriefing. 

Finally, after a couple of minutes, Black Canary walked into the training room.  "Robin," she said.  "Glad you could make it."

"Glad the League hasn't killed me yet," I replied with a chuckle.

"I'll get the team," Black Canary said after a small laugh.  A few seconds later, she returned with the team.

"So who are we working with?" a voice I recognized as Kid Flash, also known as Wally West, said.

"Robin,"  Canary replied.  I had my back turned to the team, but I could hear the gasps and feel the looks of surprise on my back.  I turned to see the entire team looking on in awe.  

I stood with my arms crossed, waiting for one of them to say something.  Eventually, the green Martian flew over to me, her hand held out.  "Hi!  I'm Miss Martian!  But you can just call me Megan," Megan greeted.  I shook her hand in response.

The rest of the team came up to greet and introduce themselves.  

"I'm Kid Flash.  Wally West."


"Aqualad, Kaldur."

"Raquel, but my hero name is Rocket."

"Superboy.  Name's Conner."

"Zatanna Zatarra."

"Robin, as Canary said," I greeted.

"When Batman said he would send someone to debrief us, he did not mention it would be his own protege.  We are honored," Kaldur said in his polite Atlantian way.

"Well I was just informed of this debriefing ten minutes ago, so I guess we are square," I replied with a laugh.  "I'm whelmed if you are."

The team exchanged confused looks at my jargon.  I frowned and said, "Never mind.  I am here to give this team a debriefing and orders."

"Orders?"  Wally asked with disbelief.

"This is my case, Wally.  I control it," I replied, sharing a look with Canary, who was frowning, waiting to see how this debriefing would go.  But, she didn't stick around.

"I have to go attend to League business.  Listen to what Robin has to tell you.  I will come by later to see progress," Canary said before leaving through Zeta tubes.

"Let's get this debriefing started," I said, turning to the holo screens I had up.

"Wait a second," Wally said loudly.  "I am still not cool with the part where we take orders from you.  You are the youngest here!"

"But the most experienced," I replied.

"Pfft.  I bet," Wally said.

"Wally, we wanted a case.  We will get what we get," Kaldur said in his leader voice.

"Wait, I agree with him.  Who says he is capable of heading this case?" Conner said.  

"I say I am capable," I said back.

"I bet you can't even beat me!" Conner exclaimed.

"Conner!" Megan gasped.

"What?  He's a kid!" Conner defended.

"Kid Flash, Superboy, this is not the time-" Kaldur started before I interrupted him.

"Then fight me."

The room fell into silence as the whole team looked to me.  

"Okay, can we all just calm down?" Zatanna asked.

"If you don't feel I am up to par, fight me," I repeated.

Conner, seemingly considering his options, eventually nodded after a few seconds.  I flew my hands through the holo screens and stepped back a few steps and fell into a fighting stance.  Conner did the same.  The rest of the team stepped back, all donning looks of nervousness and curiosity about what would happen next.

I waited for Conner to make the first move, preparing my first attack.  Conner came running at me, screaming his signature scream Batman had told me so much about.  

He came in expecting to tackle me, but right before he made contact, I jumped into a high front flip, grabbing both of his shoulders, and using his momentum from his tackle to spin him in a full circle and pushing him onto the ground.

I landed a few feet away from him into a crouch.  Conner almost immediately jumped back up and came at me, this time trying to punch me.  I decided to play with him and instead of jumping out of the way, staying in front of him and moving back and forth to avoid his punches.  

After about 12 missed punches, I grabbed one of his fists and again used his momentum to send him over my shoulder, falling onto his chest a few feet away from me.

This time, instead of getting back up, Conner put his hands on the floor to lift his upper body and turn to face me.

The rest of the team was eerily silent from the fight they had just witnessed.  "Convinced yet?" I asked.

Instead of answering, Conner just grunted and stood back up to stand beside the team.  

"Now, onto the debriefing," I said.

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