Chapter 11

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Talia's POV

"Well, if it isn't the man of the hour."

I stood as Bruce turned to me to acknowledge my statement.  His welcoming smile turned into a set line as his features turned deadly.  "What are you doing here?" Bruce asked me.

"For information," I replied.  Bruce looked around before grabbing my arm and stealthily sneaking me out of the main room of the party.  

"You shouldn't have come here," Bruce said as we entered into the study, automatically going to the grandfather's clock.  

"Well, I thought the only way you would talk with me is if I showed up when everyone else did.  And without the presence of my father," I said.  I followed Bruce into a high tech elevator that had revealed itself behind the clock.  The door shut quietly, as was the ride down.  We entered into the ginormous space known as the infamous Batcave.

"What did you want to talk about, Talia?" Bruce asked with annoyance as he sat down in his chair that sat in front of the computer.

"As I said, I need information," I repeated to Bruce.

"And what makes you think that I would give you any?" he asked.

"Because he is a common enemy," I replied smoothly.

"An enemy?"

"I am sure you have heard of the new thief that has been stealing from very well-guarded places," I said.

"Red X is something the League is handling and a person I will not give you information about," Bruce said with a hard look to me.

"Bruce, my father wants this thief captured and taken into custody as quickly as possible," I said, lying.

"And why would your father want to see Red X in custody?" Bruce asked with a genuinely confused face.  He always looks cute when he is confused.  

Before I went on, I knew what I said next had to be believable.  I had already started into a lie, and I could not escape it now.  "My father feels that this thief has no boundary for whether or not he steals from the good, the bad, or the neutral.  My father wants none of his assets in danger."

Bruce, thankfully, seemed to believe me, as he simply nodded in reply.  "I will still not give you information."

I sighed in exasperation at the stubbornness of Bruce.  That man was as thick as a wall.  

"Bruce Wayne, would you just think about what you are saying for a few seconds?  My father, a very rich and powerful man in this world with many connections, is wishing is assist the Justice League with a case that the League of Assassins if also concerned about.  Why not accept the help and get rid of a threat to both sides, as he obviously is," I said.

"Talia, I am not at liberty to give out any information concerning a current League case."

I glared at Bruce with a look that could kill any normal man.  But, Bruce was no normal man.  He was Batman, for God's sake!  And, he was as stubborn as my father.  No wonder my father wanted Bruce as his heir so badly.

But, I could tell Bruce knew more than he was letting on.  I had to get information about this young thief.  There was no telling his value to the League.  

"Bruce," I said, stepping forward so I was standing beside Bruce.  I put my hand on his shoulder, speaking softly.  "You know that this child is more difficult than the other heroes might think.  They don't have the experiences that we do.  We survive this world with no powers.  And with no powers, we can see how much this thief, who does have powers, can be a danger to both of our operations.  Just hear me out."

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