The fight

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Alison's POV

I know now Emily doesn't want me.. it sucks but it's true, I'm almost 5 months pregnant with my baby girl. I'm excited and scared at the same time I always thought I would have someone to help me, and not just anyone I wanted her. I lay on my bed and cry I stare at my ceiling, I didn't do anything wrong why is she even mad at me. I'm scared why can't she understand that it took her forever to come out and I'm not even gay! I don't have to come out I just like Emily, I don't want to go through all of this. I will eventually be able to tell others how I feel about her, if she even wants me too.

I get angry thinking about why Emily left me. I stand up and walk over to my table filled with Eiffel Towers. I pick the biggest one up and look at it.


"Were suppose to be studying" Emily says looking up from her paper. While I sort out cards. I smile at her and continue. "You planning a trip?" She asks quietly afraid I might yell. I look over and smile at her, "you and me in sweet Paris how does that sound?" She smiles, "maybe we should learn to vala fancè before we go." She says.

"Well we can start in the south of France. Dancing through sun flower fields, lounging around in our bikinis in the French reveria. You'd look so good on top of the Eiffel Tower wind in your hair." I say her. I see her hand go to grab the card so I pretend to do the same to tease her. Our hands touch a little and I feel electricity, I don't like her I'm not gay. "How long would we be going away for?" She asks as I pile up the cards I wait a little before replying, "how about forever?"

End of flashback

I smile a little thinking about Emily but realize she left. I throw the Eiffel Tower I'm holding at the floor and it shatters, I take one by one and throw the glass Eiffel towers to break them. Once there all gone I fall to to the ground and a sharp piece of glass cuts my arm. "Ali!?" I hear Emily yell.

I cry hard into my hands and she runs to me, "what are you doing?" She looks around at the glass all over the floor and my bloody arm. "I don't know.." I cry out. I manage to stand up and I walk out of my room. I turn around to see Emily picking up the big pieces left. She sets them on my table and starts to cry. I walk to the bathroom to wash the blood off and then go straight back to my room where I was expecting to see Emily but she wasn't there. Most of the glass on the floor ended back up on the table.

"Emily?" I yell out hoping she'll answer. I walk downstairs and see her on the phone. "Yeah I will, can't wait to see you either too don't be late for dinner tomorrow. I love you" I listen as she hangs up I assume it's her mom or something and I walk to where she can see me. "Who was that?" I faintly say. "No one" she says, "I'm sorry I came I'm going to leave." She adds. "Why did you come? I thought you were done..?" I ask looking at the floor. "Because I love you Ali and I want to be with you.. but you don't want to risk people judging you so I respect that.." she says and it makes me happy. "It's not that I think people will judge me it's that I'm scared I'll lose you.." I say and she looks at me confused.

"How would you lose me. You almost lost me when you did the opposite." She says shocked. "Almost.." I say back. "Why would you think you'd lose me ali?" She asks and I look up. "Because if other people know, like Paige, they'll try to break us up." Emily laughs a little but stops when she realizes I'm being serious. "What does Paige have to do with any of this?" She asks "you obviously still like her and she still likes you." I say rolling my eyes. "No I don't!" She says defensively and I can tell she's lying. "It's okay I understand you were together for a long time but if she knows we're together I know she won't like it.. she hates me!" I shout a little.

"No she doesn't she hates how you acted" I roll my eyes again. "I already apologized for that. That's not why she hates me anymore!" I yell, "then why does she hate you?" She asks. "Because I love you!" I sigh. "I should get going.." she says ignoring the fact I just said I loved her. I nod my head lightly and she walks out. I run upstairs to my room and lay on my bed.

I cry and begin to fall asleep but I feel someone crawl into my bed. I don't even look over when I feel her arms wrap around mine. "I love you too and I'm so sorry for what I did.." Emily's whispers not knowing I'm awake. She lays with me for about ten minutes but gets up and leaves. I wonder what she was talking about. What did she do? She would've said she was sorry to me if it were about the thing were arguing about now.

I fall asleep thinking about Emily and wake up, for the first time in forever, alone. I slam my hand on a pillow angry, but my phone rings so I move my arm to my bedside and unplug my phone. It's Hanna calling, "hey Han what's up?" I say yawning. "Spenc is out of the hospital we're all at her house come over!" She squeals and I can hear the talking in the back. I get dressed and run over to Spencer's house which is right next to mine.

I knock on the door expecting one of the girls to open it but it was Melissa. She gives me a weird look and I just smile. "Hey Melissa. How have you been?" I ask as she opens the door to let me in. "Okay? How about you?" She sounds shocked that I'm talking to her. "Okay, I'm pregnant." I laugh and she gasps. "Oh my god! Is it a girl or a boy?" She asks rubbing my baby bump. "Girl" I smile and she does the same. "I'm happy for you Alison." She says, "thank you" I see Emily walking up the stairs so I catch up with her. "Are they all upstairs" I ask as I grow closer to her. She nods her head and I walk up the steps.

Spencer is sitting on her bed and I smile with excitement. "Spenc!" I shout as I run over to her. I give her a big hug and let go. She stairs at my baby bump confused, "are you expecting?" She asks and I nod my head. "Yep, it's a girl." I say rubbing it. "Wow I did miss a lot." She laughs and i laugh as well.

We talked the whole day away about the past and what Spencer had missed. Emily didn't really talk much. "I'm getting tired, can we call it a night?" Spencer says yawning. "Yeah. Let's go guys" Hanna says standing up. We all say goodbye to Spencer and walk out to the cars. I didn't drive because my house was literally next door so I hugged aria and Hanna goodbye. I looked at Emily getting in her car so I waved awkwardly.

I don't want things to be awkward between us. I want to be able to call her mine. I'm ready to tell other people if she wants.

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