Forever or never

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Emily's POV

Me and Alison go back home after talking at the brew. "You gonna be okay?" I ask Alison as she stared out the window. "Do you still love me?" She questions and I look over at here and give her a "really?" Look. "Of course Alison" I tell her assuring her. "I feel like you don't think I'm attractive anymore" she mumbles and I stare at the road. "Alison you know I think your the more beautiful woman on this planet right? I'm sorry for ignoring you these past few days I just feel like we need to work things out" I say glancing at her twiddling her thumbs. She shrugs her shoulders and continues to twiddle her fingers.

"Estelle hunny I'm home" Alison shouts and we hear little feet running towards us. "Momma!" She squeals and hops into Alison's arms. "My missed you. Me and auntie Hanna had so much fun!" She tells us and we both smile. "What'd you do?" I ask and Estelle looks over. "Pwayed" she bluntly says and looks back over at Alison. "My love you" Estelle mumbles as she hugs Alison around the neck. "I love you too sweetie" Alison whispers.

Estelle runs off back into the living room without saying hello to me. Me and Alison both walk around the corner and see Hanna snuggled on the couch watching some kid show on Netflix. Ali stumbles quickly over to Hanna and jumps on top of her. Hanna jumps a little but smiles at Ali who's laying on her. Hanna wraps her arms around Ali and holds her. I walk up the stairs and fall on my bed exhausted.

I put on short shorts and a sports bra and cuddle up in bed waiting for Alison. After a few hours I hear my door open. I look over gently so I make no noise and I see Ali looking through her dresser. She pulls out some cloths and takes off the dress she's wearing. I don't know how she thought I wasn't attracted to her she's gorgeous. She slips into some shorts and takes off her bra. My eyes get wide when she just groans and gets into bed without a top on.

I slowly move over to her trying to make it look like I'm asleep. She quickly turns around and I close my eyes. "You've totally gotten closer Emily I know your awake" she giggles and I slowly open my eyes. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer. She wraps both of her arms around my neck and we stare at each other.

"I love you" she whispers after staring at each other for twenty minutes. Hearing her say those words makes my heart jump more and more every time. "I love you too" I whisper back not breaking eyes contact. I feel her breast touch my chest and I start to get hot.

I give up.. I lean in and kiss her but she pecks my lips and I groan. "I miss you Ali.." I grunt. "Not tonight" she replies and I roll my eyes.

I wake up without Alison. I look around confused and I slowly get out of bed. "Babe?" I mumble in my raspy morning voice. "In here" she shouts from Estelle's room.

When I walk into Estelle room I see Estelle trying on cloths. God Hanna is wearing off on her. "Watcha guys doin?" I ask and Alison turns her head. "Fashion show" Estelle mumbles as she puts on a dress and Alison laughs. "And I wasn't invited!?" I joke and Estelle shrugs. Alison pats her hand down on the couch she's sitting on and I walk over and sit next to her. "I need to talk to you later" she mumbles and I nod.

After dinner Estelle goes to sleep and me and Alison go up to our room. "So what'd you wanna talk about?" I ask as she closes to door. I take a seat on the bed and she stays standing.

"Emily I don't want you too think I lost any of my feelings for you because I didn't. But I feel like we're just not on the same page anymore, and I know you'll say "we can work it out" but maybe the only way we can do that is if we're not in a relationship.." she mumbles and a huge lump forms in my throat. "Y-You want a divorce?" I question quietly and tears build up in my eyes. She nods her head slowly and walks over to me and sits next to me on the bed. "It's for the best em" she stutters and I shake my head. "How? How could you ever say that. "I wont give up." "I love you" "come back" bullshit Alison!" I whisper loudly and tears fall. Tears build in Alison's eyes and she looks down, "we fight about everything Emily.. do you really want to be in a relationship this toxic?" She questions with tears flowing down her face. "Yeah Alison I do if it means I could be with you, and Estelle. Your my family, we can stop fighting babe we can be happy" I say trying to change her mind. "That's what we've been saying but we find a new thing to fight about every single day" she whispers and put her hand up to my face and I push it off. "Maybe if you wouldn't have lied about being raped we would be fine! But no you always have to lie don't blame this on me because your being selfish!" I shout in her face and immediately regret using her getting raped against her. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-- I just want to be with you" I mumble guilty and she looks straight forward with tears sitting in her eyes. I put a hand over her thigh and she throws it off. "Whatever Alison.. if this is what you want I'll leave" I shrug and stand up. I reach the door and hear Alison mumble, "I love you" I turn around, "then why can't we be together?" I complain and she throws her back on her bed. I take one last look at her and I walk out.

I walk down the stairs and I think about leaving but I stop myself. I walk over to the couch and take a blanket that's on the edge of the other couch. I lay down on a couch and throw the blanket over me, the same blanket me and Alison cuddled with the night she told me she was pregnant.

I wake up to the sun blinding me through the windows. I'm used to Alison's room who's curtains are always closed. I put my hand up and block the sun as I yawn. I slowly get up and walk upstairs. I was about to walk into Alison's room but I remember she kicked me out. I groan and walk over to Estelle's room and Estelle's sound asleep in her bed.

I walk into the bathroom and slip out of my cloths to take a shower.

Alison's POV

I wake up to shuffling outside my room I immediately assume it's Estelle so I get up. My phone rings but I ignore it because I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone, I lied to Emily again last night I had to break up with her because Paige keeps threatening me and I know I'm being selfish but I just don't know what to do. I love Emily so much and I want to be with her forever but I have too see if she'll just leave and go straight back to Paige.

I open my door and hear the bathroom door close. I grab my rob from the back of my door and put it around me because I'm only in a bra and underwear. I open the bathroom door not even knocking expecting to see Estelle but Emily stands there shocked. She has no cloths on and I can't look away I know I should but I can't. I bit my fingers and she smiles sexually at me. I thought she left last night?

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