forgive me?

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Alison's POV

I wake up in Emily's arms. She's holding me tightly and I can feel her fingers moving on my back so I know she's awake. "Em?" I whisper and she releases her grip. She lets go and quickly wipes away her tears trying to make it not noticeable. "Em... what's wrong?" I mumble and she sniffles, "nothing I'm fine" she stutters while clearing her throat. "You don't have to lie" I whisper and cup her face pulling her closer. "I just wish I could've been there for you, I keep thinking I wasn't good enough and you didn't think you could trust me" she stutters and I immediately shake my head. "Emily you have been all I could ask for your perfect even though we argue and "break up" all the time we always find our way back. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't even want to think it to myself." I whisper and wipe the tear that started to fall off her face. I lean in and kiss her soft lips.

The door opens loudly and me and Alison don't even stop kissing. "Hello?! I'm right here!?" Hanna mumbles loudly under her breath. I smile into the kiss and break away. I jump off the bed and run to Hanna. "I've missed you Hanna banana!" I mutter and she laughs. "I've missed you too Ali" she mumbles tightening her grip.

When I'm finished talking to Hanna I get ready to meet Aria at the brew. Emily is in the bathroom getting changed which annoys the hell out of me that she can't just change in front of me, her wife. I slip off my shirt and pants and look into my closet. I pick out a flower dress. I run to the bathroom and without knocking and bust the door open. Emily jumps and turns around holding her cloths up to her private parts. "God Alison what are you doing!?" Emily shouts and I crease my eyebrows with confusion. "I just wanted to get changed" I mumble and she rolls her eyes. "I'm in here Alison" she says angrily and my sadness grows. "I'll go.." I mumble turning the doorknob. This should be the part she stops me and tells me she loves me and she's sorry but she lets me walk out.

I walk into my bedroom and put on my dress. There's a huge lump in my throat and I feel like I'm about to cry but I manage to keep it in. I sit in my chair and look at myself through the mirror. What if Emily doesn't think I'm pretty anymore? I question myself in my head while staring at myself in the mirror. I look down and pull out all my makeup I use.

I put on all of my makeup and I look okay. I curl my hair so it's some what wavy and I turn off my light and walk downstairs.

"Estelle's with Hanna getting breakfast" Emily says with no emotion from the kitchen and doesn't even look back at me. "Okay" I sigh and walk next to her. "What did I do?" I whisper quietly and she looks at me confused. "Nothing?" She replies and I can tell she's not lying. "Then what's up?" I ask and she shakes her head and takes a bite of the toast she just made. "Nothing really Alison" She shrugs looking at me.

We get into the car and Emily drives. I feel like she thinks I'm not paying enough attention to her. I bit the side of my cheek and look over at her legs. I slowly grab her lower thigh and she turns her head. "I'm trying to drive" she laughs and I take my hand away. "S-sorry" I stutter and look out the window. I've never felt this uncomfortable with Emily.

Emily's POV

I don't know why Alison thinks something's up because there isn't. She barged into the bathroom today when I was completely naked I know we're married but I still want privacy. It's weird because before we were married and all of this drama happened I always wanted Alison to barge into the bathroom when I was completely naked, I always wanted her to grab my thigh, I always wanted her to show affection and I just don't know anymore. I love her but it's so hard to maintain a intimate relationship if she doesn't trust me.

Alison's POV

We pull into the brews parking lot and I see aria's car. My body gets tense and I know Emily could tell I was getting nervous. Usually she would comfort me but she just opens her door. We walk into the brew and aria's reading a book drinking coffee. She looks up and smiles at Emily and then it goes away when she sees me. We walk over to her table and she shakes her head and picks up her book. "You never told me you were bringing her Emily" she states and stands up. "No stay aria she has to tell you something.." Emily mutters and Aria slowly sits down confused. Me and Emily slide into the booth together and me and Aria stare at each other for a few seconds.

"What is it?" Aria asks anxiously and I get really nervous and my body gets hot. "I lied to you Aria Ezra isn't Estelle's father" I mumble and aria's eyes go wide. "Why the hell would you lie to me about something like that! Ezra kept telling me and telling me it wasn't true and I never believed him!" Aria shouts at me angrily and I look over at Emily who's staring off between me and aria. "I had a good reason.." I stutter and she shrugs. "Probably not a good enough reason Alison" she says pissed off. I hit Emily's leg and get her to pay attention. She looks over at me and aria and I grab her hand under the table. We interlace our fingers and I rub her wedding ring and she does the same.

"Aria.. I was raped" I whisper and Emily looks over at me and I'm struggling to keep the tears down. "Ali, why didn't you just tell me it's so much easier then lying and ruining everything I hoped for." Aria mumbles clearly still upset. "I was embarrassed Aria you have to understand that" I stutter as a lump forms in my throat. "I do Alison but why Ezra? You destroyed me" aria stutters and I let out my tears. "Because I panicked and I thought you are the only one of my friends who would could never hate me even when I ruined everything. You can get Ezra back I'm so sorry aria" I whisper in between sobs. "I could never hate you Alison I'm just so pissed because I don't think I will ever be able to take back the things I said to Ezra." Aria says and I nod my head. "Please forgive me Aria..?" I ask quietly. "I don't think I can.." She whispers and stands up. She grabs her book and walks out the door.

I set my head on the table and cry. Emily pulls her hand away from mine and rubs my back. "I'm sorry.." she whispers and I nod my head and sob harder.

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