Hello mother

880 19 1

Alison's POV

"Get up sleepy heads time to hit the road!" I shout to Estelle and Alison and they both groan. Alison throws a pillow at me and I throw it back and it hits her face. "Bitch" she mumbles and stands up. "Bitch" Estelle repeats and my eyes go wide and Alison's do the same, "don't ever say that again" I tell Estelle shocked and she giggles, "if momma can I can" Estelle says and looks at Alison. "Get up" Alison tells Estelle and pulls the blanket off her.

We get ready for the long day driving and then get in the car to get breakfast. "Where do you guys want to go?" I ask both Alison and Estelle and Alison looks out the window. "What's around here?" She asks not looking over and I tell her all the options and of course she picks the cheapest one. We all eat together and then we head out to get back to driving but Alison sits in the back with Estelle. "What are you doing?" I ask as she climbs into the back while I'm strapping Estelle, "I wanna be back here with my baby" she says and I finish up strapping Estelle and I shut the door hard.

Once I get into the drivers seat I start up the car and pull out. After a few hours of driving I look back through the mirror and see Alison on her phone with tears building in her eyes and Estelle's asleep. "What's wrong?" I ask Alison glancing up in the mirror and she looks up from her phone and a tear falls but she quickly wipes it away, "nothing my eyes were just watering" she says clearing her throat and I know she's lying. About an hour later I get off the freeway to get gas.

When I step out Alison climbs out of the back and sits in the drivers seat, "what are you doing?" I ask and she strap. "I'm driving the rest of the way" she says without looking at me and I start filling up the car with gas. I finish up and put the pump away, "you don't have to" I tell Alison and she shrugs, "I want to"

I walk around the car and get into the passengers seat and Alison pulls out, "Estelle's been asleep for the whole ride" I say looking back at Estelle who looks so peaceful. I look over at Alison who's staring at the road, "why were you crying earlier" I ask and she glances at me, "I already told you" she lies and I roll my eyes. "Alison" I say and she sighs and pulls her phone out from under her leg and throws it at me.

I unlock it and go to her recents and click messages. I see Aria's name first so I click it.


Aria- hey Alison I miss you ):

Alison- I miss u more Aria, I'm so sorry for everything

Aria- ya.. Ezra's getting married to Nicole

Alison- omg did you try to get back together with him?

Aria- ya but he said he was done

Alison- this is all my fault aria I feel horrible

Aria- it's ok, how are you and Estelle?

Alison- Good..

Aria- you don't have to lie to me Ali

Alison- Estelle's just like me and it's scary.

Aria- she'll be fine but how are you?

Alison- lost ig

Aria- why?

Alison- Emily cheated on me with Paige

Aria- are you kidding? That's so bad are you and her staying together?

Alison- I don't know

Aria- I'll come see you and Estelle soon, I love you Alison.

Alison- thanks aria love you too

End of texts

I look over at Alison who's looking at the road, "so aria forgave you" I say ignoring the part about me. She nods her head and continues to drive. The hours go by quickly because I could stare at Alison all day. "How long?" I ask because she has the directions on her phone, "an hour" she says and glances in the mirror to look at Estelle who's been perfect this whole ride. She's awake now and staring out the window.

I nervously put my hand over Alison's thigh and she glances down and then looks back to the road. She lays her hand over mine and I flip mine over and we interlace fingers.

We're finally at my moms and I'm extremely nervous. She doesn't know Alison is coming and she doesn't even know Estelle exists. I don't have her on any of my social medias and neither does Alison. I look over at Alison who's face is extremely red as we sit in the driveway and I pull my hand away from hers. I lean over and kiss her quickly but I guess she was surprised because she didn't kiss back, "I'll be right back" I tell Alison and Estelle and open the car door.

I knock on my moms door and she opens it, "Emily!" She squeals and pulls me into a huge hug. "Hey mom" I say while still getting squeezed. "Come in, come in" she says opening the door and I stand there, "I brought someone with me" I say nervously and she looks at me confused. I look back at Alison who's staring at me and she opens the door. She walks around the car and unstraps Estelle and Estelle runs to me. "Emily who's this?" My mom asks totally confused. She still doesn't know Alison's here because she didn't look out to see her. "This is my daughter Estelle" I tell her and pick up Estelle and swing her on my hips. "What!?" She questions confused and Alison slowly walks up behind me in a short pink flower dress and curled hair. "Emily?!" My mom shouts again wanting answers when she looks at Alison with disgust. "Alison's my wife" I say looking back at Alison who's standing there awkward. One of Alison's arms are bent and it's holding the other one that's straight and she looks so cute. My mothers eyes get wide and she looks at Estelle, "why didn't you tell me you married Alison!?" My mom asks loudly and stares at Estelle who looks scared. "Your never around anymore" I say quietly and my mom opens up her door for us to come in so I walk in followed by Alison. "Hi Mrs. Fields" Alison mumbles as she walks past my mother, "hello Alison" my mom says disappointed. I take a seat on my mothers couch and Alison sits as close as possible. Estelle climbs off of me and crawls into Alison's arms. "I love you" Estelle whispers and cuddles into Alison, "I love you too sweetie" she replies and my mom sits in the seat across from us.

"How old is she?" My mom questions quietly and I look over at Estelle, "about to be five" I respond and when I look back over my moms shaking her head, "who's baby?" She asks, "both of ours" Alison speaks up before I could say her name and I interlace our fingers. "Who gave birth?" My mom mumbles, "Alison" I reply and she nods her head, "I had a feeling" she says and I get offended and Alison does too, "what does that mean?" Alison stutters looking down at Estelle who's eyes are closed as she pretends to sleep. "You had a husband is that correct?" My mom says and Alison nods her head sad.

"How long have you two been married?" My mom questions an I let Alison answer, "a few years" my mom looks down. "Why don't you guys get some rest you were driving a long time" my mom suggests and Alison nods her head and I lead her up to the guest bedroom. She lays Estelle on the bed and begins to walk out but I stop her, "where are you going?" I question not wanting her to talk to my mom, "I'm going to get my things Emily, don't worry I won't speak to your mother." She snaps angrily and shoves past me. She walks down the steps and I head the door open and close. I look out the door and see my mom watching me, "what?" I ask and she folds her arms. "What a lovely marriage, Alison clearly is still controlling you just like before." My mom says after a few minutes and my whole body gets tense, "no she's not she changed" I tell my mom quietly, "she still acts the same and your clearly unhappy. What are you doing with her? Taking care of her child, that's not your responsibility Emily you deserve better then this!" My mom tells me and I don't believe any of it. "Just think of how much happier you could be with someone else, this child I'm sure she's sweet now but she'll grow up to be a brat just like Alison" my mom adds and I stand there. "Stop talking" I mumble and I hear the main door slam shut. I look down and don't see anyone so I run down the steps and bust out the door. I see Alison getting in her car, "Ali, wait!" I shout running over to her, "you deserve better Emily, I'm not your responsibility and neither is Estelle. Find someone better, I know you can." Alison mumbles and it's clear she heard my mom talking. "Alison I didn't listen to anything of what my mom was saying, I love you so much." I tell her walking closer to her. I stand in front of her and shut the door behind her and wrap my arms around her. "Your mom hates me" she cries into my shoulder and I rub her back.

After Alison calms down we walk back in and see my mom sitting at the kitchen table. Alison glances over but quickly looks away afraid and we start towards the stairs, "Emily come here" my mom says to me and I look at Alison who lets go of my hand and starts to walk away, "you too Alison" my mom adds and Alison turns around nervously staring at me.

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