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Taytum and Estelle⬆️

8 months later..

Emily's POV

Here I am, after everything I've been through, here I am standing with the woman I love. Watching as our family grows before our eyes. Still changing diapers, still teaching our kids new things everyday, still having each other.

"Em can you come here?" Alison shouts from the twins room. "Yeah?" I ask as I walk in. "What do you think?" She asks and holds up Taytum. "Cute" I say looking at the adorable outfit. "And?" She asks after she lays down Taytum and holds up Oakley. "Perfect" I tell her and she smiles.

Today is Stella's swim meet, it's the first of the season and Ali is super excited probably more excited then Stella herself. "Stella!" Ali shouts and Stella walks in with hope in her arms. "Yeah?" She asks and sets down Hope. "Come take a picture with one of the twins" Ali says and Stella walks over.

Stella has been acting a lot better. She has a few friends, like three or four but it kinda reminds me of us when we were young. She has a blonde friend, pretty funny, and a really smart friend, and then just an average little girl, kinda like me. She's not mean anymore but she is bossy.

Stella picks up Taytum and takes a few pictures with her. I grab Oakley and head downstairs leaving Hope with Ali. "Whatcha doing?" I ask Elizabeth as I walk into her room. "Nothing" she mumbles and plays with her toys. "Oaky wanted to say hi" I mumble and Elizabeth smiles and waves. Oakley stumbles over to Elizabeth and into her arm.

Alison's POV

"How adorable are my little angels!" I squeal looking at Stella and Taytum. I'm holding Hope in one arm and a camera with the other.

When I finish taking pictures I set Hope down with Stella and run to Emily. "Look at how adorable this picture is!" I squeal as I show Emily a perfect picture. "Yeah it's great" she replies and smiles at me.

"Five minutes!" I shout through the house. I put Taytum and Oakley in their car seats and put them both in back of the van. Elizabeth sits in a booster seat in the middle of the twins and Elizabeth sits in front of Oakley and Stella sits in front of Taytum with Hope in the middle. "You all strapped?" Emily asks as she gets into the front seat. I close Elizabeth's door and hop into the passengers seat.

When we get to the swim meet I take the twins in the strollers as I hold Hope in one arm and push the strollers in another and Elizabeth walks next to me. "Good luck sweetie I love you" I say to Stella and hug her. "Thanks" she mumbles and throws her bag over her shoulder. "Good luck" I tell Emily and she pecks my lips.

I sit at the bottom of the stands and move Taytum and Oakleys stroller so it's facing the pool. Hope sits on my lap and Elizabeth sits in between me and the strollers.

"Oh my god you're babies are adorable!" A lady compliments me and I smile. "Ah thank you" I tell her and she plays with Taytums feet. "How old?" She asks. "One and half" I reply and she smiles at both the twins. "Do you have another kid swimming today?" She asks and I nod. "My wife's the coach" I inform her and she nods her facial expressions change. "So Estelle is you kid?" She questions. "Yeah" I respond and she continues to nod. "Oh well um good luck!" She mumbles and walks away.

Probably some jealous parent, doesn't bother me. "Your sissys coming on soon girls!" I squeal and rub Elizabeth's head. I look over at the twins who continue smiling at everyone who walks by and attempting to wave at everyone. They're hilarious.

"Oh look there's Stella!" I tell the girls and point to Stella in her swimsuit. "Look how cute she is!" I squeal and Hope giggles. I see Emily walk out in her coach uniform and I smile and wave at her.

Emily's POV

Stella crushed the swim meet. She got first in everything she did, like usual. Alison was cheering the whole time she looked a little crazy but I loved it.

"Good job hunny you did amazing!" Alison tells Estelle when she meets us outside. "Thanks" she mumbles and puts her bag in the trunk. Emily helps me get the twins into their car seats and get everyone strapped.

"Where do you want to go to eat Stell?" I ask and Stella shrugs and looks out the window. "What's wrong?" I ask and turn to face her while Emily drives. "Nothing" she replies and clearly lies. "You don't want to go out to eat anywhere?" Emily asks and Estelle looks up front. "Um, I don't care. Ask liz or something" she stutters her words.

I turn back around and face forward. "Liz where do you want to go?" I ask. "Pizza" she tells me classic answer. Emily smiles through the mirror at Elizabeth. "Great choice" she giggles and continues driving.

After we go out to eat we head home. "Can Auntie Aria come over?" Elizabeth asks and I shrug. "Maybe" I tell her and she smiles. When we pull into the drive way I open Stella's door and she unstraps and gets out not saying a word.

Emily and I each grab a car seat and carry the twins in. Hope and Elizabeth walk behind us. "I'll go talk to her" I mumble and set Oakley down on the counter. "Kay" Emily says and sets Taytum next to Oakley.

I go upstairs and catch Stella's door before it slams. "Hunny, what's bothering you?" I ask and she sighs and sits in her chair. "I said nothing" she replies and I roll my eyes. "It's not good to lie" I say and she looks down at her feet. "Stupid Ashley made fun of me because you and momma" she says and I crease my eye brows. "What do you mean because me and momma?" I question. "Everyone says it's cool to have two moms but Ashley always makes fun of me. She says you guys are going to hell, and so am I. She's just such a bitch" she sighs and my eyes go wide. "First off watch your language and second of she does sound like such a bitch" I mumble and she laughs. "I hate middle school" she complains and I nod. "It sucks. It'll get better I promise" I tell her and she nods. "I hope" she replies.

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