Starting over

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5 months later...

Emily's POV

"Stella! Time for school!" I shout. A few seconds pass before Estelle comes running own the stairs. She's wearing jeans and a cute t-shirt. "You ready sweet heart?" I ask and she nods her head as she hits the last step.

"Ali were leaving!" I shout making sure she can here me. "Come on" I say to Estelle holding my hand out. She grabs it and we walk out the door.

Estelle is eight years old, it's so crazy how fast the time went by. Elizabeth is now a year old. I've been starting to think about another child but I know Alison hasn't thought about it at all.

"Have a good day at school hunny" I tell Estelle as I drop her in her elementary school classroom.

We now live in Cleveland, Ohio. Alison and I got a gorgeous home, just outside of the city. I'll admit it's a lot different then rosewood and I'm feeling a little homesick but I'll get used to it.

Alison got a job teaching at a high school, completely opposite from Estelle's elementary school. I got a job working as the gym teacher at Estelle's school. I like my job, but being around kids all day is tiring. Elizabeth has a babysitter for the week days, her names Aria.

Yes, it is the aria you're thinking of. She also moved to Cleveland, she found an apartment minutes away from our house and we see here every day. She kinda fell when Jason died and Alison understood that because she fell too. Ali goes to consoling for her anger issues and has to take medication for her depression. Lets just say she hasn't been the best lately. But she is getting better.

The day goes by as usual, kids after kids. Estelle's class is the last class I have for the day. Estelle walks past me as the rest of her class piles into the gym. Usually she says hi to me but she kinda just ignored me.

I let them play a game before the class ends and like always it's chaos. No one follows the rules no matter how many times I tell them. I watch Estelle run from another girl making sure she's alright. Estelle starts to slow down and the other girl speeds up. She knocks Estelle from behind and sends Estelle crashing to the floor face first.

I quickly run over to Estelle and help her up. She has a big cut on the top of her nose and bloods flowing down her face. "Are you alright?" I ask in a panic, Alison is going to kill me. "I'm fine" Estelle says and she rejects my hand and stands up. "Lets go get a bandaid." I tell her and she brings her fingers up to her face and feels the blood.

"Moms gonna kill me" she mumbles and I pull her into a hug. "It wasn't your fault" I assure her and she hugs me back for a second then pulls away. I walk her over to my office making sure I watch the other kids play safely. "The bandaids are on my desk I gotta watch the class you can get them" I tell Estelle as I open up the door to my office. She walks in and a few kids see her.

They run over exiting the game that was going on. "Hey you said no one aloud in your office!" The snotty girl that pushed Estelle down says to me.

Estelle opens the door back open holding a bandaid. I ignore the girls standing in front of me and I help Estelle put on a bandaid.

Estelle has been having trouble adjusting to the new school. Girls are mean to her. Most of the children that go here have families with lots of money. It's a private school and the only reason Estelle goes is because I work here.

Alison's POV

"Have a good day Mrs. DiLaurentis" one of my students say. "You too" I reply as the last class walks out. I pack up all my papers and head out.

Emily's making me go to consoling and it's stupid. I'm fine, well I'm better. I'm suppose to be going today but I'm tired and listening to someone tell me how to act isn't going to help.

I drive straight home and see Emily's car in the drive way. Along with aria's. I grab my bag and open up the car door shutting it once I'm out. The minute I walk in I hear screaming from Emily. I can't even understand what she's saying so I set my things down on the table and walk into the living room where the yelling is coming from.

"Em what's going on?" I ask and catch Emily just before she's about to yell again. I look past her and see aria with tears flowing. "Aria left Elizabeth alone and she ended up falling, cutting up her leg and now she has a big bruise on her face!" Emily tells me and I crease my eyebrows. God she's overreacting. "Em calm down, I'm sure it wasn't on purpose." I tell her and she throws her phone across the room and storms out.

I see aria with her face buried in her hands as she cries. "Aria i don't know what's going on with her today. Don't worry about it, I don't know how many times Elizabeth has fallen." I tell aria and she lifts up her head. She wipes away the tears and grabs her bag sitting next to her. She stands up, "tell Emily I'm sorry again. I'll see you tomorrow" aria rushes to say and walks past me.

The door opens and closes. And I'm the one that needs consoling, Funny. I find my way upstairs and I check in Elizabeth's room. I see her laying down a bandaid on her knee and a small little bruise on her forehead. She's fine. I rub her belly and kiss her cheek as she sleeps.

I find my way back to Emily's room and see her laying on the bed with her hands over her forehead. "What's going on em?" I ask and she huffs. "I don't know" she tells me and rolls over on her stomach. "I've just been so angry lately at everyone" she sighs and I sit on the edge of the bed close to where she's laying. I rub her back softly and look at her gorgeous hair. Her head it facing me, her eyes are closed and she looks stressed.

"I'm gonna go make dinner" I tell her after a few minutes and she nods slightly. I look around for Estelle and I find her in front of the tv. "Everything okay?" I ask and she turns her head and looks at me. "Yeah" she sighs and turns back to the tv. I notice she has a bandaid on her nose with blood soaking through.

"What happened?" I question as I walk over to the couch and sit next to her. "Maddie pushed me today" she tells me. "What! Does you're mother know?" I ask shocked. "It was in gym she saw" she tells me and I get angry. Maybe that's why Emily's so upset today. "What'd she do?" I continue to ask her questions. "Nothing, she gave me a bandaid. I'm fine" she tells me and I nod. "The girls at my school are mean. I miss my old school." She sighs and stares at the tv. "I know" I say and run my hand down her hair. "But you're the most gorgeous girl, don't let anyone tell you different. You're sweet, talented, smart, funny, beautiful, and way better then all of those mean girls." I assure her and she shrugs her shoulders. "Yeah" she sighs wanting me to get out of her skin.

"Wanna help me make dinner?" I ask and she clicks the button on the tv and pops up from the couch. She loves helping me cook. I follow her into the kitchen and ask her opinions on what we should make.

Emily's POV

"Momma it's time for dinner!" I hear Estelle shout from downstairs. I slowly get up from the bed and grab Elizabeth out of her crib.

I walk down the steps and make my way into the kitchen. "Smells delicious" I say. "It's your favorite." Estelle squeals and runs over to the kitchen table and pulls out a chair. She slides her little body into the seat and waits for Alison to bring the pizza to the table.

We all eat the delicious pizza Ali and Estelle made. Even Elizabeth loved it. Ali kinda played around with it not really eating much. "You gonna finish that?" I ask and she shakes her head. She lifts up her plate and hands it to me. I smile and eat the rest of the pizza on her plate.

"Sorry for the yelling earlier" I apologize to Estelle and Ali. "It's okay" Estelle shrugs and I smile as I look back down at the table. "I love you all" I say to everyone in the room. "We love you too" Ali says and Estelle jumps up from her chair and runs over to mine. "I love you" she mumbles and hugs me from my waist.

Even though both Ali and I have problems, I wouldn't trade this life for anything. I'm finally happy, I get annoyed and upset. I have bad days but I'm happy with Ali.

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