Why me?

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Emily's POV

I look down at Alison who's crying in the bed and I click on Paige's name. "Why are you talking to Paige?" I question confused. She doesn't answer so I just scroll up to the top of their messages and start reading.


Paige- I know what you did

Alison- who is this?

Paige- it's Paige Alison and I know everything about your lie.

Alison- what lie..?

Paige- how Estelle belongs to Ezra

Alison- what?

Paige- I know who her real father is stop acting dumb.

Alison- leave me alone

Paige- then tell Estelle about her real daddy

Alison- why!?

Paige- do it or I'll tell Emily.

End of texts

I look up and Alison who's hands are covering her face as she cries. "What is she talking about?" I ask nervous as tears beg to come out. She shakes her head and I throw her phone at her hard. She grabs her phone up from her stomach and wipes her tears off and looks at the screen. "I told her I told Estelle but I didn't. Estelle won't understand" she mumbles and turns her phone off. "I will Alison now tell me what she's talking about!" I say my voice growing louder. "I can't..." she stutters and I get angry. "Of course" I say rolling my eyes about to cry. I walk to the door and open it quickly. I look back at Alison who's falling apart and all I want to do is be able to comfort her but she keeps lying. I turn around and slam the door as loud as I could and I could her Alison's sobs getting louder.

I storm down the stairs but I don't even think about leaving, not again. I scream as loud as I can and shove my face into a pillow on the couch. "Mommy?" Estelle questions standing in front of me. "Estelle, sorry" I stutter wiping the tears away. "You leave again?" She asks and a lump forms in my throat thinking about how she must have felt. "No" I whisper and grab her. "I love you so much" I mumble and she pulls away after a long hug. "You love momma?" She asks and without hesitation I nod my head.

Alison's POV

After Emily walks out I get a text. I lift up my phone and it's Paige.


Paige- break up with Emily or I'll tell everyone you what happened and I will tell them who did it.

Alison- please just leave me alone..

Paige- you have a week or everyone knows your secret!

End of texts

I look up from my phone and panic, I can't lose Emily but no one can know what happened. I don't know what to do why is Paige doing this?

Emily's POV

Estelle and I were interrupted by the door being shut. I stand up and see Hanna standing there, I haven't seen her since Paris. I run to her and jump into her arms.

"Where have you been?" I question and she sighs and sets down her keys on Alison's countertop when we walk into the kitchen. "I started a fashion business with Lucas out in philly" she says. "Congratulations" I smile and she nods. She looks over at Estelle who's biting her fingers in the doorway of the kitchen. Hanna runs over and swings her into her arms. "I missed you kid" she mumbles while hugging Estelle.

After Estelle and Hanna finish talking Estelle goes to her room and plays. "So how are you an ali?" Hanna questions sitting in the seat across from me at the table. "Not so good.." I mumble putting my elbow on the table and letting my head sit on my hand. "I left right after we came back from Paris. I stayed with Paige for a few months and I just now came back home.." I tell Hanna. "Why'd you leave?" Hanna questions like she doesn't know the answer. "Alison said Ezra was Estelle's father." I state and Hanna sits up confused. "No he's not?" She says confused. "Who is then!?"I question and she looks down. "I never wanted to hurt you and Alison's relationship Emily. I heard Alison talking on the phone to someone and she mentioned Estelle's father, and I'm positive she didn't say it was Ezra." She says and I lean upward. "Who is?" I ask and Hanna looks around. "I think she needs to tell you that Emily" she sighs and I nod my head. I stand up and walk towards the staircase.

I stand by Alison's door and question whether I should go in or not. I roll my eyes at myself and I whip open the door. I slowly shut it and walk over to Alison who's facing the wall under blankets. "Ali?" I whisper and she looks up. "Please just tell me nothing can be worst then Estelle's father being Ezra" I mumble and sit on the bed facing her. "E-Emily I was raped" she stutters and my heart shatters. "What!?" I whisper shout and she sobs harder.

Why didn't she just tell me the truth. I'm angry that she didn't tell me the first time she talked about her pregnancy."Why didn't you just tell me?" I question and she sits up. "It's embarrassing Emily and I don't want to even think about it anymore I guess I just wanted to make up a new story so the real one would stay hidden... I'm sorry" she mumbles and I shake my head. "You know you don't have to be embarrassed with me, I would've understood and I do understand. But you let me leave you and all you had to do was tell me the truth and I would've came back. You would've rather lost me forever then tell me the truth?" I whisper with tears flowing. "I knew you would come back Emily even if it took you a long time" she replies and I nod my head knowing she's right. "Why Ezra? Aria is your best friend, or was.." I question and she looks up. "I panicked.. you kept asking and the first guy that came to mind was him. I didn't want to lose you or aria and Aria was asking and I had to tell her the same story, I couldn't just change it. Oh my god I probably ruined Ezra's life.." she stutters and slams her face into her hands. "Please tell aria the truth. You can trust her.." I tell her and she shrugs. "No point now she won't even answer my texts or calls she hates me" she mumbles and I shake my head. "Don't you give up on her Alison" I state and she nods her head wiping a tear with the back of her hand. I grab a hold of Alison and she hugs back tightly. "I'm always going to be here for you babe you can come to me with anything." I whisper to Alison while holding her. "I love you" she whispers back and I hug a little more tighter, "I love you too" I mumble and we release each other's grip.

Alison's POV

It took me four years to tell Emily the truth, and it was horrible when I did tell her. We didn't even get to the part of "who was it?" "Why?" "Where?" And I already regret telling Emily. Although I know Emily is always there for me and won't judge I still question if I should've told her. I love Emily with all of my heart and I tell her everything but this, this is different. I didn't tell her because I was ready I told her because she forced it out of me. I ruined Ezra and Aria's lives and I can't live with myself knowing I'm responsible. Aria's coming to Rosewood tomorrow and Emily told her it was just for her and Emily but I'm going to be there..

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