I'm only happy with you

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Alison's POV

"You gonna live with us still?" Estelle's asks and Emily looks up at me. "No but I'll come visit you I promise" she tells Estelle's and my heart shatters. "why not" Estelle cries and Emily shrugs. "You hungry?" Emily questions Estelle sniffling trying to change the subject. "Yeah mommy make me pancakes?" She asks Emily and she points at me. "Ask her" Emily shrugs and Estelle hobbles over to me. "Lets go baby" I say and grab her hand.

On my way out my hand brushes over Emily's shoulder which causes her to flinch. I walk down with Estelle knowing Emily is staring at me.

I make breakfast with Estelle and I make a plate for Emily. "Emily time for breakfast!" I shout as I set down the plates with pancakes on them. After twenty seconds Emily still doesn't come down. "Wait here hunny don't eat yet I'll be right back okay?" I tell Estelle and she nods her head as she plays with her iPad. I run up the steps and see Emily in the same place she was when I left. "It's time for-" I start to say but she cuts me off, "I heard you." I roll my eyes and walk over so she can see me. "Come on then" I say taking her hand that's cold and she slowly gets up and I drag her downstairs.

After eating the most awkward meal ever Emily walks back upstairs and Estelle follows. I sit alone at the table and think. Emily isn't doing anything wrong I'm just not happy anymore, I know some of this is coming from what happened to me. She tries too hard and I just need space from everyone even Emily. I love Emily and I always thought and hoped I'd be with her till the end and I still want that but things are so hard. Estelle's attached to Emily and Emily's attached to her and I don't want to ruin that relationship it'll destroy both of them but I need to start thinking about myself. This whole time I was worried about what Emily needed I didn't even stop and think about myself. She left me because she thought I slept with Ezra, but I didn't. She latched onto Paige like it was nothing and when she realized I was never going to stop trying she just gave up. Emily has someone she can escape to I don't I know I'm the one ending this but I still don't know what I'll do without her.

I didn't realize I was crying my eyes out until I hear a thud and get brought out of my thoughts. I look around and here Estelle screaming. I franticly get up and run as fast as I possibly could up the stairs. I run into Estelle's room and Emily's on the floor and bloods streaming from her head. "What happened!" I scream and run over to Emily who's on the ground holding her head. "Are you okay!?" I ask panicked and she nods her head. "Mommy she fell and hit her head on my bed" Estelle mumbles with tears flowing. "I'm fine" Emily stutters and I sit her up. I look at her head and shake my head, "no your not" I mumble and accidentally touch her head and she sighs with pain. "Sorry" I whisper and hug her from the side. I help her up and she's really dizzy. "I can go to Spencer's house for the night I'll be fine" Emily mutters and I roll my eyes, "your staying here babe" I say and realize I kinda broke up with her.

"I didn't mean-" I start but she cuts me off, "yeah." I walk her into my room and lay her on the bed. "Is mommy gonna be okay?" Estelle mumbles and I nod my head as I walk to her outside of my room and shut the door behind me. "She'll be fine" I tell her and she bits her lip, "are you excited to go to daycare soon?" I ask her to change the subject. I go back to teaching in a few days an Emily does too. "No I'm gonna miss you and mommy" she mumbles and I kneel down, "did I hurt mommy? She was bleeding and I didn't mean to I was-" she starts to mutter but I stop her, "this wasn't your fault Estelle it's okay she just fell" I tell her and give her a hug. "Why you not love mommy no more?" Estelle asks while hugging me and I don't respond. I don't even know what to think anymore.

Emily sleeps the whole day and I occasionally check up on her. Me and Estelle played outside and we watched some tv but our day was pretty boring without Emily. It's nine right now so I should probably get Estelle to bed, "time for bed sweetie" I say and she shakes her head. "One more movie" she mumbles her head still turned to the tv. "Estelle it's your bedtime" I say my voice changing. "Momma" she sighs and I grab the remote and turn of the tv, "hey!" She shouts and throws her toy she was holding and it ends up knocking a picture of Emily and I down from our wedding and it shatters all over the floor. "Estelle Marie!" I shout and she folds her arms angrily. "You're mean!" She screams and gets up. "Hey get back here Estelle!" I shout as she runs up the stairs. "No I'm not listening to you no more!" She snaps and I hear her door slam. She's only four years old and she's already acting like I did when I was in middle school..

I walk over to the shatter glass and I bend down to pick it up. I pick up the big pieces and go to get the broom to sweep up the rest. After I'm finished I set the broom back and walk over to where the picture sits on the floor. I kneel down and turn it over while picking it up. I stare at myself and realize I've never been more happy. I look over at Emily and see beauty that I will never find in anyone else. I set my thumb over Emily's body and look at the picture without her. It looks empty even though I'm smiling, without her I would feel empty so I move my hand over and brush my fingers over Emily. A tear drops on the picture so I set it on the table and walk upstairs.

When I open my bedroom door Emily looks like she's asleep. I already had my pajamas on so I didn't have to change. I climb into bed and get somewhat close to Emily. She reaches over for me and pulls me close. I don't reject her I just let her hold me and I hold her back.

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