Hold me tight

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Emily's POV

Last night I found out my mother has cancer. I know she's strong, she'll fight, but what if it's too much. I pushed Alison away today because I can't deal with anyone. I'm definitely going out to see her this week I'll have to book a flight, there's no way I'm driving that far again. I don't really care if Alison and the girls go, but I actually don't want them to. I want time with my mom alone. Even though I know Alison would help a lot, I want to do this on my own.

"Emily, can I come cuddle?" I hear Alison whisper and I nod my head even though I'm facing the opposite way. Obviously she saw me move it slightly because she jumped on the bed and wraps her arms around me. "I know how this feels" she tells me but she doesn't. She has been through so much more then I will ever have to go through and I won't deny that. She lost her mom out of no where, she lost her sister out of no where, and they both were viciously murdered. That's hard. I know I lost my dad out of no where and it still hurts to this day but Ali, her dad doesn't care anymore. At least I knew he cared about me and loved me all Alison has is me, Estelle, and Elizabeth and occasionally the other girls.

"I'm sorry" I whisper to her regretting the way I treated her today and her grip on me loosens. "Why?" She questions shocked and I turn my body to face her. "Pushing you away today" I tell her and she shakes her head and kisses me softly, although it was short it was needed. She wraps her arms around my neck and holds me.

Usually I'd be the one holding her, now I know how good this feels. I've never loved someone as much as I have ever loved Alison even from the beginning the love I had for her was painfully strong.

Alison's POV

This is why I love Emily, she so sweet. She apologizes to me even when it's not necessary and it's amazing.

(Baby cries)

I throw my head back and sigh. I kiss Emily on the forehead and wiggle out of our strong connection, "no" Emily whines and grabs my arm. "Please don't leave" she begs and I slide her hand down my arm and hold it tightly. "I'll be right back, I have to go get Elizabeth" I inform her and she lets go. "Bring her in here?" She asks softly and I nod and run out to get Elizabeth.

The minute I pick her up the cries stop immediately and I let out a breath of relief and bring her back into my room.

I gently climb onto the bed holding Elizabeth and lay her down in between Emily and I. "She's so gorgeous" Emily whispers sad and I kiss her cheek as she stares down at Elizabeth. I use my palm to crease the side of Emily's face and move my thumb up and down her cheek. I stare at her and I smile to myself knowing, I did it. I got the girl of my dreams, how luckier could i have gotten. Emily's eyes slowly move up towards mine and they connect.

We stare at each other for a few minutes then I move to check the clock on the bed stand. I give Emily an apologetic look, "I got to pick up Estelle" I tell her and she closes her eyes, "hurry back" she huffs and I look at both her and Elizabeth and get up from the bed.

I take my time driving to the school and once I get there, I see Estelle standing there with her book bag on her back and her cute little smile. She rushes over to my car and opens the door, "hi mom" she says happily and I smile. "Hey sweetie how was school?" I ask. "Fun" she mumble and smiles at me through my mirror. She's such a cutie oh my gosh I can't take it. She makes me so much more happy and today has sucked so far and she made it ten times better.

When I pull into the driveway Estelle unstraps herself and hops out of the car running inside. "Slow down, you don't want to fall!" I yell after her and she doesn't listen. When she gets to the last stair she doesn't take a long enough step and trips. I giggle to myself after I knew she was okay, next time maybe she'll listen.

"Come on" I laugh and she sits on the porch with her arms crossed. "I'll race you upstairs" I tell her trying to make her excited and it works. She jumps up and runs into the house and up the stairs. Hah I just told her to slow down and now that she's fallen I tell her to get back up and run faster. I hurry behind her and when she reaches half way I'm able to cut ahead of her and I dart up the last few steps and once I reach the top Im out of breath and she runs up. "I'll win next time" she says confident and I smile and nod my head. "Where's mommy?" Estelle asks and I point into my room and she makes her way inside.

"Hi mommy" she says happily and hops onto the bed. Emily's eyes open and she looks at Estelle and smiles slightly but then her eyes move to mine and she reaches her arms out. "Elizabeth's awake!" Estelle squeals and I climb onto the bed and look down at Elizabeth who's peacefully just staring up at the ceiling. I hug Emily over Elizabeth and it lasted about two seconds because Estelle pushes in between us. "You can't hug no one else but me mom, remember" Estelle reminds me of the time I told her that and I grab under her armpits and set her down by my side, next to Elizabeth, and put my arm around her and it touches Emily's head.

I look down and see Elizabeth holding a few of Estelle's fingers and Estelle smiling down at her. "So Estelle we're going to go see grandm-" I start to say but I'm cut off, "Ali" Emily grunts and I realize she doesn't want Estelle knowing yet. "What?" Estelle asks and I shake my head, "never mind" I say and Estelle's eyes fall back on Elizabeth.

I look over at Emily over Estelle's head and I see her looking at Estelle and Elizabeth, she doesn't look happy anymore. I know some of its about her mom but if I were her I'd want to have my wife and children cuddled up next to me. "Em" I mumble and she looks up with her chocolate brown eyes. "Let's get away from here" I tell her seriously and she looks down ignoring what I said.

The rest of the day was boring. We cuddled for a few more minutes but Elizabeth started crying so I fed her and then cooked dinner. I watched both Elizabeth and Estelle while Emily stayed upstairs.

I tuck in Estelle and kiss her forehead, "go to sleep, I love you" I whisper and shut of the lights. "Love you" she whispers back as I shut the door leaving it cracked. I go into Elizabeth's room and set her in her crib softly. "Goodnight" I whisper and kiss her forehead as well. It's not so much of a 'goodnight' I'll be woken up in an hour to feed her.

Once I leave Elizabeth room I go back into mine and Emily's on her phone. "How ya feeling?" I ask and plop onto the bed. "Okay" she says and sets her phone down on the table. "I want to go to Texas alone" she tells me and I sit up. "Why?" I ask confused why would she want her family staying home as she goes through this? It's not fair. "I just need time alone, no baby cries, no screaming, no fighting. Just peace and quiet." She tells me and I understand. "Can I at least come? I'll have Spencer watch the kids she'll be okay with that and I'll make sure sh-" I start ranting but Emily interrupts. "I want to go alone" she repeats herself and I nod my head. "I just don't think you can do this alone" I say and she grabs my sides and pulls me down by her. "I'll be fine" she assures me and it's not so assuring at all. "When?" I ask and she looks down. "Tomorrow or the next day, as soon as possible" she tells me and I nod my head, "how long?" I question. "As long as I can, until she gets better or.." she trails off and my eyes get wide. "That could be a few months from now" I inform her and she rubs my arm. "It's okay, you'll be fine without me for a few months" she tells me and I don't believe her but I don't show it.

I turn my body over and kiss her softly and passionate and she just barely kisses back so I back away. I lay on the side of her and hold her as tight as possible as she stairs up at the ceiling. "You're my everything" I tell her and she turns her body to face me, "and you're my everything" she repeats me and I smile as she closes her eyes.

[ AU: what do you guys think about a sashay book?? I've been thinking about it, comment your thoughts! ]

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